miss americana

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Travis' POV

Taylor's away in Europe and I'm still stuck here in America bored as fuck. I glance at my clock app to see what time it is for Taylor and groan seeing it's 2am for her. Stupid time difference. I can't even call her. Ugh. I log into my secret account on TikTok but all I can find on swift-tok to entertain me is more Reputation Taylor's Version theories. It might be a bit weird how deep my fyp is in taylor swift videos but what do they expect me to do with all those tayvis edits. 

I decide to google her name instead and see a list pop up. "Movies & TV Shows" No way. Taylor hasn't done any TV shows has she. I find what I expect at first, the eras tour film, studio sessions, reputation stadium tour and a few things her songs have been in.

I'm surprised about how much there is though. 

Valentine's Day. Um no thanks. I'm trying to avoid rom coms for as long as I can until Tay gets back. 

Cats. As hot as she is I don't want to see my girlfriend as a cat haunt my dreams tonight.

The Lorax. No fucking way. She did not play that ginger girl in the Lorax. I swear that was Jason's crush when he was like 7. Just wait till I tell her.

I search, "Taylor Swift" on Netflix and see she something called "Miss Americana" I start humming "It's been a long time coming" and see the words documentary. Oh. Lots of them bore me even a few football ones and nature documentaries are just too much but this one looks pretty interesting. Oh. It came out in January 2020. I swear to god if I see that uncooked scone in this film. Oh well I press play on it and sit back on the sofa.

I see her and Benjamin playing piano and smile. Aww this is cute. I think as she reads her old diaries. 

"Shouldn't I have someone to call right now?" she says sending chills down my spine. I wish I could've been there then. Watching out for her. At least she can call me now. 

I see her heartbroken after missing out on the big categories for Reputation and Lover. No way how did they not make it into the big three. Them and 1989 are literally the Holy Trinity of female pop albums. 

I see her talk about sexual assault. Oh. My heart breaks bit by bit every word she says about it and I just really want to punch whoever did this to her. 

She moves on to talk about how skinny she was in 2014 and how the media would talk about her and I suddenly feel guilty. The era was so fun for everyone else. The one that I publicly said was my favourite was one of the worst for Taylor. I make a pledge to myself to never let her skip a meal. Whether she's "eaten at the studio" or not.

I decide to pick up the phone and FaceTime her. She picks up on the third ring. 

"Hey T" Oh shit. I forgot it's still half 3 in the morning for her. What am I like.

"Hey Travvv" she says giving me a warm smile, laying in bed hair spread across her pillow, It's dark in her room and the only light is the phone light across her face.

"Sorry for waking you up babe I forgot how early it is for you"

"Oh it's fine I couldn't really sleep anyways"

"Jetlag?" I ask.

"Yeah and not having you with me on top of that" she says. I wish she would call me when she can't sleep. When the time zones are a bit closer we can call and I can just go to bed early and she can go to bed late but this is just downright crazy. It's like neither of us are up at the same time.

"So what's up?" she says, "Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine" I reassure her, "I was just watching some Netflix cos I was bored"

"Ooh nice, what did you watch?" she asks me interested.

I realise I'm going to have to tell her, "Oh just Miss Americana"

She looks confused before realising. 
"Oh." she says quietly. "Was it too much for you? Did you not like it? I'm sorry it's not supposed to be like--" she frantically says and I wonder who on earth made her feel this way. I think I could probably guess the answer.

"Oh there's no problem with it baby, I'm proud of you, and you don't need to worry cos now you've got me to call," I say and I see a big grin spread across her face. 

A/N Sorry this chapter was short I haven't updated in a little bit so thought I'd get this chapter out, I'm working on a request right now but please still send some ideas as it helps me actually get some content out there, I can imagine Travis seriously having a secret account where he watches Tayvis edits and is deep in swift tok and wouldn't be surprised if that's why his liked videos are private on his main one anyways love u guys xxx

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