Chapter 18 - The Waiting

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Sansa began to make the handkerchief as Loki had requested of her. She got the black silk, green and gold thread, and set to work. She would sit in the sunlight of her window seat, and begin to stitch. Sansa closeted herself away for hours working on it. Of course, only Arya knew who it was for, and she would check on Sansa to make sure she was doing it properly. "Not that your needlepoint is so good, you should judge me," Sansa would tell her, whenever Arya tried to critique her. Septa Mordane was curious as to who would be receiving the handkerchief. She pressed Sansa, but the eldest Stark daughter was not going to give up the name of the recipient. Septa Mordane did notice the black color with the green borders, and she knew that Joffrey Baratheon seemed to favor red and gold as his prominent colors. This handkerchief was not for him. Because of this, Septa Mordane spoke with Lord Eddard about it.

Ned found Sansa working on a balcony that was positioned on a promontory, overlooking the ocean. She was doing one of the horns on the golden, horned helmet. The strands of her red hair fell from her shoulders, and seemed to make the green silk even greener. "What has your rapt attention, my darling?" Ned asked. Sansa jumped, slamming her needlework into her lap. She could feel the needle pressing against her skin, but for some reason, it did not pierce it. Sansa looked down, and saw how her skin remained unbroken. Sansa removed the needle, and turned back to her father.

"This project. I took it upon myself to make it. It keeps me busy. Since Joffrey doesn't want to visit me," Sansa pointed out dryly. Lord Eddard sat down next to Sansa, and looked over her handiwork. It was a beautiful silk, vibrant green borders, and the golden horned helmet she was concentrated on. The helmet was odd, and he wondered where she got it from.

"Sansa, you shouldn't feel concerned about Joffrey. He's not the one who's got me worried now anyway," Ned told her, and Sansa glanced at him timidly. "Have you are Arya received any communications from Ser Loki since his departure?" Ned asked. Sansa looked really surprised when he said this. They still had that letter from when he left, but he had not sent anything to them since then. Sansa would take it out at night, and smell the frost that still lingered on the page. She would never admit it to anyone, but she did miss snow.

"Now why would he send us anything?" Sansa asked, rather indignantly. Ned shrugged a little, his hands clasping in his lap.

"I don't know. Maybe because you seem to be the only people he likes here in Kings Landing? He was very enthusiastic to take up the position as Arya's dancing master. Septa Mordane says he looks at you whenever you pass by the entry hall when they're practicing." Sansa looked down at her needlework, thinking about what her father said. Loki looked at her whenever she passed? Why? She was supposed to marry Joffrey Baratheon, and be Queen of Westeros; and yet a sells-sword was showing her favor? Sansa glanced up at her father, and Ned had a rather amused expression on his face.

"Well, I personally think Septa Mordane needs to mind her own business. Loki and I talk sometimes is all. Whenever Arya is around, of course!" Sansa said when Ned's face took on a look of disapproval. Sansa knew that if she mentioned their clandestine meeting in the garden, she would be locked away forever. And Ned would most likely make things difficult for Loki when he returned.

"I don't believe he has any ill intentions towards you or Arya. What I am afraid of, is that he might get too protective, and since I am your father, that right belongs to me. But, Sansa, I am concerned. Cersei, Jaime, and Joffrey have expressed a desire to have Loki removed. And when I say removed, I mean more permanently," Ned admitted to her. Sansa barely contained her gasp. They wanted Loki executed?! No wonder why he was suspicious of them. He had good reason to be.

"Why do they want him gone?!" Sansa asked in a slightly raised voice. Ned waved his hand, and she became quiet.

"They're not the only ones. Petyr Baelish has said that Loki's manners have been very suspicious of late. I just don't want you, or Arya to be involved. When he returns, they are going to force him to a review, and test to make sure that everything is up to par," Ned told her. Sansa looked back down at her needlepoint. She continued to stitch the helmet, with a little more force this time, as she was angry. Ned noticed, and his eyebrow was raised. "Sansa, is there something I should know?"

"No!" Sansa answered too quickly. Ned sighed and watched her closely. "I'm just wondering how people could hate him so. He's always been so kind and polite to Arya and I," Sansa told her father.

"And I believe you. But, for yours and Arya's safety, stay away from him when he returns," Ned told her. With that, he kissed her, and left her alone. Sansa stopped sewing, and looked out over the sea. The smell of salt reached her nostrils, and the sun warmed her pale skin. Sansa thought about how Loki was the opposite of that. He smelled like snow, and he worked better in darkness.

Sansa paused and thought, Maybe he's more than just a sorcerer...

Sansa finished the handkerchief for Loki, but he still was not back from his journeys. Sansa was dragged to the holy sept by Mordane, and told about how she must be like the Maiden. Especially since she was considered for a royal marriage. But, Sansa was doubting that. Her father had not said another word to her about that, and Joffrey had not spoken with her, or seen her since that accident on the Great Road. She believed that he was angry at her for something. But, she knew that that was most likely the reason why he wanted Loki dead. Despite Loki's mind altering magic, Joffrey must have suspected something, and wanted Loki removed. Or, he had heard that Loki was looking at her, and was getting jealous. Of course, this made Sansa blush at the thought of two men battling it out for her. Sansa compared the two of them in her mind: Joffrey with his golden locks, and Loki with his raven black mane. Joffrey's ice blue eyes, and Loki's forest green ones. The next thing Sansa thought of was the height difference. Joffrey was around her height, which she was not too keen on; while Loki was over six feet, taller than her father and brothers. With her daydreaming complete, Sansa decided to do something else to pass the time until Loki magically reappeared. She was going to make him a shirt.

Sansa slipped away from Septa Mordane one day while she was scolding Arya. She began to walk the stone halls of the palace. Her hands were clasped in front of her, and she was sucking on her lip. When she met a servant, she asked, "Excuse me, but, where is Ser Loki Sells-sword's chamber?" The servant balked slightly, and Sansa made a face.

"My lady, his chamber is in the royal wing, not far from his majesty's. But, you'll have no hope of getting in. Since he left, nobody has been able to enter it," the maid told her, before she scuttled off. Sansa frowned, but made her way to the royal wing. She was hoping that she did not run into Ser Jaime Lannister, the queen, or Joffrey. When she arrived, and heard the sound of Robert enjoying his favorite past time, Sansa gripped her hands even tighter. Her nails dug into her skin, but she felt no pain. Turning a corner, and getting farther away from the sounds of lovemaking, Sansa saw a door that was rather dusty, and the handle looked like nobody had used it in a long time. Approaching, Sansa's hand went out. As her delicate fingers gripped the handle, Sansa wondered how she expected to open it, when others had failed. Sansa pushed, and low and behold, the door opened! Sansa gasped, but quickly entered and closed it behind her. Looking around, she saw that books and scrolls were on the shelves, desk, and floor. So, Loki was an avid reader. Sansa walked around, her hands lightly hovering over his belongings, wondering what secrets they contained. Sansa finally opened a leather book, and saw strange runes written within it. The writings were beautiful, and Sansa wondered what it would sound like if it was spoken.

Closing the book, Sansa opened a wardrobe, and found the clothes all in a row. Sansa ran her fingers over the cotton, velvet, and silk, looking at which shirt to choose from. Finally, the Stark girl settled on a simple, green, cotton shirt, with an open neck, and gold embroidery in the hem. Sansa folded it up, closed the wardrobe doors, and returned to her room.

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