Chapter 37 - A Talk with the Hand

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Tyrion and Bronn enjoyed their new positions as Hand of the King and Chief of the City Watch. Granted, Tyrion's position was only temporary until his father could leave the war front and take his place. But, it was a rank and station that Tyrion was going to prove himself very useful in. When he and Bronn arrived in Kings Landing, they were soon harassed by Joffrey, demanding they find that "cunt sells-sword, Loki; and the bitch, Sansa Stark." Tyrion was able to glean from a less hysterical Cersei that Loki had magically appeared inside the palace, threatened Joffrey, and took Sansa with him. Tyrion applauded Loki in the silence of his chamber. He had heard from the servants and knights what Joffrey had been doing to Sansa, and Loki had undoubtedly done her a favor by taking her away. Nobody knew where he was, or where she was; and Cersei was very angry that she no longer had anything to give the Starks in exchange for Jaime. Tyrion was inclined to agree with her, knowing how angry their father would be when he found out they had three Starks: one was executed, the second escaped, and third taken from under their noses.

"I've heard the sells-sword works for your father now," Bronn said as he admired one of Tyrion's many golden goblets. Tyrion glanced up from his paperwork, and rolled his eyes.

"I know. My sister is in a frenzy wondering how he managed to get Father around his little finger. Father doesn't believe her story, and says she's jealous. Whatever the clever bastard said, I'm rather envious of him," Tyrion answered.

"So glad you approve," said a voice, and they both looked up. Loki was leaning languorously against a pillar, his arms folded across his chest. He grinned at them, and when Bronn reached for his sword, Loki raised a finger, lowering it slowly, magically forcing Bronn back into his chair. Tyrion snickered.

"No need for weapons, friend Bronn. This is he! Ser Loki Sells-sword," Tyrion introduced, getting out of his chair, and approaching Loki. Loki and he shook hands firmly.

"I go by Ser Loki Frostborn now. I am no man's sells-sword anymore, and I will not have that title attached to my name," Loki told the dwarf. Tyrion shrugged his shoulders, and brought him back to his desk. Bronn stood up from his chair, leaving it open for the god. Loki winked at him, and sat down. Tyrion offered him some wine, and Loki gladly took it.

"So, was it true? I know Joffrey has a nasty habit of exaggerating when he wants retribution. But did you really say he was an inbred and perverse little runt?" Tyrion asked. Loki grinned and took a swig of his wine. He smacked his lips when he was done, and looked back at Tyrion.

"I don't know if I called him a runt, but I believe the words 'inbred' and 'perverse' were applied to his person," Loki responded nonchalantly.

"Needless to say, he has offered a monumental reward to anybody who catches you outside my father's camp. Speaking of, how did you convince him that you were telling the truth, and anything my sister or nephew sent him was a lie?" Tyrion queried. Loki took another sip, and rested his cup on the desk.

"I told him the truth, and twisted it slightly to suit my needs. I wouldn't necessarily call that lying. I told him what really happened, and then I told him what he already knew about his daughter and grandson. I reminded him of their spiteful natures, and let him come to his own conclusions. The mortal mind is so easily swayed," Loki told them.

"Not my father's mind. He has the keenest mind in all of Westeros, save for mine, of course," Tyrion pointed out, and Loki agreed with him.

"That's actually the reason I'm here," Loki said, and Tyrion gave Bronn a sideways glance. "I have a proposition for you. You help me in the upcoming war, and aid me in placing the rightful ruler on the throne, I will make sure that you receive Casterly Rock, and more, as is your birthright."

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