A/N - inspo came from another fic I read I can't remember any info about it other than that it sounds a bit like this in some bits that I stole the idea of so if you're reading this and it sounds similar to yours I really liked it xxx
I tried to edit it again aswell
Travis' POV
Travis - I know this sound a bit forward so forgive me but would you like to come round to my place for a chill dinner and hangout and to get to see you in person? It's okay if not as I know you're a very busy woman
Taylor - I'd actually love that I was waiting for you to ask me in person I'm in Kansas City for another four days and am staying at a hotel nearby
Travis - I'll send you my address come to mine at 6? x
Taylor - Sounds great I'd love that xxx
Holy shit. Taylor Swift is coming round to my house. God this place is a dump. At least compared to the ones I've seen when stalking her on TikTok. As if it wasn't enough being a hot blonde singer she just had to go and buy the most expensive house in Rhode Island state. I should probably clean this place up.
Where's a mom when you need one? I'm not exactly the best at taking care of my house but there's no way on earth I'm telling them Taylor Swift is coming over to my house as it would be mortifying if she didn't show up or took one look at me and started backing out the drive. Which is more likely than the first option.
I tidy things up making sure there's no loose sports apparel laying around for the view of beautiful women. I have two hours left till she shows up so go into the shower and wash myself about 5 times before i finally get out and decide to ponder on what to wear.
What does one wear when meeting the most globally streamed woman in the world? Whoever said girls are the ones who spend ages picking out an outfit before a date was lying because I'm pretty sure Taylor Swifts closet is worth more than I am. I settle on a red cotton Lacoste shirt and black jeans. I put on some expensive cologne and text her to see where she's up to.
I'm about a minute away. Can't wait to see you x
I hear a knock at the door and see her standing there hair straightened and falling in waves down her back and in a skirt that is too short to get me to think straight and a cropped blouse. She smiles awkwardly at me and I break out of my trance.
"Umm hi. Sorry. You're really pretty. I mean beautiful. Gorgeous. Whatever. You look nice" I stutter out.
What on earth am I doing? I can almost feel the probability of a second date getting slimmer and slimmer.
She giggles and says "You look nice too. Can I come in?"
"Of course I'll show you through to the living room" I say walking with her through the house before sitting myself on the couch.
We talk for hours and I feel relaxed. She makes everything feel so natural like I've known her my whole life, acting interested in everything I say and smiling and laughing and answering in all the right places. She seems so down to earth which I wasn't expecting she clearly didn't get the diva memo but was still so interesting and all I wanted to do was not mess this up. (If it wasn't too late for that)
She looks straight at me her blue eyes captivating me and I can barely stop the words from coming out of my mouth so I just go for it anyway and say "Can I kiss you?"
She grins then presses her warm lips to mine breaks away and smiles. She then places a hand on my back and runs her fingers down my spine. I can't think a single straight thought apart from "How on earth am I kissing Taylor swift right now" and "How this is the best I've fucking felt in my whole entire life" she continues to make out with me for another few minutes before breaking away.
I look into her eyes almost breathless before grinning and honestly saying, "Woah that was pretty fucking good"
She laughs, before turning to me, "It's getting late shall I get my security to pick me up or would you like me to stay?"
"I'd like you to stay forever and I'll do whatever it takes to get you to stay here" I blurt out
She laughs, before bending over and reaching over to get the remote, "Let's watch a film then I'll tell my security I'm staying for longer"
"Okay what do you want to watch" I say
"Hmm you choose what's one of your favourite movies?" she says
"Probably an Adam Sandler one, how do you feel about watching Happy Gilmore?" I say praying she'll say yes not forcing me to watch something like mean girls or something steamy then walking off halfway through or watching TikTok's loudly the entire time like my ex.
She smiles then tells me about her meeting Adam Sandler before switching it on.
I sit there paying more attention to Taylor then the film which means a lot considering it's got the Sandman in it, watching as she brushes her hair out of her eyes. All I can think is how much I'd like for her to be in my arms right now so make up an excuse.
"Are you cold?" I ask knowing I made sure the heating was turned up high enough for her as I know most people complain about how warm blooded I am and how cold I always have my house.
"A bit yeah" she awkwardly laughs.
I either did a bad job on the room temperature thing or she actually wants to be closer.
"Maybe I can warm you up?" I try.
She clearly gets the message as a moment later she's curled up next to me, her head resting on my shoulder and hands around my waist. It's taking every fibre of my being not to sweep her off her feet right now but I'm not screwing things up on the first date.
Maybe she's just cold but I feel like we have a spark and I'm not letting go first.

Romanceone shots of the most amazing couple - totally fiction and open to requests xxx