Chapter 118 - Advancing on All Fronts

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Sansa pulled her long coat over her shoulders, taking a second to release her long red braid down her back. Loki had called it a warrior's braid, and Sansa felt that if she grew it any longer, she could strangle someone with it. She crossed two belts over her chest, each one carrying a knife. Sansa was just strapping her rapier to her hip when arms encircled her from behind. She sighed and smiled before turning to face her lover. Loki pulled her into his embrace, his cool lips gracing hers as they kissed. When they separated, they looked into each other's eyes. "The end is finally drawing nigh, my sweet. Players are being removed: Baelish is gone, as is Melisandre. I have arranged for Jon Snow to lead his Wildlings against the remainder of Stannis Baratheon's army in the North. Your dear brother, Robb, will march to Lannisport to resupply before advancing on Kings Landing in the South," he said.

"While you do that, I am to go to Daenerys and Tyrion and inform them that they must prepare for the arrival of the Greyjoy fleet, under the command of Yara Greyjoy," Sansa answered. Loki nodded, a smirk spreading across his face.

"And please tell me how Daenerys and Tyrion have got on since I last saw them," Loki reminded and Sansa rolled her eyes slightly.

"Yes, you mean since you caught them kissing in the hall? I still don't believe it. Last time I checked, she was having a liaison amoureuse with Daario Naharis. How is Tyrion Lannister supposed to compete with that?" Sansa queried. Loki shrugged his shoulders, his signature evil grin on his face.

"And what was my purpose for putting him there in the first place?" he posed in return.

"To advise her, clearly. Unless of course (like usual) you had a side plan where he wooed her," Sansa said smartly in return and Loki poked the tip of her nose with his finger.


"You're evil," Sansa commented, but she laughed as Loki picked her up and twirled her around. He nuzzled her neck, leaving light and feathery kisses along her skin. "Why are you more affectionate when we're making evil plans together?" Sansa queried. Loki burst out laughing before he put Sansa down.

"Now, you have your mission and I have mine. We'll meet up at the end of this day to compile our notes on the progress we've made," Loki said, ignoring Sansa's question. Sansa nodded. A second later, she pressed her lips to Loki's.

"Are you sure that's all we'll be doing?" she challenged mischievously, and Loki gently shoved her away.

"Keep talking like that and we won't get anywhere today," Loki scolded. Sansa let out a defeated sigh as she walked towards the front door. Loki watched as she opened the oak door, turned to face him, and blew him a kiss. "That little witch!" Loki muttered. Sansa winked as she vanished. Loki rolled his eyes before he followed.

When Sansa opened the door and stepped out, she was in Yunkai, one of the cities of Slaver's Bay, and Daenerys Targaryen's current base of operation. The Unsullied were walking around and when they saw the Red Haired Valkyrie (their name for her), they bowed before her out of respect. Sansa acknowledged them with a head tilt of her own. "Grey Worm!" she called out when she caught sight of the commander of Daenerys' army. The Unsullied in question stopped, and bowed deeply to her.

"Lady Sansa of House Stark. How may I help you?" he queried haltingly in the Common Tongue.

"Can you please tell me where Queen Daenerys and the Lord Tyrion are? I have a message for them from Ser Loki," Sansa said.

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