Chapter 102 - A Friendly Chat

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Sansa woke up pressed against Loki's body. Her hand went out and slipped under his shirt, fingering the scar going across his torso. He stirred and rolled over to face her. His black hair was splattered over his forehead and he had pillow marks on his cheeks. "Good morning," he whispered to her.

"Good morning," she greeted in return. They kissed but broke apart a second later, remembering their bargain. Loki quickly sat up and climbed out of bed, opening the shutters that were only a few feet away. The sea breeze blew in and caressed Sansa's face, stirring her hair. She was wearing a purple nightgown Daenerys had loaned her, and it exposed her curves nicely. Sansa could tell that Loki had been sexually frustrated the evening before, but had restrained himself. She had felt the same. How could couples abstain once they started? If they really loved each other, that is. That was when there was a knock on the door and Loki turned around.

"Come in!" he called, and the doors opened, revealing Missandei. She bowed to them and smiled slightly at Sansa.

"Lady Sansa, my mistress requests your presence for a sweat bath," Missandei informed her. Sansa raised her eyebrow as she had no idea what that was, but when Loki gently pushed her forward, she realized that she had no choice in the matter.

"She would be delighted to join her," Loki responded.

"I would?" Sansa shot back before Loki effectively shoved her out the door. He grinned at her before he closed it in her face. Sansa stood there fuming for a split second before she finally controlled herself. "Well, it appears I am going to this sweat bath," Sansa told Missandei and the translator smiled. She led Sansa back towards her queen's quarters, giving her sideways looks as they walked. Sansa was taller than her lady, but not lanky despite the added height. She was well formed, so Missandei could see why Loki had found her attractive. However, there was little part of her that was wondering how Loki could choose Sansa over Daenerys. How could he choose flaming red hair over pure white hair; or blue eyes over deep purple? Or- "Loki said his feelings towards Daenerys are that of an older brother she deserves. He said he cannot feel more than familial love for her," Sansa suddenly said, cutting into Missandei's thoughts. The translator glanced at the Northern lady and saw her smirking at her.

"He says that does he?" Missandei asked in return and Sansa shrugged. That was when they arrived. Sansa looked up and saw a large door, overlaid with gold, and etched with designs of vines. Missandei opened the door and Sansa saw Daenerys standing on the balcony. She was wearing a loose robe, and her pale hair was flowing over her shoulders. She turned and smiled at Sansa as the woman entered the room with Missandei.

"Welcome, Sansa Stark. The sweat bath I spoke of is just through that room. I hope you aren't shy," Daenerys said and Sansa managed to contain the flush of heat and pink to her cheeks.

"I wouldn't think I am anymore," Sansa retorted and Daenerys smiled. With a wave of her hand, she signaled Sansa to follow her into a side room.

"Oh yes! If you don't mind my asking, how did that come about?" Daenerys queried. Sansa was not overly keen on talking about the first time she and Loki lay together. It had been a once in a lifetime experience, and Loki had taken every care with her. That was personal information. Of course, her thoughts all vanished as she entered a stone room with a brazier in the middle and pail of water beside it. Daenerys waved her hand and Missandei closed the door on them, leaving the two women alone. Daenerys looked Sansa in the eyes as she removed her robe, hanging it on a peg on the wall. She grabbed a towel, placed it on a stone bench and sat down on top of it. Sansa followed her example, removing her nightgown, taking a towel, and sitting opposite her. Daenerys bunched her hair up and off her neck and Sansa soon found herself following suit as the room was very hot. Daenerys poured water onto the coals, sending more smoke into the air. "I'm sorry. As a dragon, it takes longer for me to feel heat of any sort," Daenerys said.

"Then you and Loki are the opposite. He doesn't like to get hot," Sansa responded and Daenerys nodded. Loki had told her he was a Frost Giant and explained the basics of his race, but he had not shown her what he looked like without his Aesir glamor.

"And what of you? What do you feel towards the hot and cold?" Daenerys queried. Sansa shrugged her shoulder, watching a bead of sweat slide down her skin.

"I am a human, a mere mortal compared to him. I react the way a normal person reacts to the heat and cold. I can stand the colder longer than most, but that is only because I come from Winterfell, and even in the summer, the warmest it gets means you only wear a coat instead of a coat, hood, scarf, and gloves," Sansa responded. Daenerys smiled slightly, before she tilted her head, studying Sansa closer. Sansa noticed her scrutinizing gaze and straightened up. "See something you don't like?"

Daenerys shook her head before she countered, "No, I do not. Actually, I can see why Loki likes you. You're a cold flame, Sansa Stark, but I do sense a heat about you. But, that particular heat still has a cap on it, doesn't it?" Sansa knew what she was talking about and she blushed slightly.

"I don't want to talk about it. Loki and I already had an argument about this subject, and I don't feel like continuing it with you," Sansa responded.

"Avoiding talking about is not helping to ease the problem. That's why you said that you were running on twenty-four hours of not having sex. This block stems from your fear of doing something new in your bedtime activities," Daenerys said and Sansa growled, angry that the Dragon had hit the nail on the head. Daenerys smiled slightly and leaned forward to look at her. "Let me guess, you're uncomfortable with being the dominant one?"

"How can I? That is surely Loki's right, isn't it?" Sansa asked, and Daenerys shook her head.

"It is the right of both man and woman to achieve release and satisfaction from the act of love making. Look, Sansa. I have only made love to two men: my first husband, Drogo; and Daario Naharis as you and Loki saw last night. It takes a while, but changing positions in favor of the woman being dominant is actually something that excites men. They want to experience the feeling, the thrill of being at the whim of somebody else," Daenerys told her.

Sansa snorted before she said, "Well, I know Loki will hate that. His whole life before he came here was at the behest of another. He does not take kindly to receiving orders from people he doesn't trust or respect."

"Are you saying he doesn't respect or trust you?" The question startled Sansa into silence, but after a second, she shook her head.

"I know he respects and trusts me... it's just-" Sansa started to say before Daenerys suddenly shifted to her side, startling the wolf girl.

"You're scared. And that's to be expected when you're still new to this. Just tell him you're afraid. Loki won't judge you," Daenerys told her. Sansa glanced at the queen and felt a little bit better, albeit irritated that it had been Daenerys to say something to her.

"Thank you for your advice, Daenerys. I will look into it." 

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