Chapter 53 - Astapor Arrival

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Loki tracked Daenerys Targaryen across the lands and sea away from Qarth, which she had plundered for her own gain, and followed her to Astapor. Loki had heard through rumors and his own investigation to find out what it was she wanted exactly in Astapor. The slave masters in that city had an army for sale. A formidable force, called the Unsullied. They were bred for the single purpose of obeying whoever held their whip. And Daenerys wanted to the person to carry that whip. Smart move: buy an army of humans, who had no minds or wills of their own, and make them her mighty weapon. Loki knew that Daenerys would always keep him around because she loved him. Loki knew that was one of the reasons she defended him so adamantly against Ser Jorah Mormont, and anybody else tried to tear him down. Loki liked Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen. She was no longer the terrified, timid young girl he had met so long ago. She was a strong, confident, and commanding young woman. She knew what she wanted in life, and Loki had offered to assist her in attaining that. But, she was not quite his type of woman. Loki wanted a woman whose mind was not filled with thoughts of world domination. Those were already in his mind. But you're not here to dominate this world. You're here to realign it, Frigga reminded him when this idea entered his head.

"I wasn't thinking in those terms, Mother. Just... contemplating the possibilities. My mind is my own realm. Right?" Loki posed. Loki was hinting to his mental enslavement at Thanos' behest, which Frigga was very much aware of. She had nursed him through many nightmares and wicked dreams, and she cursed Thanos for what he did to her son. Loki knew that Frigga only wanted to see him succeed, and to base his success in as much a moral foundation as he could. Not that would actually happen. Loki thrived on underhanded tricks, and lying. Obviously.

Yes, Loki. You will always be the master of your mind. I just want to ensure that you stay on the righteous path, Frigga told him.

"And that's where we differ, Mother. Thor is the righteous one. I am the deceitful one. It's only my nature," Loki responded before he appeared at the borrowed house where Daenerys was staying in Astapor. He fazed through the door, just as a white haired, older gentleman was coming down a curving stone staircase. "Oh," Loki muttered as the older man immediately drew his sword. Loki simply waved his hand, and he was teleported to the room where Daenerys was sitting with a tan skinned, young woman. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked. The tan skinned woman straightened up, and put herself between him and Daenerys. The both of them sighed. "You need to start telling your new recruits that I will appear and disappear whenever I please," Loki warned Daenerys as he approached. The beautiful Mother of Dragons gently brushed her maiden to the side, and stood up.

"You need to stop by more often," she told him. Loki wrinkled his nose up, and put his hands behind his back.

"I've told you before: I can advise you in how to proceed over here, but! I cannot get directly involved with anything. My major area of operation is in Westeros, and that is the place that requires the majority of my attention. At least now that you are a woman who knows her own mind," Loki added, slipping the compliment in to assuage her. Daenerys awarded him with her beguiling smile, and she put her arms around him. Loki gave her his cheek to kiss, and Daenerys did. Before turning to her maid, and signaling for her to approach.

"This is Missandei. She's my translator, and new hand maiden. I'm afraid after Qarth, I had to re-evaluate my staff," Daenerys told him. Loki nodded, took Missandei's hand, and kissed it.

"It is my pleasure, my lady," he said. Missandei's eyebrow went up slightly, and she looked at Daenerys. The Targaryen waved her hand dismissively.

"He is very suave, as you will discover," Daenerys said. That was when the door crashed open, and Ser Jorah Mormont entered, with the white haired knight.

"I thought you would never get here," Loki commented as he took up a seat by the window.

"When Ser Barristan told me that a man matching your description magically appeared and then vanished, I knew you would come here," Ser Jorah said. Loki clapped mockingly.

"Brilliant deduction!" Loki teased, but Daenerys shot him a look.

"There's no need for you to be so cutting," she scolded, and Loki leaned back on the cushions, putting his legs up on them, and taking a very relaxed position.

"Sorry Daenerys, but it and I are one," Loki responded. She smiled at him, before turning back to her other advisors.

"Well, you must be here for a reason. You only seem to pop up anymore when something is about to happen," Ser Jorah said. Loki tilted his head to one side, and his eyebrows wiggled.

"You're about to buy yourself an army." Daenerys sat down, her back very straight, and her expression very calm. She did not seem at all surprised that Loki knew what she was doing. Even though he was not there physically, he kept tabs on her. "The Unsullied. Raised from birth to be warriors and killers. And now, they're about to be yours. For the price of a dragon." Daenerys nodded her head at this, and Loki began to chuckle slightly. "What do your advisors think of you giving away one of your precious dragons?" Loki queried, his green eyes shifting from Daenerys to Ser Jorah Mormont, and Ser Barristan Selmy. "You must be the famous Ser Barristan Selmy. We never met officially when you were in Kings Landing, but, I've heard of you," Loki told him. The old captain of the Kingsguard nodded.

"Indeed, yes. I did hear of you. The... and pardon me for saying this... infamous Ser Loki Sells-sword was a name to be feared by all in Kings Landing," the older knight admitted. Loki waved his hand dismissively.

"I like it when people fear my name. Means I'm doing my job right," Loki said. "But... my question still remains unanswered. And since you deflected my question with that statement, I know that you two don't approve of Daenerys' plan." Both Ser Jorah and Ser Barristan exchanged concerned glances, and Loki smirked. "I thought as much. Daenerys, darling? Can I have a moment of your time?" Loki stood up as did Daenerys, and they walked out of the chamber, and down the sunny hall. Loki's hand touched Daenerys' elbow to guide her, and once again, she marveled at how cool his skin was. "Your title of Mother of Dragons was aptly given to you. That being said, I know you have no intention of giving this man who owns the Unsullied your dragon." Daenerys glanced up at him, and Loki was looking at her with his signature mischievous smirk.

"I learned from you. Play along, make them think that they have the better side of the deal, and in the end, betray them," Daenerys told him. Loki winced at her phrasing and shook his head.

"Betray is such a strong word. I think the idiom you're looking for is, 'pull the rug out from under them.' That term sounds so much more innocuous," Loki said in response. Daenerys chuckled and walked away from him, the wind catching her blue dress slightly.

"Always taking care of how other people perceive you," she said, glancing back at him over her shoulder. Loki shrugged, put his hands behind his back, and strode after her.

"Because it is in how you are perceived. If the people see that you tried to do the right thing, or the honorable deed, they will respect you. They will not fault you when blood is spilt. I also wanted to inform you that I made an offer to Stannis Baratheon to assist us in giving you the throne," Loki said to her. Daenerys' eyebrow was raised, but she waited for Loki to continue. "He has this Red Priestess with him. She serves the Lord of Light. She told him to refuse, and he did. But! The point remains: I offered them a reasonable deal, and they turned me down. Now, when the people learn of that... well... let's just say they will find favor with me." Daenerys laughed and cupped Loki's cheek in her hand. He paused, looking down at her.

"You are a genius, Loki! I don't care that the people from your old world said you were a monster. They clearly did not understand that fantastical brain of yours!" Daenerys stood on her tiptoes to reach him, but Loki pulled up slightly so that he was just out of her reach.

"No, Daenerys. I cannot do that for you," Loki told her. Daenerys got a slightly hurt expression on her face, and looked hard at him with her violet eyes.

"Why? Because of some immature ward? I am so much more," Daenerys said.

"Which is why you were meant for somebody who wants exactly what you want." Daenerys frowned and tilted her head to one side.

"And what is that?" she posed in return. Loki smirked and stepped back from her.

"What is rightfully his due." Daenerys blinked and she looked again, Loki was gone.

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