My Protector

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A/N - this was a request so hope u enjoyyyy

Taylor's POV

We sit down in Casa Cipriani, we've just been to a wedding reception and I'm honestly glad to be back somewhere where I don't need to worry about pap walks or PR claims. I haven't been here since last year where me and Matty somehow got members banned for taking photos of us, Either way, I think it's safe to say me and Travis are good for now in terms of being photographed. We're still not alone but it's just Margaret, Jack and Lana and her new boyfriend that are still with us so it's not too bad.

He smiles at me from across the table, "I'm gonna go get some drinks with Jack okay?" he tells me, "Will you be good by yourself without security for a bit?" 

"Oh yeah I'll be good," I say, I had given my security the day off as we weren't really going anywhere too public or dangerous and I had Travis with me and there would be security at the venue anyway. 

I turn around to see Lana on the other side of the room beside herself giggling with a woman I don't recognise. I pull out my phone to check my texts and see only a few messages so open them to respond, 

Gigi - Hiiiii Tay, we totes need a girls night soon I miss my girly x

Britt - Heyyyy are u coming to the Chiefs game on Sunday? x

Tree - Is everything okay at the club? It should be fine as I've sorted it out since last year

I answer the messages until I hear a familiar voice nearby that I can't quite place. I look up confused and see who it belongs to. Oh shit. This cannot be happening right now, I see none other than the person I last went to here with: Matty Healy. I try to hide pretending I haven't seen him but it was too late, he walks over to me with a threatening expression plastered across his face. I panic and look round for Travis or Lana but I can't see them anywhere.

"What are YOU doing here?" he asks

"I've come with my boyfriend actually," I say, I've learned that sometimes the best you can do in these situations is pretend to be calm and confident.

"What boyfriend?" he sneers

"Oh you know Travis Kelce - the three time superbowl winner" I say, bragging probably isn't a good idea around a man like Matty but I'm not going to let him walk over me.

"Please?" he scoffs, "That lame excuse of a footballer, you know he's just with you for PR and money he doesn't love you, no one could ever love a little slutty bitch like you," 

"Shut up Matty" I say, eyes watering while I try to compose yourself,

"Guys only pretend to like you for the cameras and to get you in bed whore" he says taking a step closer to me. I can see him getting angry and don't want to be at the receiving end any longer.

"Now, how about you follow me and I can sort your pretty little face and body out" he threatens moving his arm closer to me and leaning in closer. His breath reeks of alcohol and weed and I try to lean away.

"Stop" I say

"I don't think so," he says placing a hand on my shoulder fiercely.

"I might have a fiance but I don't think she'd have a problem with me finishing what we started,"

He finally fiercely grabs me across the neck trying to strangle me and smashes me against the wall teeth clenched and eyes wide with fury. He licks his lips and tells me exactly what  he's going to do with me.

Suddenly, I can see Travis run over shoving him out of the way, and blocking me from Matty, I don't think I've ever seen him this angry before: he gets his fist ready to punch Matty. Jack runs over, as Travis slams his fist into Matty's face, "Leave my girl alone you asshole she's mine"

"Woah" Jack says trying to push them apart, he looks at me concerned but clearly on Travis' side. "Matty dude just fucking leave Taylor alone okay? She has a boyfriend and she doesn't need your high ass threatening her" 

I can see some security for the club move over to escort Matty away, and he just stays there yelling insults at me,

"You're a bitch Taylor, I hate you! You're a whore, You're the sluttiest slut I've ever met you just open your legs for any man who comes your way, No one will ever love you and you're not even hot enough to be a proper whore, That man doesn't even like you his ex is way prettier and you're a cunt" he screams deranged as security drags him out the door,

Trav pulls me into his arms kissing me on the forehead comforting me as I try let the tears not fall.

Travis POV

I turn around looking for Tay, but can't see her, I search around the room until I see a man salivating over her and trying to strangle her in a corner, he looks like he's about to fuck her up so I run over to go give him a piece of my mind.

I want to absolutely kill him and ruin his life so shove him out of the way of Tay seeing red and punching him. Jack runs in and pushes us apart, I should've punched him more. The staff haul Matty's ass off the premises as he hurls profanity at my girl calling her a slut a whore and much worse the second he leaves the building I pull her into my arms kissing her on the forehead. 

I wrap an arm round her shoulder walking out of the club trying to calm down and focus on Taylor not how much I want to kill Matty Healy right now. 

Me and Tay take the two seats at the back of the SUV and I hold her in my arms. I can feel a panic attack coming on as she hyperventilates so try to calm her down as Jack, Lana, Margaret and Jeremy enter the car, I can hear Jack trying to whisper and explain what happened to Lana and I can see Margaret's eyes widen at the things he is saying. 

Tears fall down Taylor's cheeks and I can see she is struggling to breathe, "It's okay Tay you're here now" I whisper to hear holding her hand and reminding her how to breathe. Jack turns round and sees what's going on and gives Taylor a sympathetic smile. 

"Wait what's up with Taylor" Jeremy says clueless to what's happened. Margaret scolds him and they explain not bothering to be quiet but I'm not paying attention just trying to help Taylor. 

Lana reaches back to give Tay a hug and smiles at her, before Jack adds, "If it makes you feel better I burned all my 1975 CDs a while back" 

Taylor gives a weak smile and rests her head on my chest. I know at that moment I would kill for her and anyone who comes near her is gonna have to have me to deal with. 

A/N hope you liked this chapter it's a bit much for some people but i didn't know what level to do please drop any suggestions xxx

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