Chapter 17 ~ The Art of Faking It

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Author's Note:

There's a lot of mistakes in here that I will edit later, but for now enjoy the chapter. Carolin Mendez on the side -->

Chapter 17 ~ The Art of Faking It

-Carolin's POV-

Sick to my stomach is what I feel right now, I can't possibly go through with this, there's no way I can pull this off. Maybe there's time to back out of this, but knowing Reagan what's said is done and it would've been a waste of time doing couple preparations for nothing.

I tried calming down but felt a heavy weight drop to the pit of my stomach when Brad parked his car on the side of my house. He rolled down the window with a smile on his face somehow it calmed my nerves down just a bit.

"It's about time, you're a couple of minutes late." Reagan complained hopping into the backseat, leaving me standing frozen in my place.

"I know, but I have an excused." He quickly said.

"Which is?" Reagan asked curiously.

"I brought you girls breakfast." He responded holding up two bags from Dunkin' Donuts. "Hope that makes up for it."

Reagan reached over grabbing one bag with a smile. "Definitely does, you're doing good so far."

Brad peered out the window at me where I was still standing awkwardly on the sidewalk. "Carolin, you coming in?"

I nodded numbly going to the backseat but Reagan nudged me out. "Oh no missy, you have to be in the front." She scolded wagging her finger at me in a disapproving manner. "Brad's your boyfriend remember. We wanna make this believable so go sit with your man."

Sighing in defeat, I opened the passenger door sliding into the seat, Brad looked at me with a worried look. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, just..nervous." I assured him dismissing the topic.

Brad shrugged not wanting to press on which I was thankful for. He left the breakfast that he bought me on my lap and grabbed the two cups of coffee from the cup holders and handed them to Reagan and I. "One french vanilla for Reagan and one carmel mocha latte for Carolin, just how you like it."

Reagan raised her eyebrows in surprise, a grin on her face. "Impressive, I like this fake boyfriend of yours Carolin, a real charmer." She laughed leaning back taking a sip of her coffee. "Now let's head to school before we're late."

Brad placed a comforting hand on my thigh giving it a small squeeze before starting the car. With that reassurance I took a deep breath, I can do this, Brad and Reagan are going to be by my side throughout the whole thing, I can definitely do this.


"Remember to hold hands when you get inside, you two are a couple now make this believable." Reagan reminded us when Brad parked his car in the school parking lot. "Good luck you two, I have faith in you guys. Don't let me down!"

She grabbed her bag running into the school leaving Brad and I inside the car. My thoughts were endless, now that we're actually here my confidence with this washed away. There's no way in hell I can do this, to continue with this crazy idea that Brad had started, what if Michael hurts him again? Maybe even worse than before. I don't think I can bare with myself if that happens.

"You okay?" Brad asked worriedly breaking me out of my countless thoughts.

"Yeah." I responded barely above a whisper, I cleared my throat speaking in a normal tone. "I'm fine."

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