Chapter 38 ~ Happy Birthday!

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Author's Note:
Hey it's been a really long time since I last updated. I've been extremely busy with college and work that I didn't have time to be on here as much anymore. But with the whole quarantine thing going on, I found time to write more and gain motivation to finish this book. I hope you guys are all doing well. Remember to wash your hands. Stay safe you guys xx. And remember to like and comment, enjoy the story!
Chapter 38 ~ Happy Birthday!

-Carolin's POV-

Today is the day I've been dreading. My birthday. The day sure went by so fast. One minute I was in school, the next we were out of school just as quickly. The school day wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. To my disappointment, Lucas wasn't in biology today. Instead, we were greeted by a sub. But the only good thing that came out of the day was that Michael wasn't in school either.

Currently, I am in my bedroom with Reagan deciding on what to wear for the party. Reagan toss yet another dresses onto my bed. "Alright, I think that's all the best options we have to work with." Reagan announce taking a seat right next to me.

I glance at each dress with uncertainty. Staying to Reagan's true style, all the dresses were bold and sexy but also extremely revealing in my opinion. They'll look great on her, but I can't help but feel shy if I were to wear it. "I don't know Reagan, they're all a little too..." I trail off not knowing how to word it.

"Too much?" Reagan question raising a brow.

I shook my head, "More like a little too less. There's hardly any fabric."

Reagan rolls her eyes at my comment, "Oh c'mon, I'm sure we can find something for you. Just keep an open mind babe." She reaches out taking a red skin tight dress, with a v cut that'll expose a lot of cleavage, and criss cross straps in the back. "Here I'll make it easier for you. I'm going to be wearing this one, now you have one less dress to worry about."

"Wow how considerate of you." I sarcastically say, rolling my eyes at her actions.

She laughs shoving me a bit, "Here try this one." She hands me a black mesh dress. Reagan bends down gathering a pair of strappy heels in her hands. "Wear it with these."

I take the dress in my hand, along with the heels, giving it a quick look over. It wasn't too revealing unlike the other dresses, but it wasn't too modest at the same time. I peel my clothes off tossing it on my bed before picking up the black dress. I easily slid into it, I walk over to Reagan gesturing for her to help zip me up. Once she was done she pats my shoulders, smiling at me through the mirror. I slip on the shoes she handed me, standing upright finally see the entire outfit piece together.

"Definitely the one. You look gorgeous babe." She compliments with a wink.

I stare at my reflection in disbelief. Is that me? Reagan was right, I do look gorgeous. The mesh dress stops midway at my thighs, it was both elegant and sexy. It hugs my curves perfectly and gave something for the imagination. A smile crept on my face, this is definitely the dress.

"Wow." Is all I can say.

Reagan giggle, "Told you, you look gorgeous. You're gonna have all heads turning when you walk in."

I smile at that, continuing to stare at my reflection while she begins to change into her dress. For once, I actually believe that. I reach towards my dresser to retrieve the necklace that Brad had gotten for me. I close the clasp allowing the pediment to fall lightly on my chest.

Reagan raise a brow at me when eyeing my necklace. "That's a cute necklace. Where did you get it?"

I smile grasping the small heart pediment, "Brad gave it to me. As a small birthday present."

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