Chapter 37 ~ Fool For You

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Author's Note:
Hey guys sorry it's been a very long time since my last update. I had been busy with AP testing. Plus I have my graduation prep coming up as well. I'll try to update as much as I can. Anyways hope you guys enjoy the chapter. And remember to vote and comment xxx.

Chapter 37 ~ Fool For You

-Carolin's POV-

It's been three days since my last encounter with Michael. After ending things with him, I haven't spoken to him since. Aside from working with him in biology, I haven't actually had a proper conversation with him. Michael would try to talk to me but I kept changing the subject back to biology. There's a small part of me that wants to let him back in, but a bigger part of me restricts myself from doing so. And honestly I can't help but feel proud of myself.

Ever since the whole incident in the forest, I felt as if I wasn't myself. Like Michael was this virus that I couldn't shake, but now it's different. A good different.

Currently, I'm at 18 Degrees, a frozen yogurt shop, with Brad and Reagan. While Brad pays for our yogurt, Reagan and I are sat at a booth by the window. After what happened between Michael and I, I had immediately told them about it after school. They both comforted me and vowed to help me get over him completely. Hence, why we're at 18 Degrees. Brad offered to take us out since we haven't hung out much after the whole Kyle Evan's party fiasco.

While we wait for Brad, Reagan and I chat about the day I've been dreading about. My birthday. This week soared by quick, before I knew it, it's now Thursday and my unwanted party is tomorrow. Reagan is very enthusiastic about it. Meanwhile, I am pretty much wishing for some miracle to come and cancel the whole thing. But that seems very unlikely.

"You know what you should wear?" Reagan questions excitedly snapping me out of my thoughts. She reach across the table, taking my hand in hers. "You should wear that cute black dress. You know the tight, short one with the criss cross lace up in the back."

I scrunch up my nose in distaste, "I rather not wear something so revealing, especially in front of Kyle." I shiver in disgust at the thought of Kyle's dark eyes roaming around my body.

Reagan makes a disgusted look as soon as I mention Kyle, "You're right, we shouldn't let his imagination run wild." She laughs. "But c'mon you have to wear something that'll make every guy drool over you. Who knows maybe you'll meet someone new."

I roll my eyes at her sentence, "And you're just as boy crazy as ever. I don't need to catch any guy's attention. I'm fine being single. I've been single for the last three years. What's another year going to hurt?"

"Technically, you weren't single for three years. May I remind you that you locked lips with Michael, Lucas and Brad." She lists. "And don't even get me started with Kyle."

"With Michael and Kyle it was a mistake, Lucas just kissed me to prove a theory of his and Brad doesn't count since we were doing it all for show." I defend. Although I failed to mention all the other times that Brad and I kissed when it was just the two of us. But that's all in the past now, we're friends and we'll only be just friends.

"Still, you've been having a bunch of guys knocking at your door lately. So I think it's about time for you to officially open up." She replies with a twinkle in her brown eyes.

I pull my hand away from her grasp, "I don't know, Reagan."

"C'mon this is the perfect time to do so. There will be a lot of cute and single guys at your party tomorrow." She tries to persuade. "And may I remind you that you were the one who wanted to get over Michael. What better way to do so then meeting some new guys? You know what Shane Harvey always say: 'The best way to get over someone is getting under someone new.'"

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