Chapter 22 ~ Dinner Date Disaster

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Author's Note:

Apologies for not updating in almost two weeks, midterms were in the way but that's done and finish. I'm still trying to work out my schedule and i'm trying to update once a week. Sorry for any mistakes and for this not being my best work, i'll edit it later. But enjoy.

Chapter 22 ~ Dinner Date Disaster

-Carolin's POV-


I roughly jabbed my fork into the lasagna my eyes on my mother's boyfriend. Everette was staring at me as I did so looking a bit disturbed at my eerie silence.


Once again, I stabbed my fork into my food making such a mess of pasta, cheese and sauce.

"Sweetie, quit playing with your food and actually eat." Mom scolds.

I roll my eyes eating a forkful of lasagna. James smirked at my direction eating his food as well before clearing his throat.

"Speaking of actually eating, Everette, it seems that you haven't touch your food. Why not?" He questions.

"Don't get me wrong, everything Arielle made looks delicious but it's too much, don't you think?" He questions looking down at his plate.

"So in other words, you don't appreciate how hard our mother work to make you these hours worth of food?" I intervene.

"That's not what I meant-"

"That's how it seems." James cut him off. "You know, our father would've at least eaten a small portion of each dish but I guess not everyone appreciates our mother the way he did."

"James, Carolin! Enough." Mother snapped glaring at us, her eyes shifts to Everette softening when they make eye contact. "I apologize for their rude behavior, these two really hate to see me with someone other than David."

"Understandable." He waves off placing his hand over hers. "Trust me, this doesn't bother me, i'm sure they'll eventually warm up to me."

James muffled a laugh as he leans towards me to whisper in my ear. "Doubt it."

I nodded my head in agreement, he's talking about us as if we weren't in the same room as him. The way he had said it comes off as too confident like he was sure he'll win us over, doubtful.

I made sure to smile before saying anything but the smile didn't quite reach my eyes. "You're right, Everette, we will.. warm up to you eventually. That's why were asking so much questions to get to know you better."

He smiled at my response, "Very well, what do you want to know?"

I shrug, "Let's start with hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?"

My mother smiles at me, she had a thankful look on her face because of my efforts to be nice to her boyfriend. Everette smiles too, taking a moment to think. "Actually I enjoy writing or painting during my free time."

"Nice, our dad loves to paint by the way. But he mostly loves to take photographs during his free time, he's the reason why I got into photography myself." I mumbled to myself, James spared me a look for a second.

Everette seemed to have heard what I had said. "Photographs? Arielle you didn't tell me that your daughter had an eye for photography." He smiles at mother. "Show me some of your photographs, I bet they're excellent."

"Oh Everette, flattery will get you nowhere." I scoff stabbing my fork into my lasagna causing him to flinch back in his seat. "My work is shown to family only."

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