Chapter 12 ~ I Won't

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Chapter 12 ~ I Won't

-Carolin's POV-

"Maxwell. Mendez, you're both fifteen minutes late." Mr. Blackwell spoked in a disapproving manner. "I expected this from Maxwell but Mendez, I expected better from you. Take your seats."

Well I was hoping not to draw a lot of attention on us but now all the attention was definitely on us. Reagan and I slipped into the two available seats in the front row, in the corner of my eye I spotted Michael staring at me and sure enough he was sitting in between Kyle and Kelsey.

I rolled my eyes, of course he'll be with Kelsey, why am I not surprise. I wanted him to feel guilty for what he done but it seems like he doesn't care. Whatever, try not think about it, Carolin.

Mr. Blackwell continued his lesson after we sat down and I was downright bored and might die of boredom already. I dropped my head on my desk closing my eyes shut, I can sure use some sleep but I can't, i'm still three days behind the entire class and if I don't catch up now I can say goodbye to my perfect GPA. Maybe talking with Reagan will keep me awake, I turned to my left to start a conversation but to my disappointment Reagan was asleep. I shouldn't be surprise, Reagan always fall asleep in Mr. Blackwell's class.

There was a light tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see that it was Jim, one of the smartest guys in our biology class. I was confused as to why he's trying to get my attention considering he never really talks to me or to anyone for that manner but he handed me a folded piece of paper, seems like we're back in middle school once again. I took it turning back to face the board completely confused yet intrigued, I unfolded the note seeing neat small words printed on the paper.

Can we talk?
- M

Michael, it can only be him. I thought I told him to leave me alone. I didn't have anything to say to him, instead of writing a response I ripped the paper tossing it aside. Like I said earlier, I will get through the day and completely ignore Michael. This will be easy.

I nudged Reagan with my elbow waking her from her nap. She groaned glaring daggers at me. "What was that for?" She asked groggily in a whisper.

"Do you want to have detention with Mr. Blackwell?" I questioned whispering back. "Remember what your mom said, one more detention and you're grounded."

"You're right." She sighed propping her chin on her palm. "But he's soo boring. We're suppose to spend eighty minutes listening to him talk? You gotta be kidding me, no one would be awake that long."

"Just be glad he isn't given us an assignment on this, I dozed off at some parts." I replied.

She nodded in agreement before leaning in closely. "Will it look bad if I walk out now?"

"I can grantee you that you'll get suspended and you'll be grounded for life."

"True, then I have to settle for plan B." She shrugged. I opened my mouth to question her but it was too late, she raised her hand and called out, "Mr. Blackwell?"

He turned around with an annoyed look on his face. "Yes, Maxwell?"

"I feel nauseous at the moment, I think i'm coming down with something. May I go to the nurse's office?" She asked politely sounding like she was genuinely sick.

He sighed opening his drawer and quickly scribbling down on the paper. "Here." He handed her a pass going back to write on the board.

Reagan grinned sending me a wink before leaving the classroom. Huh, so that was plan B, it's a good thing that Reagan is an amazing liar. Bad news about her escape is now i'm stuck here to listen to this boring lecture.

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