Chapter 18 ~ One Awkward Double Date Coming Right Up

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Chapter 18 ~ One Awkward Double Date Coming Right Up

-Carolin's POV-

"This simply won't do." Reagan announced tossing yet another one of my tops off to the pile of rejected clothes on the floor.

It was officially Friday afternoon, meaning Brad and I's double date with the power couple is less than three hours away. And Reagan is helping me pick out the perfect date outfit. So far nothing was catching her attention. As she search through my closet, I laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

What would happen on this double date? All I can think is that it'll end up in disaster, I know i'm being negative but I have been having the worst luck ever so it wouldn't surprise me if everything goes downhill. We already decided on a place where this double date was gonna take place, it was very casual and we'll be able to have fun together or at least try to.

"Perfect!" Reagan exclaimed, throwing the outfit she picked out on the edge of my bed.

I sat up stretching forward to take a look at it, she had put out a white spaghetti strap crop top, light blue denim high waisted shorts and a black floral printed kimono. I looked up at her giving her a look that says you can't be serious.

"It's like ninety degrees outside and the date is on the beach, okay so this is appropriate." She responded.

I gave in, taking the clothes in my arms and heading to the bathroom to get ready. I reached the hem of my shirt tugging it over my head when a knock on the door had me jumping back a bit.

"By the way, make sure to wear your brown gladiator sandals, the short ones with the gold discs not the tall ones." She advised. "Those will compliment your outfit nicely. Oh, and i'm packing the necessaries in your beach bag"

"Thanks." I called out from the other side of the door.

I quickly got undress hopping into the shower making sure the water was warm. I sighed in relief feeling my bare body relax under the warm water, my tight muscles becoming loose. I needed time to clear my mind and prepare myself for what's to come. A double date with Michael and Kelsey seems like a bad move now, couldn't I have made up an excuse as to why I couldn't go but then I remember Reagan said that this would speed up her plans faster. And the fast this plan progress the sooner this fake relationship can end.

After about twenty minutes, I finished taking my shower. I slipped on my undergarments then the outfit of Reagan's choice. I took a look in the mirror, it doesn't seem that bad, actually it complimented my skin very well. I brushed the tangles out of my hair then tied it up in a ponytail letting my bangs loose to frame my face.

I stepped out of the bathroom and went to my closet to get the recommended sandals. I slipped them on quickly going downstairs where Reagan was with James, both seeming to be having a very deep conversation, he had his hand place on her knee, the gesture seemed somewhat affectionate but what do I know. I cleared my throat capturing their attention. Their eyes widen when taking a good look at me, it made me feel self conscious especially when I don't know what's going through their heads.

"Definitely yes!" Reagan complimented winking at me.

James gave her a look before looking back at me. "Definitely not." He disagreed. "You're not going out like that, what would mom think?"

On cue, mom came through the door kicking off her heels and dropping her work bag and keys on the coffee table. "What would mom think of what?" She questioned, hands on her hips as she looked at Reagan and James, her eyes slowly making it's way to me. A small surprised gasp escaped her lips. "Carolin, you look absolutely beautiful."

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