Chapter 65 - Sansa Helps

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Sansa woke up in a cold sweat that morning, her hair and nightgown sticking to her clammy skin. Sansa bathed first that morning, before she changed and went to breakfast. The letter that Loki left made her smile, until she read its contents.

Dear Sansa,

Call me superstitious, but I believe that something is going to happen today. My soul tells me it is going to be bad, and it might hurt you. Don't be afraid for me! Continue your day like you always do. I will see you this evening, and I expect you to have been practicing those honey cakes you like so much. Although, if you could clean up the kitchen afterward, that would be marvelous.

Stay inside. Alfie will keep you entertained until I return. Just remember this, Sansa, that I care very much for you-... your safety. So, until this evening tide, my little wolf.



Sansa gasped, crumpling the letter in hands. She noticed the subtle changes he had made. First, he had just said 'Dear Sansa', instead of 'Dear Lady Sansa Stark'. He had ended the note with 'sincerely, Loki', instead of 'sincerely, Ser Loki Frostborn'. Loki had made the letter more personal. And he talked about something bad happening that would hurt her. Also, at the part where it said he cared, he had partially blotted out the 'you', and added 'your safety' as a correction. Sansa knew he would never do that. Loki always said what he meant the first time. No need for modification. He cared for her. Sansa already knew that, but the word 'care' could be construed in several different ways. It could be used to describe a father's feelings for a daughter; a brother's feelings for a sister; a friend's feelings for another friend; or a lover's feelings for his lover. Sansa felt a heat fill her cheeks at that thought, and she quickly brushed it from her mind. However, the words that Loki had penned that morning were branded into Sansa's mind the rest of the day. She did not work on the honey cakes like he had recommended. Instead, she stole one of his nicer jackets, took measurements, and began to make him a new one. She chose green velvet, and gold bordering, along with metal clasps to close it. A meow made Sansa look down at Alfie. The kitten licked his paw and walked over to her. Sansa scooped him into her arms, and scratched him behind his ears. The cat purred melodiously, and Sansa smiled.

The front door slammed, and Sansa jumped, accidentally squeezing Alfie in her arms. The cat hissed, and she put him down. "Loki? Are you alright?" Sansa asked. She put her needle work down, and stepped out of her weaving room. She turned the corner of the hall, and immediately covered her mouth to stifle her gasp. Loki was leaning against the wall, a bloody hand leaving a smear on the beige stone. It oozed out over his armor from a gash across his torso. Loki's other hand was pressed to his side, and his face was haggard. "Loki! Oh, gods!" Sansa exclaimed, rushing to him. She wrapped her arms around him and tried to support his weight.

"Sansa... I guess my premonition... was correct..." Every word that came out of Loki's mouth, was a desperate bid for air.

"Loki, don't strain yourself! I need to get you to your room," Sansa said, struggling to keep him on his feet.

"You'll... have to... help me," Loki said to her. He started to pass out, and Sansa had to slowly lower herself and him to the floor.

"I will help you, Loki! I will! I swear on the Mother!" Sansa said. Right before Loki was completely unconscious, and lying on the stone floor. Sansa wriggled out from underneath him, and sat there, trying to catch her breath. "You're heavier than you look." Sansa glanced at his injuries as best she could with his armor and clothing in the way. He had been cut across the chest, and she saw a place where his armor had been bent inward from a blow. Heaving a sigh, she grabbed his arms, and began to drag him across the floor towards his chambers. She tripped several times, and Loki would groan, but there was nothing she could do. Sansa was not strong enough to lift him up. "Loki! I need you to wake up! I can't get you there!" Sansa pleaded. Loki stirred, and his green eyes opened for a moment. He seemed to comprehend what she was saying, and he rolled himself over. Sansa helped him to his knees, and from there, his feet. They went to the wall, and he leaned on the wall for support, while Sansa guided him. When they reached his chamber, Loki was starting to pass out again. Sansa was barely able to get him to the bed, before he had fainted again. "What am I supposed to do?" Sansa fretted as she made him more comfortable on the mattress. "I've never seen a wound this serious, let alone treated one!" Sansa exclaimed, almost running her fingers through her hair. But, she realized that they were covered with blood. Loki's blood. She sat down on the floor, burying her face in her arms. "What am I supposed to do?" Sansa asked nobody.

Sansa. Sansa? Child, said a soothing, and loving voice. It startled Sansa, and she leapt to her feet.

"Who's there? Who are you? How dare you enter the portis satis tuto?!" Sansa challenged, sounding braver than she felt. A gentle laugh reached her ears, and she felt somebody touch her cheek. Sansa spun around, but nobody was there.

Hello, Sansa. I am Frigga. Loki's mother.

"Loki's mother? He said you were dead. Are you real? Or am I just imagining things?" Sansa queried.

No, Sansa, you are not. I am here to help you. You'll need it. Sansa looked back at Loki, and she clasped her already bloody hands together.

"Can you guide me?" Sansa begged.

Yes. I can. Now, prop his head with a pillow, and remove his armor and leather coverings. There is a blade in the side drawer. Sansa did as she was told, and found the dagger in Loki's side drawer. Along with throwing stars, bottles of poison, and mask of sorts. Sansa winced at the sight of that. There were special devices for holding a person's tongue. She closed it quickly, and began to cut through the bindings of his armor and shirt. Pulling the armor off, it fell apart, and clattered on the floor. Sansa pulled off a cross belt, and the leather vest. That left only his shirt, which she swiftly recognized as one of her own. She smiled slightly with the realization that he had been wearing something she had made for him. However, Sansa had to slice through that to reveal his chest. She stopped herself from vomiting at the sight of the deep, and bloody gash, that spanned from his hip, across his stomach and pectorals, to his opposite shoulder. Sansa also saw that over several ribs, his flesh was tender and red.

"What am I supposed to do now?"

Loki has a few cracked ribs, and that cut needs to be stitched closed. Deal with that first, before you make a brace to keep him from putting pressure on those ribs, Frigga advised. Sansa rushed to her weaving room, and found needle and thread. Bringing it back, she threaded it, and waited for Frigga's instructions. Pinch the flesh closed, and just stitch, Frigga told her. Sansa swallowed and began to do just that. His blood covered her fingers, and got under her nails, but Sansa kept working. She lost track of time, so concentrated was she on closing up the cut. Once that was done, she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, unaware that blood was streaked across her skin. Now, you'll have to make a brace from something that is metal. But, it can't be too tight, or else that will fracture them. It has to be just the right amount of pressure to prevent him from aggravating them, Frigga said. Sansa thought. What did she have in her possession that could do that?

"I think I have something. It's in my room." Sansa sprung up from the bed, and darted to her chambers. Frigga hummed and looked at her weak, and wounded son on the bed. If Loki had been awake, he would have felt Frigga's gentle fingers rake through his hair. When Sansa returned, she noticed that his locks were out of place from when she left. "I've got it," Sansa said, dumping one of her unused corsets on the bed.

You'll have to modify it, and get it around him, Frigga told her. Sansa took the dagger, and cut the corset's stays. Ripping it, and unbending the metal brackets, Sansa soon had what she needed. It was difficult propping Loki up enough for her to bandage him more, and to place the brace around him. Once that was secure, she laid him back down, and smoothed his hair from his face. Glancing around the room, she smiled slightly.

"Thank you, Frigga."

Oh, no. Thank you, Sansa. Sansa glanced back at Loki and saw his chest rising and falling slowly. He was all taken care of and bandaged up. Now, all he had to do was live.

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