A/N Summary: Taylor is pregnant and ill whilst on tour and no one knows yet but Travis is here to support her and Tree finds out xxx - I love preggo Tay fics but am in no way suggesting she is pregnant or looks it. She is more stunning than I will ever be and people on the internet need to stfu :) <333
Taylor's POV
I step off the stage and through the entrance into my private dressing room looking for Travis. I feel absolutely horrible. Morning sickness has been hitting hard but I'm keeping it a secret for now so no one knows apart from Trav. I only have a few months of touring left and don't want anyone worrying about me, Tree, the dancers and most certainly not the Swifties.
I feel like I'm about to throw up and feel dizzy. My manager looks at me apprehensive and asks me a question about something. I can barely hear what she's saying and just rush to the bathroom.
Travis' POV
I wait patiently for Taylor to come down off the stage. She's currently in her first trimester and adamant she is in good enough health to tour and that it isn't necessary for her manager Tree, (who I am still terrified of) to know.
Don't get me wrong she's hot as fuck but very stubborn.
As she comes into the entrance I get ready to go kiss her - unbothered by the third person in the room and as Tree tries to talk to her, I see that familiar look on her face. Oh poor baby. She runs into the toilet and I immediately run after her Tree still looking bamboozled.
She throws up as I pull her hair back and gently rub her back to console her.
Tree walks in, "Taylor are you ill? Why didn't you tell me?" she asks before beading her eyes at me, "You too mister you're the only one that can talk her out of things"
I blush and Taylor looks up from the toilet,
"I'm not ill" she says blinking.
"Taylor Allison Swift you are hunched over a toilet after just throwing up I don't think you can exactly call yourself healthy"
"Tree I am not ill" she says staring at her, "I'm pregnant"
I can see the cogs whirring in Tree's mind. "Wait what?"
She then begins to speak so fast I have absolutely no idea what is going on,"
"Wait you better have gone to one of those places I told you to, Do you have an NDA with the hospital? Wait what about the tour? Who knows so far? I need to do so much planning for this," she says quickly.
Taylor sighs and goes back in the dressing room to sit down. I pull up my phone and as she walks around the corner she turns round and mouths to me, "Wish me luck"
I laugh and check my phone.
A/N I'm kinda liking doing some short chapters cos these past few I've published are all drafts. Do you guys mind? I find it harder to finish off a chapter I've started a while ago and make it 1k+ words but it's easier when I'm given an idea and get in the zone - speaking of if you have any tell me them and can someone acc give me some theories for the fit for Monday's game , I'm glad we have WAG Taylor back now and the glitter freckles are my Roman empire

Romanceone shots of the most amazing couple - totally fiction and open to requests xxx