Chapter 35 ~ Call It Anything But Love

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Author's Note:
Hey guys! So I know it's been a really long time since I have updated this book but I have been busy with school and college applications. Anyways I will do my best to update a lot more frequently than I had in the pass but once again, I have clarified that this book will have some really slow updates so please bare with me. Anyways sorry if this chapter isn't my best once again I have been busy. But anyways remember to vote and comment cause that'll give me more motivation to write. Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 35 ~ Call It Anything But Love

-Carolin's POV-

"Awe c'mon, please tell me." Reagan begs once again. "Pretty please."

I roll my eyes as she batted her long curled eyelashes at me. "As I have said before there is nothing to tell you."

"Yeah right, I saw that bouquet of roses in the kitchen so don't give me that bullshit. C'mon spill, who gave them to you?" She asks slamming my locker shut after I was done gathering my books for bio.

"Jesus, Reagan, you almost slammed the locker on my hand." I shriek stepping back from the metal locker, shooting a glare at the bright eyed girl in front of me.

She flash me an innocent smile quickly muttering an apology. "Sorry okay? Now don't go changing the subject, who gave you those beautiful roses?"

I let out a sigh, I gotta hand it to this girl she sure is persistent. "It was Matt." I mutter under my breath hoping that she didn't ask me to repeat myself.

Her smile drop at my answer and she blinks several times in complete shock. "I'm sorry what?" She questions. "Can you repeat that to me again?"

"It was Matt okay? He was the one that gave them to me." I repeat avoiding the intensity of her brown eyes.

Reagan plants her hands on my shoulders forcing me to make eye contact. "What!? Matt gave you those roses!... Wait does that mean you're now in contact with him?"

I chew on my bottom lip trying to come up with an escape plan to avoid her question. My eyes moves pass her shoulder, spotting a figure behind her, my escape route. "Oh look Brad's coming this way." I tell her moving out of her grasp and engulfing Brad in a tight hug. "Brad thank god you're here!"

He chuckles wrapping his arms around me, "You seem very happy to see me babe." He smiles before meeting Reagan's eyes.

Reagan glares at me and lets out a huff, "Carolin do not use Brad as an escape route from this. You are not avoiding my question." She warns me.

"What's going on?" Brad asks with a confused expression, keeping his arm around me.

Reagan's brown eyes flickered to Brad before proceeding to tell him what we were discussing before he came in, "Carolin over here may or may not still be in contact with her no good sorry excuse of an ex boyfriend."

"Matt?" He questions in a surprised tone.

Reagan rolls her eyes at him, "No shit captain obvious, who else could it be?" She snap at him before returning her gaze to me. "So is it true?"

I untangled myself from Brad's grasp, tightening my hold on my bag strap. "Can we talk about this later please." I practically begged causing Reagan's hard gaze to soften.

She sighs in defeat, "Alright fine we'll talk later. In that case, we have more important manners to discuss."

"Which is?" I ask as we walk down the hallway towards our biology class.

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