A/N request for a part 2 from @Canadiangirly89 thanks for the nice comments xxxx
*5am earlier in the morning*
I'm half asleep curled up under the covers with Travis' arm around my waist. I hear a tiny knock at the bedroom door and turn around to see the alarm clock seeing it has only just turned 5.
I hear a loud whisper from the door, that could only belong to Wyatt
"AUNTIE TAY? Are you awake" she whisper shouts.
"Wyatt? What's going on, sweetie?" I whisper groggily blinking rapidly.
"I had a dream about a giant marshmallow... and I wanted to tell you." she says tiptoeing in the room in Bluey pyjamas.
"A giant marshmallow? That sounds like a pretty awesome dream." I say smiling sleepily sitting up propping myself up with the pillow.
I hear Travis' attractive barely awake morning voice muffled in his pillow, "Did you eat it?" he says.
"No, but it tried to bounce on me! I think it was alive." she says giggling.
"Come here, you can sit with us for a minute. Marshmallow monsters aren't allowed in here." I say patting the bed beside me.
"Your bed is so big! Is this where you fight the marshmallows?" She says seriously climbing into the bed beside me happily.
"Only the bravest fight marshmallow monsters, Wyatt." Travis says laughing still asleep. Honestly the hypocrite complaining about Jason lying to his kids about kids. Honestly that is going to bite him in the back someday if they come to my house and see the cats. Seriously Jase? My kitties being poisonous?
"I'm brave. I can help. But we need swords. And maybe some hot chocolate." she says. God. These kids know just how to get what they want, they sweet talk you then BAM they ask you for sugar or to buy them something. Oh well they make up for it by being cute as hell.
I rub Wyatt's hair softly laughing. "I think we can handle that. How about you cuddle here for a little bit, and later we'll make the hot chocolate."
"Okay, but no more marshmallow dreams." she says snuggling between me and Travis.
"Deal. But if I dream of pancakes, it's game over." Travis says playfully.
"Looks like you've got breakfast on the brain." I say rolling my eyes with a smile.
"Can I have pancakes too?" she says smiling.
"Of course. First thing in the morning." I say laughing.
As Wyatt dozed off between us, I smiled softly, glancing at Travis. It wasn't exactly the quiet morning I had expected, but waking up with my new family like this felt perfect.
Taylor's POV
"You know, I'm something of a chef. Maybe I should take over here." Ryan says walking over to me with mock seriousness. As I carry on making pancakes for the band of very demanding kids of his that just arrived.
"Ryan, the last time you 'took over' the kitchen, we almost burned down the house." I say laughing remembering one of the many times I realised not to trust celebrities with cooking after an incident with him and another with Gracie in my New York apartment a few months ago.
"That was part of the experience! How many people can say they've survived a Ryan Reynolds kitchen fire? It's a privilege." he says knowing how many teenage girls and boys would die to see him almost burn down my kitchen.
"I think I'll pass on that particular privilege this time." I say laughing.
"Fine. But just wait till I perfect my pancake-flipping technique. I'll be unstoppable."
"Let me know when that happens. In the meantime, I'll stick with the professionals." I say teasing him.
"AUNTIE TAY!" Ellie says running up to me.
"What Ellie?" I say smiling warmly.
"You didnt telled me you had a swimming pool and you're own beach!" she says giggling eyes wide with excitement.
"Did I not?" I say shocked, pretending to forget having a conversation with her and Khai about it earlier in the day over an episode of Paw Patrol. Guess she was just too engrossed in dogs. Ugh. Why can none of these shows be about cats? Oh well looks like I got bested by a kids TV show again. "Well you know what that means" I say.
"What?" she says confused.
"We're gonna have to have a pool day!" I grin as she wraps her tiny arms around my neck. "I love you Taylor" she says warming my heart. With a big sister like Wyatt who not to brag fell in love with me immediately it obviously took Elliotte a little longer but I can understand why Trav loves these kids so much I don't blame him for spoiling them I would too.
We sit there with glasses of wine and beer next to the outdoor barbecue overlooking the beach.
"I like it here," Blake says, "It's a chance to switch off from the rest of the world,"
"You know there's people trying to pay the security guards to try and look at us," Jason says.
"More like to look at Taylor and Travis" she says laughing.
"Not everyone hates you you know that Blake and it doesn't matter if how good you are there's always gonna be some strange people who don't even know you in real life that just hate you" I say knowing that all too well.
"I know, but it's fine as long as you don't plan on ditching me anytime soon" she says almost as a question.
"Nope" I reply
A/N hope you liked this chapter feel free to leave feedback and any requests!

Romanceone shots of the most amazing couple - totally fiction and open to requests xxx