Chapter 74 - A Child Enlightens

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Shireen Baratheon sat closeted in her room, delving into the thick book Loki had given her with gusto. It was a descriptive history of the world he came from. The Realms of Yggdrasil, each world the sanctuary of a specific race, with its own abilities and talents. Asgard, the realm of the gods; and Vanaheim, the home of the sorcerers. Alfheim, the planet where the Light Elves were connected to nature; Svartlfheim, the dwelling of the Dark Elves, the thieves of Yggdrasil. Midgard, another realm where mortals, like them, were protected from the other higher species. Jotunheim, the cold keeper of the Frost Giants, the nightmarish monsters of legend. Nidavellir, an entire world devoted to dwarves, like Tyrion Lannister. Muspelheim, the searing chasms of the Fire Giants and demons. Nornheim, also called the Realm of Fate. Niffleheim, the realm of the dead and home of Hela, the Goddess of the Dead. Under that realm, was the final world: Helheim, the literal hell pit, the lair of the insidious undead. "And we thought White Walkers were evil," Shireen muttered to herself.

"Oh, they are," said a voice and she straightened up. Turning, she saw that Loki was sitting on her window sill, a smirk on his face as he studied her. Shireen put the book aside, stood up, and curtsied to him. Loki inclined his head to her before patting the stone sill beside him. Shireen scurried across the room and climbed up beside him. Loki cocked his head as he looked down at her. Shireen looked bravely back, her hands delicately clasped in her lap like a true lady. "Any questions about your studies so far?" Loki then posed.

Shireen thought for only a second before she said, "Is the Goddess of the Dead really your daughter?" Loki smiled, thinking of his precocious and precious Hela. She had been born at the most inopportune of times, but was still his baby. When he looked back at Shireen, she was still looking up at him with big, hopeful, curious eyes. He nodded his head after a moment.

"Yes, Shireen, she is my daughter. Her mother and I, well... we had an interesting relationship. Needless to say, my daughter is an interesting person. But, I love her anyway," Loki responded. Shireen nodded her head, eyeing him a little differently knowing that he was a father. "Was there something else?"

"You have a wolf and a serpent for sons." This was more of a statement than a question and Loki had to laugh. Shireen had a funny expression on her face: her eyes were concentrated, her mouth quirked up, and her nose was wriggling slightly like a bunny. Loki put his arm around her, drew her in and kissed her on the top of her head.

"Yes! I do! They are Fenris the Hell Hound, and Jormugandr the Midgard Serpent. They are my first born sons," Loki explained as he rested Shireen's head against his shoulder. She nodded before she looked at the book again.

"You're world is confusing," she said. Loki snorted before he looked down at her.

"How do you think I felt when I got here?" he asked and she smiled.

"Indeed," Shireen answered. Loki just held her there for a second, giving her the love he knew she deserved but never got from her parents. Both her father and her mother were in the thrall of Melisandre, they undoubtedly had no time to devote to their only child. That made Loki wonder about something.

"Shireen?" he asked and she glanced up at him. "What do you think of Melisandre?" The little girl parted from him to give him a look of consternation and irritation.

"The Red Priestess believes she is above men and laws because she serves the Lord of Light. People who believe there are no boundaries or laws to constrain them, are often the most dangerous. They somehow think they will not be judged for their actions, or punished. They are the ones who are evil," Shireen said. If Loki could have, he would have applauded her. She was a child, but like the Stark children, and even Myrcella and Tommen, she was observant. Children were far more intelligent than adults gave them credit. Loki was not like normal adults. He had seen his own children and how cunning and smart they were, even when they were young. Needless to say, the God of Mischief knew better than to underestimate children and their skills.

"So, how would you counter somebody with her influence?" Loki asked and Shireen looked up at him with wide eyes.

"You asking me for advice?" she queried and Loki nodded. "But, you're an adult."

"So? Just because I'm an adult, doesn't mean I'm all knowing. Adults learn new things every day too. Like me, for instance," Loki said and Shireen raised her eyebrow. "I just learned that you, despite your conditions, know more about human nature than some people who deal with humans every day. Now, enlighten me: how would you counter her influence?" Loki rested his chin on his hand and watched Shireen closely. The princess was still genuinely surprised he wanted her advice and opinion, but she decided to indulge him.

"Well, she has built a support system, in this case it is my parents. They are like two pillars holding up a beam. Take those pillars out, and you can take her down," Shireen said. Loki raised his eyebrow, before he raised his hand.

"But, you're basically giving me permission to remove your parents. Are you sure, Shireen Baratheon?" Loki queried and the little girl looked back down at the book. She shrugged her shoulders. "That's not an answer," Loki said firmly and she glanced up at him. His eyebrow went up a little more.

"You don't mean to kill them, do you?" she posed in return and Loki sighed.

"If you do not desire me to, I will not. I will simply remove them from their positions of power. Without somebody powerful at her beck and call, Melisandre will crumble," Loki said and Shireen Baratheon nodded. Before she shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. "Is there a chill in this room? I must have missed it," Loki commented, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in.

"It's not the room. It's talking about her. Melisandre comes at night sometimes and tries to 'teach' me about the Lord of Light. She terrifies me when she talks about the cleansing flames," Shireen admitted and Loki felt angry. Melisandre was frightening somebody under his protection, and he had to do something to stop her.

"What does she like to say? The night is dark and full of terrors?" Lokivasked and Shireen nodded her head. "She says that to frighten people because she's afraid. You know what you should do the next time she says that to you?" Shireen looked up at him expectantly. "You say, 'only people who are afraid, speak of fear'." Shireen's eyes brightened at this and she nodded her head. Loki kissed her cheek this time and climbed off the window ledge. Taking her under the arms, it was easy to remove her as well. "Until our next meeting, Shireen Baratheon, keep reading," Loki told her. He bowed and she curtsied. When Shireen raised her head, Loki had vanished.

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