Chapter 33 - The Portis Satis Tuto

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When Sansa opened her eyes, she found herself in a beige, stone hallway, with sunlight pouring in. Glancing around, she saw that Loki was still holding her in his arms. His helmet had disappeared, along with the majority of his armor, and his cape. "Welcome to your new sanctuary," he told her. Sansa suddenly pushed against his chest, and Loki quickly and carefully set her down. Sansa stepped away, looking around. Green curtains billowed in the breeze, and vines with red roses grew twirling around the pillars. Sansa turned back, and saw Loki just standing there. His arms were crossed, and he had a patient expression on his face.

"What is this place?" Sansa asked, turning around, and seeing am image of the horned helmet carved into one wall. A snake was coiled around the horns.

"Welcome to a little place I like to call 'portis satis tuto' or 'the safe haven'. If you want to make it simpler, just call it 'domus'," Loki told her as he walked toward her. Sansa looked up at him when he was standing right in front of her.

"Domus?" she queried.

"Home," Loki told her. Sansa shook her head, wagged her finger, and began to walk down the hall away from him. "And thus begins the freaking out session," Loki muttered to himself.

"I cannot stay here! I must be returned to Winterfell! I cannot remain here! Not with you!" Sansa said in a very loud voice.

"And why not with me?" Loki queried, his voice still calm. Sansa turned back around.

"Why not? We are unmarried. You're a man, I'm a woman-" Sansa started to say, before Loki cut her off.

"A woman? Ha! Ha, ha, ha!" Loki burst into a fit of laughter, holding his stomach, and thumping the stone wall with his fist. Sansa raised her eyebrow, wondering what she had said that was so funny. "You are not a woman! You are but a child at prayer. Pathetic!" Loki was not surprised when these words rolled off his tongue as easily as when he said them to the Black Widow. Sansa stiffened. "Your immature belief that Joffrey was going to spare your father, is probably what hastened his demise."

"I didn't see you there to stop it," Sansa countered, with more venom than Loki believed her capable of.

"Oh! So it's my fault now? I have saved your honor enough, and now I find, I was supposed to save your father too?" Loki approached Sansa, limiting her personal space. Sansa was forced against the wall, and her hand went up to his chest, hoping to stop him from getting any closer. Loki was breathing down her neck, and it got frostier the angrier he became. "I have done things that your precious father wouldn't even dream of doing! I have made enemies no mortal man would think to take on! I am a god! I can do as I like! I have taken you from Joffrey because he was abusing you, and this is the thanks I get?!" Sansa was trembling like a leaf in the wind at this point. Loki inhaled and stepped away from her. He ran his fingers through his hair, and chewed in his lip. His waved his hand at a door against the other wall, with flowers carved into the wood. "That chamber is yours. Everything a young girl like yourself needs is inside. The dining hall is down the way, and turn left. It's 'outside' so to speak. We break our fast at mid-evening time," Loki told her in a much calmer voice. He walked away from her, disappearing down a passageway. His whole tone had been like they had not just had a shouting match.  Sansa breathed for the first time since he started yelling at her. She approached the door he had said belonged to her room, and she opened it.

Inside, the room was filled with golden sunlight, and it reflected the magnificent painting on the ceiling of some warrior women. Sansa looked at it. They were wearing armor, and riding horses that had wings. Sansa was impressed and calmed by the beauty of it. Turning, she saw a wardrobe against the one wall, with a mirror in the one door. Standing before it, Sansa admired the bruises Ser Meryn Trant had given her before Loki saved her. She paused as this thought entered her head. He had saved her. And she had yelled at him, blaming him for Ned's death. She only had herself to blame. It was her stupidity that had moved Joffrey to take his head, although he might have done it anyway.  But, with her pleading, he had known it would hurt her to have him executed.  Sansa wrapped her arms around herself, and walked over to where a large cushioned window seat was. She laid down on it, curled up, and closed her eyes. Sleep was quick to claim her.

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