Chapter 127 - Poisoned Tongues & Drinks

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Loki did not ask Daenerys for permission to enter the city on his own. The catapults had been hammering the city relentlessly for almost forty-eight hours. The archers from the Greyjoy fleet rained fiery arrows down in their midst, and Loki knew the Lannisters and Kingsguard within the city were getting tired. There was no way for them to hope to defeat the overwhelming forces that had been gathered against them. Loki had pulled every other house together because he had wanted to end this war quickly. He normally would have liked the challenge of taking the city with a smaller force; hell, he could have taken the city by himself. That might have been an easier method, but unfortunately, Loki had needed everyone else to join him in this glorious undertaking so as to ensure the new government would simply fall into place.

It was night on the third day of the siege, and Loki crawled carefully out of his pallet. He turned around and made sure to cover Sansa as she slept beside him. Her red hair fanned out over the pillow, and her one hand resting over her stomach. Loki's eyes were drawn to it and he smiled. A child! A child with Sansa! Loki still could not wrap his mind around the concept of having a baby with her, but he was pleased just the same. Loki leaned down and kissed her lightly on the forehead, his own hand resting over hers. Sansa moaned in her sleep and rolled over. Loki stood up and with a wave of his hand, transformed his clothing to his dark leathers, with the gold accents. His hair was tied up and he pocketed a phial. He had a special visit that night. He knew that when his mission was successful, the Defenders of Kings Landing would lose all hope. Loki grinned maliciously before he disappeared from his tent.

Cersei was standing in the throne room, her cold blue eyes just staring at the empty Iron Throne. That stupid, all-powerful chair that had sparked this whole conflict. It had cost her dear boy his life, and her brother as well. Myrcella and Tommen had now been assimilated into other families, and had not once tried to contact her. Her father had all the real power and she was left as a simple figurehead, a husk of who she had been. Was that why she clutched the flask from Maester Pycelle. That was why she was contemplating her own mortality, and the possibility of closing this chapter of her life permanently. "Contemplating your own insignificance?" asked a hated voice and Cersei turned and saw Loki walking behind her. She drew a dagger and began to keep the space constant between them.

"You stay away from me, snake! Viper of insidious evil!" Cersein hissed. Loki waved his hand dismissively and grinned.

"Go ahead, keep complimenting me," he teased.

"You've come to kill me," Cersei stated in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"Maybe," was Loki's cool response.

"Well, I will soon rob you of that pleasure. Your whore has already made her mark; you shall not make yours," Cersei said darkly as she held out the flask. Loki tilted his head as he studied it. "This is Sweetsleep. When I drink this whole flask, I will fall into the sleep of death; no pain will take me. And I'd rather die by my own hand than yours." Loki nodded his head and advanced on her. "Stay back!"

"You're going to kill yourself whether I stand here or beside you. I'm not one to prolong the misery of others. By much..." Loki chuckled evilly. Cersei soon found herself sitting on the Iron Throne, and she was determined not to give Loki the chance to actually hurt her. She tore the cork off and threw it to the ground like a child having a tantrum.

"I will join my brother wherever he is!" she screamed as she started to tip the bottle back. She felt a breath of wind on her cheek just before the phial touched her lips. She poured the entire contents into her mouth and swallowed it. She licked the dripping poison from her lips before she paused as she heard Loki start to laugh. Looking at him, she saw that he had thrown his head back and was proclaiming his obvious amusement to the world.

"Foolish woman! You have sealed your fate, and will now suffer the consequences!" Loki said and that was when Cersei felt a flaming pain spread up from her stomach, and alighting every nerve in her body. She arched in the Iron Throne, gripping the arms until her knuckles went white.

"What did you do?!" she challenged before her breath was stolen away in another flash of agony.

"I changed the phials on you. You thought you were taking Sweetsleep; but I switched it out for something a little stronger," Loki said and he watched with pleasure as Cersei writhed on the royal seat. He slowly walked up the stairs, his fingers twitching as he produced the poison Cersei was supposed to take. "You just gave yourself Manticore Venom," Loki informed her. Cersei gasped and her hands gripped the fabric of her dress. She curled in on herself and the tears slid down her face. Loki cocked his head to one side and squatted down in front of her. She finally looked at him and their eyes met.

"Why- ah! Have you... done this? Why... do you... hate- ugh! Us so?" Cersei asked, biting her lip so hard that blood flowed down her chin.

"Why do I hate you?" Loki queried back, and suddenly his hand reached out and cupped her cheek. Cersei's skin was on fire, and she felt the difference in Loki's immediately. His was cool and almost soothing. "Do you remember when you tried to seduce me not long after I arrived in Westeros?" Cersei stiffened at this memory for she recalled it well. Loki had almost bedded her; she had been so sure he would fall like all men had at her feet. But, he had resisted and even threatened her and sent her on her way. He possessed a strong will and a determination she had never seen before in any other, even in her own father and Tyrion. "You said nobody ever refused a queen. They never refused you. And now, you said I would not leave my mark on you." Cersei felt her heartrate picking up and she desperately tried to draw breath. "Looks like you were wrong again," Loki said as he gathered the strands of Cersei's golden hair in his hand.

"You... going to... defile my corpse?" Cersei posed as she watched Loki draw a knife from inside his coat. Loki raised his eyebrow and looked at her with a hint of irritation on his face.

"First, I'm not a savage; and second, I wouldn't waste my time doing something so pointless," Loki said before he sliced through her hair with his blade. Now, Cersei sat upon the Iron Throne, her shorn locks proof of her shame. Loki easily braided the strands before he looked back at her. "It's senseless to take out hatred and vengeance on the dead. You take it out on the living. That was something you never fully grasped. Once I kill people, I leave them where they fall. You and Joffrey (the vindictive little shit) would continue to take your anger out on a person who was no longer a threat. You were too narrow sighted. But, sadly... you won't get a chance to learn from your mistakes," Loki told her. Cersei opened her mouth to retort, but she could not. Blackness crept on the edge of her vision, and her face was red, and slowly turning blue. Her eyes darted about, wide with fear. This was not how she was supposed to die. She was supposed to be dignified and graceful; not desperate and pleading. She turned to Loki and saw that he had stood up, holding the braid in his hand. "Goodbye, Cersei Lannister. Go to your gods and be judged." The darkness completely took over Cersei's eyesight and she sagged in the Iron Throne. Loki stood there, watching her for a second before he turned and walked away from her.

The next morning, Loki rode to a bluff overlooking the city and halted his mount beside Daenerys. He held out the braided locks and Daenerys raised her eyebrow as she took it from him. "What is this?" she queried. Loki's green eyes sidled over to Tyrion and he grinned.

"The hair from the head of Cersei Lannister. She is dead," Loki declared. Daenerys looked at her lover and the dwarf showed no remorse. He simply nodded his head and looked back to the city. Daenerys smiled as she crushed the hair in her hand.

"Let us end this!"

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