In Snow and Rain

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Taylor's POV

"Are you sure you're good to go tonight it's gonna be really wet and cold and you were feeling sick the other night? I'm sure it'd be fine if you cancelled you know..." Travis asks me concerned as I get ready to head to the stadium for the show tonight.

"I'm not cancelling because of a little cold" I say shrugging off his concern for my health.

"Tay I don't think it's just "a little cold" you can pretend all you like and flush the toilet to cover up the noise but I heard you throwing up in the middle of the night" he says and my cheeks blush with embaressment.

"I can't cancel" I say softly, "I perform no matter what and you know that, besides I love rain shows and I didn't get to do the one in Argentina because it was too dangerous, just let me have this one okay?"

"Okay" he says agreeing with me but still not sounding certain,

"And don't you dare breathe a word of this to Tree" I say, as much as I love my manager she has a plan and protocol for everything.

He still looks worried so I try to make a joke, "The show must go on-" I say but cannot continue as I start coughing.

Travis pulls me in close. "Just don't overdo it babe" he whispers into my hair, 

"I won't" I say pecking him on the lips before walking out the door and into the SUV to the stadium.

Travis' POV
I'm really worried about Tay. I sit there watching her perform the concert and I can tell something's up. She's absolutely owning the stage as she always does and has about 80,000 people wrapped round her finger but I can't help but notice the little details no one else does.

Still I grit my teeth and watch the rest of a show having a good time dancing and singing along with my girl. When I hear the opening notes of 'Karma' I decide to make my way down and backstage to meet her, 

I hear the crowd erupt into cheers and Taylor make her way down into her private entrance off the stage into her dressing room, we make our way back to the hotel as soon as possible and as soon as we walk through the doors of the hotel my head turns to Taylor, who looks like everything has hit her at once looking pale and wobbly barely able to walk as she sits heavily on the edge of the bed. 

"You okay baby? You look like you're about to pass out," 

"I think I might be" she says weakly and I immediately put my arm around her moving to her side and gently checking her for a fever. 

"Damn, you're burning up. You should've told me sooner. Let's get you into bed."

I help her out of her stage clothes, replacing them with a cozy oversized hoodie of mine. Taylor groans in discomfort as she lies back on the pillows, her face contorting with pain from the splitting headache.

"I didn't want to worry you. I thought I could just power through." she says killing me that she thinks she ever needs to care about "worrying me" when she's what matters most.

"You're my priority, T. Nothing else matters when you're like this."

I swiftly get a cool damp cloth, placing it gently on her forehead. She closes her eyes, grateful for my care. I then grab a bottle of water, sitting beside her, urging her to take small sips.

"Drink this, okay? I'll get you some meds, too. Just hang in there."

She manages to sip the water between weak breaths, but the nausea and fatigue are overwhelming.

"I don't know if I can keep it down."

"Take it slow. I'm right here. If you need anything, you tell me."

After making sure she's comfortable, I head to the hotel's mini fridge, retrieving some crackers. I know she hasn't eaten much, and an empty stomach isn't helping her feel any better

"I know you don't feel great, but try a few bites of these, okay? It'll help."

She obediently takes a couple of crackers, her movements sluggish. I watch her carefully, making sure she's okay before grabbing my phone and dimming the lights in the room.

"You don't have to stay up with me... You must be exhausted too." she says softly

"Exhausted? Nah." I say smiling, "This is nothing compared to what you do every night. You're the rockstar here, I'm just the guy with the crackers."

She gives a weak chuckle but immediately winces as her head throbs again. I notice and tenderly rub her arm, trying to ease some of her discomfort.

"We're getting through this. I've got you." I say and despite her protests sit myself right there making a promise to myself not to move for the rest of the night. 

A/N GUYSSSS please drop as many requests as u can so I can write as much as I can also all those stupid haters hating on Travis saying he should retire need to get a life as most NFL players are lucky to get 5 or 6 seasons but he's on Season 12 and has three superbowls and is better than most people ever could be so respectfully fuck off (PS I don't know I thing about American Football aside from Taylor cause I'm English but the message is still there and all his awards and stuff still sound impressive) also how would u guys feel about a reverse of this chapterrrrrr xxx

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