Chapter 1 - Twist of Fate

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Loki carefully sidestepped the agents and office staff as he entered the headquarters for SHIELD in Washington D.C. In his disguise as another agent, nobody was even going to notice him that flood of souls. Adjusting his suit, Loki entered an elevator beside several other people. All men. They pushed him to the back, talking amongst themselves about their latest missions and assignments. Loki just listened to the idle gossip, and leaned back against the wall. Suddenly, the elevator jerked to a stop. Loki stumbled and glanced around. All the men were looking at one another, pressing buttons, and pulling out their cellphones. "What's going on?!" one of them asked in an irritated tone of voice. Loki heard something in that tone. It was not bewilderment. It was a facade! The man was acting.

Damn! They know! Loki thought to himself. He grabbed hold of the first man and snapped his neck with his bare hands. The other men turned, drawing their guns. Loki created a green magic field, and their bullets ricocheted off, and several men fell. That was when the elevator was dropped drastically. Loki lost his balance, and the shield collapsed. A bullet went whizzing by, and pierced Loki's thigh, going clear through. Loki growled and created a sturdy wall of ice. How had they known?

"Hey! Lokes! You can't hold out forever in there," said a snide voice over an intercom. Loki recognized it and laughed dryly.

"You think your precious box of metal can hold me? Iron Man," Loki shot back.

"Seems to be working so far. Oh! And if you were wondering how we tracked you, we asked Doctor Strange. One magical guru to another," Tony said. Loki hissed. He hated being compared to the Sorcerer Supreme.

"Now, just surrender and we'll make sure that leg is seen to," Captain America said over the comm. Loki chuckled. They should know him by now. He was not the kind to give up. At least without a good scrape first.

"Yeah. In your dreams," Loki said, right before he created a ball of fire around himself. It spread out quickly, and the agents in the elevator with him, could not escape. The Avengers and SHIELD watched as Loki burned them to a crisp.

"Get him! I don't want him escaping!" Fury shouted as the elevator landed on the lowest floor again, and agents swarmed around them. Aiming all their guns at the doors, they waited for them to open. The tell tale ding was heard, and they slid open, revealing a smoke filled elevator. The agents kept their guns trained on it, and the Avengers rushed down to join them. Captain America had his shield raised, Iron Man had his repulsers prepped, and Hawkeye was aiming his bow. The smoke swirled about, and nobody could see anything. Suddenly, the fog turned into a tornado, and whipped out of the elevator. The agents screamed as they were knocked off their feet, and even the Avengers were blown a few feet back. The tornado curled its way out of the building, separating once it was outside, and disappearing into thin air. Fury punched a wall angrily, and the Avengers looked at each other. "Dammit! He got away!" Fury yelled.

Loki sat down in the bedroom of the penthouse he owned to see to his leg. Getting out of his trousers was not easy, but Loki was able to peel them off, and tend to his injury. The bullet had passed clean through, so all Loki had to do, was concentrate his healing magic to seal the wound closed. Once that was done, Loki took a shower. The warm water ran over his long black hair and pale skin as he stood beneath the torrent. Inhaling sharply, Loki turned around. Leaning back against the cold marble of his shower, he rubbed the center of his chest. The scar from the Kursed's spear, was aching. Something it did every anniversary of his mother's death. It was hurting more than usual, and Loki was wondering why. Finally, Loki turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around himself, he walked into his closet, pulling out a pair of blue jeans, and a dark grey shirt. Loki ran a comb through his hair and smirked at his reflection. All he needed was an hour, and he was as good as new.

Stepping into the hallway of the apartment complex, Loki walked down the hallway. The thick, navy blue carpet muffled his footfalls, and provided the quiet Loki needed to think about his failed mission. SHIELD had something that he wanted, and Thor must have known. Odin must have known. They gave it to the mortals, hoping that Loki would come for it. And he did! Loki did not know what he was angry about most. The fact that he had fallen for their trap, or the fact that he had failed. That made Loki pause in his walking, and he punched the nearest wall. He dented it of course, and he had to quickly wave his hand to fix it. "Rough day, Mr. Laufey?" asked a voice, and Loki turned to see another lodger looking out at him.

"Little bit, Mandi. Just a little bit. Ignore me," Loki told her. The young woman nodded her head, and smiled brightly at him. Loki gave her a grin, and continued walking. He rubbed his hands together, and thought about it.

Frigga's journal. They moved it from the safest place in the vault of Asgard; to a less dependable location in a SHIELD base. What is written there that they don't want me to see? Loki wondered to himself. When he reached the elevator and opened the door, a powerful feeling swept over him. A sense of familiarity. Spinning around, Loki created a field that protected him from an ax. A powerful ax, in the hand of the Commander of the Einherjar. "Granjor! Didn't know you got demoted to hunting for me! What did you do? Forget to dump Odin's chamber pot?" Loki queried sarcastically. The Commander of the Einherjar pulled his ax out of the wall, from where it had been embedded.

"Don't make it out like it's degrading hunting for you. You get promoted when the All-Father sends you after the God of Mischief!" Granjor bellowed as he charged again. Loki saw a door opening, and one of his neighbors put their heads out. Not desiring to draw attention to himself, or to hurt this innocent person, Loki used his magic to teleport himself and Granjor outside the building. Granjor brought his ax down, summoning a powerful earthquake at the same time. The ground shook and fractured, knocking people over, and causing a wave of energy to fan out. It hit Loki, and the God of Mischief was stunned by it. He felt something in his heart, that made him pause. Loki sank to his knee, his hand over his chest. When he raised his head, he was just in time to see the ax of Granjor as it came crashing down again. He teleported out of the way.

When Loki opened his eyes, he found himself in the exact same SHIELD vault he had been trying to get into earlier that day. "What the hell?!" he asked out loud.

Loki. Loki! said a voice in his head. Loki spun around, expecting to see somebody, but nobody was there.

"Who is there? What do you want?" Loki queried.

Loki, the voice said again, and this time, he recognized it.

"Mother?" Loki turned around and saw what he had been looking for previously. The journal of Frigga! All her secrets were in there! Everything he wanted to know. Loki walked to it, and stared at it. The leather cover was old, and Loki could smell the pages. Reaching forward, he took it from where it was resting. Opening it, Loki saw the message on the inside front cover.

Loki, my dear son. This book is for you. I kept it with you in mind. All the secrets of the Vanir, my kind, are in here. Also, is a deep secret that has been kept from the Nine Realms for centuries. A secret your father helped to conceal. I want you to be the one to reveal it to the world. To tell everyone what has been hidden. Seven Vanir left, and never came back. When you find the Seven, you'll know what I mean. Farewell, my son.

Loki stared at his mother's writing, wondering what she was talking about. Flipping through the book quickly, he saw strange letters in a language that he only knew as the ancient Vanir. "Aras ibhiptu, naras recar Vanara. Sevra dies Westerosi." No sooner were those words out his mouth, then Loki felt a powerful wind rip through the room. Clutching the journal to his chest, he felt that incredible pain in his heart again.

You are the key, he heard Frigga's voice say again, and that was when Loki threw back his head, and shouted in pain, before he passed out.

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