Chapter 106 - New Lodgings

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Tyrion should not have been surprised to see Sansa Stark in the domus when Loki dropped him off, but he was shocked to see her there in trousers, riding boots, and a corset over a green peasant blouse. She stood there with a rapier attached to her hip, and vambraces on her forearms. Her red hair was up in a long braid that stretched down her back. Beside her, a black cat arched its back and hissed at him. "Alfie!" the girl admonished and the cat scampered away. "Forgive him, Tyrion Lannister. He has never met a stranger like you before."

"No need for apologies, my lady. I am invading your home. The animal is only trying to protect you," the dwarf responded. Sansa waved her hand before she turned around and walked away from him. Tyrion figured she wanted him to follow her so he went with her down the hallway. Tyrion saw the swish of her hips and realized that since he had last seen her in Winterfell, Sansa had matured into a beautiful and bewitching woman. Tyrion was surprised that Loki even got out of bed in morning. "And may I say, Lady Sansa, that you have grown into an extraordinary creature," Tyrion complimented. Sansa glanced over her shoulder and smiled at him. Alfie clearly took it the wrong way and bared his fangs.

"Alfie!" Sansa said again and the cat disappeared for good. "Please, come in. I prepared something for you. Loki informed me you would be coming," Sansa said as she indicated a seat at their dining table. Tyrion slid onto the cushions and watched as Sansa poured him some wine and pushed a plate of bread towards him. Tyrion took a slice of bread with melted cheese on it and took a bite. His eyes closed as the taste was heavenly, definitely better than the prison fare he had been receiving the last couple of days. "I hope that it meets with your approval," Sansa said as she sat down and crossed her legs at the knee.

"Did you make this, my lady?" Tyrion asked as he slowly came to the realization the reason for Sansa's question.

Sansa nodded before she explained, "Loki and I are the only ones here. Sometimes, the food magically prepares itself, but most of the time, I prepare it." Sansa straightened up as they both heard the front door open and close. "In the dining room!" Sansa called and a moment later, Loki appeared, looking rather smug. "Everything go as you had envisioned?" Sansa queried.

"Exactly! You should have seen it, Sansa! I had both Tywin and Cersei Lannister kneeling before me. It was glorious!" Sansa jumped into Loki's arms, and Tyrion got to witness their passionate kiss. He turned away, feeling like he was intruding on their private moment. They both eventually remembered that Tyrion was in fact present, and they turned to look at him.

"How are you, Tyrion? Doing much better now that you are out of prison?" Loki queried as he stood before the dwarf. Tyrion nodded his head as he slowly climbed out of his chair.

"Indeed, the free air is so much better," Tyrion said and Loki grinned.

"Verily. Now, I will take you to your new home. Sansa, you can join us if you want," Loki suddenly said and Tyrion frowned.

"You mean I'm not going to stay here with you?" Tyrion queried. If Loki's eyebrow could have come off his face, it would have. Sansa herself was trying to restrain the unexpected upturn of her lips.

"Um... no." The response got straight to the point: Loki was clearly not interested in sharing his dwelling with anyone other than Sansa. "Besides, Tyrion; I think you'll like your new home. It's sunny and warm, and there are many beautiful women. But... I think your attention will only need to focus on one." Tyrion made a face at this, wondering who he was talking about. Sansa could not restrain the smirk that spread across her face this time. Loki led Tyrion and Sansa to the door and opened it. The bright sunlight blinded the dwarf and when his sight finally cleared up, both Loki and Sansa were ahead of him. Tyrion observed them closely as they led him through the high halls. When they stepped through the door and entered whatever city they were currently in, Loki's clothes had altered slightly. He was wearing a long, black coat that stretched down to his knees. A loose green shirt was underneath and two belts were crossed over his chest. Sansa was still in her original getup, but her hand was now resting on the hilt of her rapier.

"Are you expecting trouble?" he asked. Sansa paused and glanced over her shoulder at him.

"No. I'm just resting my hand," she responded. Tyrion nodded before Loki arrived at high doors and threw them open. Guards with spears tried to stop them, but withdrew once they saw Loki. Tyrion saw the steps leading up to a rather simple chair. Sitting in the chair, was a beautiful young woman, with long flowing pale hair. Her violet eyes brightened when she saw Loki, and she acknowledged Sansa with a respectful tilt of the head. Sansa did the same.

"Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen!" Loki said grandly and Tyrion realized that he was looking upon the last of the Targaryens. She was indeed regal and enchanting.

"Who is this little fellow you've brought to me?" Daenerys asked as she leaned forward slightly in her seat. Her eyes narrowed a little as she studied Tyrion.

"Little fellow?" Tyrion posed indignantly. Loki ignored his outburst and continued.

"Forgive me, but this is Tyrion Lannister," Loki said. Daenerys' eyebrow went up slightly.

"A Lannister? Is he a gift? A prisoner for me to use against Tywin?" Daenerys queried as she adjusted her position on the chair. Tyrion's eyes quickly flashed to Loki, but he saw the furrowed brow and knew that the god was not pleased with Daenerys' guess.

"Far from it, actually," he responded coolly and he climbed the steps to her chair. Sansa remained by Tyrion's side, her blue eyes scrutinizing the Unsullied who stood at the door. "I have just come from Westeros with news that will surely delight you," Loki informed her and Daenerys' lips turned up slightly as she restrained her smile. Loki arrived at her chair, leaned down, and whispered in her ear, "King Joffrey is dead." Daenerys looked at Loki in awe and he was grinning.

"I see. But, this still does not clear the way for me. The Lannisters will declare his younger brother, Tommen Baratheon, King of Westeros after him," Daenerys replied casually before she stood up. She looked Loki firmly in the eyes.

"But, with Joffrey deceased, my queen, the kingdom will be in disarray for a time. And, if Tommen is as I remember him, he will be more pliable," Ser Barristan Selmy said. Daenerys nodded her head before she eyes Tyrion. She slowly came down from her stone pedestal and stood before him and Sansa Stark.

"Lady Sansa," she greeted and Sansa smiled slightly at her.

"Queen Daenerys," Sansa responded. Daenerys then turned her gaze to Tyrion and saw that he was frowning deeply at her.

"So, you are the Imp."

"Call me that again, and there will be terrible consequences," Tyrion warned her darkly. Daenerys smiled before she straightened up and looked back at Loki.

"You were right, Loki. He might be small, but he has fight in him to rival a battalion of men," Daenerys said. Loki chuckled as he took up Daenerys' place on the seat.

"Indeed! That's why he and I are such good friends. He's got a mind for strategy, and you should find his wit refreshing," Loki told her.

"And I've got no say in this?" Tyrion asked. Sansa frowned at him and shook her head.

"Like I said before, you're not staying in my domus. You can do more good here, beside Queen Daenerys." Loki stood up and walked down the steps until he was standing before Tyrion. "You'll be more useful at her side." Tyrion sighed as he realized the matter was no longer open for discussion.

"As you suggest. Now, Daenerys Stormborn, want to see what makes me tick?"

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