A/N I tried to fix this chapter for grammar and punctuation and stuff but idk if it worked but I'm not gonna delete it I don't think
Jack's POV
Taylor's been my best friend for years now ever since I met her as a bubbly red lipped 22 year old in 2012. Back in 2017, she met this man Joe Alwyn, a small British actor, after all she had been through in the past year, I was just happy she had found someone who she loved, I thought he was in it for the long run, but after almost 3 years of watching her face of disappointment every time he was 'too busy' to hang out with her it came as no surprise to me when I heard a song about heartbreak and loosing love in late 2022, when I was busy finding my own love.
She then moved on to meet Matty Healy, an old friend and lead singer for The 1975: a classic bad boy. I liked his music and even worked with them back in the day but something about his spoiled nature just drove me up the wall though so you can only imagine how I really felt when they broke up.
We were sat in the studio one day, brainstorming ideas for songs for a new album Taylor wanted to release next year when her phone pinged.
She reached to pick it up and smiled down at her phone goofily staring at it for about a minute before I interrupted to pick at her hypocrisy considering how much shit I normally get for even glancing at my phone in the studio.
"Hello Earth to Taylor?! Are you okay? You look like all your brain cells just flew out your ear? What happened did you see another cat you want again"
"Oh nothing someone just texted me something" she replies refusing to tell me what actually was going on.A few weeks later I found out when she walked into the studio looking stupidly happy which in my personal experience meant she'd either got a new cat or a boyfriend and she didn't smell like cat food so I assumed it was the latter.
"Guess what Jack?"
"I have a boyfriend"
"A real one?" I tease her.
"Yes Jack a real one" she said rolling her eyes at me.
"It's not my fault you read too many romance books"
"Well at least I can read things that aren't music anyways I don't care because I have a real boyfriend and his name is Travis and he plays football and he's so hot and he has a podcast"'Woah. A podcast. How sexy.' I remember thinking only to find out this man was actually an NFL player and the polar opposite of all those sad artsy British boys she had dated in the past and his podcast was actually a sports one.
For the next month it was "Travis did this" "Travis did that" "Guess what Travis told me" and I would have gotten sick of hearing about the guy on the chiefs, but seeing her gain her smile back made it worth it.
I hoped it would fuel her creative output somehow and help her write some love songs. Don't get me wrong I love sad depressing indie folk songs more than anything but love songs and pop songs make it easier to win Grammy's and listening to her sing about how some cheap ass British dude made her want to kill herself no matter how catchy makes me miss my secret favourite song from Lover: Cruel Summer.
So one cloudy Monday morning I decided that for once I should be the one to bring up this 6"5 football player.
"So Taylor how is life going? Are you feeling very poetic this morning"
"Yes these early starts are Monday mornings stuck in an endless February" she says sarcastically, sighing dramatically leaning over the sofa in an act of mock poetry.
"That's good I have to make a note of that" I say followed by a glare.
"Jack what are you trying to get at" She says laughing half heartedly sighing.
"Taylor even without your location I know how much time you've been spending in Missouri" I laugh
"Wait since when do you have my location? Let me check" She says
"You enabled me on Find My so if you ever got framed for a crime I could be your alibi" I say trying to keep a straight face. Everyone knows Taylor's biggest fears are sea urchins and crimes she didn't commit.
"Oh yeah, oh why do I still have these bitches in my phone someone forgot to turn their location off, Matty's in a pub" She maniacally laughs. Sometimes I am terrified of that woman.
"Anyways I think I should finally meet this football player"
And that's how me and Margaret end up on a balcony at a restaurant in New York talking to Travis Kelce tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs.
Seeing those two together makes me understand why Taylor has been so stupidly happy for the past month or so watching them laugh and smile at each other over the table.
Margaret notices this and squeezes my hand 3 times. I see Travis hand slide down Taylor's thigh and she blushes so to break the ice, I direct a trivial question at Travis,
"So Travis do you know who Bleachers are?" I ask him.
He nervously laughs before saying, "Of course I do they're your band right Taylor always plays rollercoaster in the car"
Taylor laughs not noticing the tension in the room and I can't help but think how much smarter Travis is than some of Taylor's other exes who hadn't realised I was anyone else other than the dude who goes to the studio with Taylor. Travis must have done his research before hand.
The waiter brings another round of drinks round and I notice Taylor grab out her phone and start whispering into it while Travis and Margaret are deep into a conversation about Adam Sandler movies.
I smile knowing I will definitely be hearing about this in the studio next week.
"Oh by the way Jack I'm going to the Chiefs game on Sunday" she says looking excited.
"Cool" I absentmindedly say while mentally trying to think of a good word that rhymes with chiefs.I'm sat on a table scrolling through Twitter when Margaret walks up to me. Unlike me she had analysed every single thing Travis had said or done that night and worked out by Taylor's reaction what she thought.
"So? Do you think they're legit?" I say
"Of course" she replies "she seems pretty happy"
"She seemed pretty happy with other men but I wanted to drown some of them in a lake" I say honestly.
"Let's keep the sadistic thoughts to a minimum tonight Jack" she half laughs nervously. I don't know how she puts up with me most of the time I must be a right pain to live with. Oh well. The things you do for love.
I'm not exactly a sports guy. That might be an understatement. I have never watched football in my life so why the fuck am I watching the Chiefs game tonight. These ad breaks and men slapping each other's buts will be the death of me. Come to think of it seeing Travis out on the field looking like he's about to kill someone instead of nervously laughing makes me rethink the idea of drowning him in a lake. Oh well come to think of it I wouldn't be surprised if it's more than a paper ring on Taylor's finger one day.
A/N: This is my first time writing so let me know what you guys think xxx
I know this chapter was horrible but I'm learning lol
leave any requests if you want xxxx

Romanceone shots of the most amazing couple - totally fiction and open to requests xxx