been there, done that, got the t shirt

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A/N None of the things in this chapter is my opinion just writing it cause I had a little burst of inspiration I wrote this a while ago so bear that in mind x

Taylor's POV

"It's just so unfair" Blake sighs flopping herself down on my couch. We're in NYC and she's currently not in the best light with the public eye, "Why do they hate me for things that happened ages ago? I said stuff that people say all the time but I'm the one getting cancelled. Ugh. My life is over." 

I roll my eyes at her, "Dramatic much?" I cockily add.

"Shut up Taylor. You have no idea what it's like."

I raise my eyebrows and try to compose myself.

"Blake Elender Lively" I say.

She looks scared at me using her full name.

"What?" she says snarkily.

"How long have we been friends?" I say

"Ummm since 2015" she says slightly scared at my tone of voice.

"And what year came after 2015?" I say

"2016..." she says, "Oh Tay I didn't mean it like that it's just it's hard"

"I know" I say, "Been there done that"

"Got the T Shirt" she giggles before coming over to hug me. 

The next day...

I'm sitting in the kitchen with Ryan cooking some pancakes when he sits down. 

"Taylor? Can you make sure Blake's okay?" 

"Sure why?" I ask sitting down on the chair next to him. Ryan's one of my closest friends and Blake's husband and we know each other really well.

"It's just with all the pressure of social media and what people are saying about her. I know it's getting to her and she tries not to act like it by being dramatic or making a joke of it when I know it really actually hurts her" 

I nod.

"And I thought you of all people would know what that's like considering all you've been through and how successful you are now" he says.

"Thanks Ryan that means a lot" I reply, "I'll be happy to talk to her seriously about it, she brought it up yesterday and was saying how I didn't know what it was like but I'll do my best."

I smell smoke and run over to the stove.

"Oh shit I forgot I had pancakes cooking" I say, "How many times can one leave the hob on in this apartment this is looking like a Gracie Abrams kinda situation not again"

That evening...

"Come on upper east sider we need to go" I say bursting through her door and opening the curtains as a burst of light comes through her room and she squints, "How are you still in bed?" I say dragging her up and plopping myself down next to her.

"Taylor I'm tired why do we need to go" she says yawning.

"When was the last time we had a proper girls night out?" I ask 

She looks at me apprehensive. "T you know what would be bad for your reputation being seen out in public with my cancelled ass"

I laugh almost manically and she looks at me with absolute terror, 

"Come on I've already called Gigi, Selena and Britt we are gonna show NYC who's the hottest people in town" 

She laughs and I drag her off the bed and next to the wardrobe and start picking her out an outfit.

Later that night...

We're in a private room in the back of a bar and Gigi and Selena are currently having a really long animated conversation about something.

Blake leans into me and whispers,

"Thanks for this Tay, I really needed this" she admits.

Mission accomplished.

A/N Having a sleepover with my bestie tonighttttt - we're gonna read this book we have two copies of together, go shopping, listen to our joint spotify playlist, have a scran, and get absolutely no sleepppp xxxx

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