Chapter 61 - Project Wildfire

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Tyrion Lannister looked at the jars and jars of wildfire he had requested the alchemists make for him. He knew Stannis Baratheon was coming for them, and they needed to be ready. Loki had found out that Cersei had requested the mixture be made, and Tyrion had commandeered the operation. The alchemists were now making it for him. That particular day, he had come to check and make sure that all their preparations had been completed. "Your man was in here earlier, my lord. He's been very helpful in the making of the wildfire," the alchemist told Tyrion. Tyrion was smart. He knew that 'his man' was Loki.

"What sort of enhancements has he been making? Out of curiosity," Tyrion said, walking between the shelves of wildfire, keeping his distance out of concern for his own safety.

"Oh, for Pete's sake! It needs flames to go off, not body heat!" admonished a voice, and Tyrion turned to see Loki leaning in the doorway of the cellar.

"You could have told me you were getting involved in this. But, I suppose I should get used to you not telling me anything, until after the fact," Tyrion scolded in turn, and Loki shrugged his shoulders.

"Your father's been keeping me busy of late," Loki said, before he signaled for the alchemist to leave them alone. The old man bobbed his head, and departed quickly. Loki stepped towards his compatriot and put his hand on his shoulder. "I suppose you've heard the news?" Loki queried, and Tyrion nodded his head.

"His head arrived about a week ago," the dwarf answered, and Loki gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I know you didn't like him, Loki; but, he was my brother," Tyrion said, and he glanced up at Loki. Loki nodded his head, and gave the dwarf a soft smile.

"I know, Tyrion. I had a brother once. He was similar to Jaime in that he was an excellent fighter, but no real brains beneath that mop of golden hair," Loki told his friend, and Tyrion snorted slightly. "But, he did care for me, in his own, haphazard way. Didn't really see some of my pain though," Loki admitted, before he let go of Tyrion, and stood next to one of the jars of wildfire. "You wanted to know what enhancements I made to the wildfire?" Loki posed, changing the subject.  Tyrion nodded his head. "Well, I added my own magical signature to them. The flames will be stronger, more uncontrollable than if they had just been made by the alchemists. Also... they'll be a little green." Tyrion's eyebrow went up at this, and Loki chuckled.

"Green? You really had to make them green?" Tyrion queried as he stood beside the sorcerer, put his hands behind his back.

"I've got to let people know I made it somehow," Loki responded with a dry chuckle, and Tyrion rolled his eyes. Loki kept on walking until they reached a window at the end. They looked out over Blackwater Bay. "Stannis is going to come sailing in from Dragonstone. He'll attack the Mudwater Gate," Loki said, pointing to the gate that led out onto the beach. "He'll use strength of numbers to sweep up through the city, and take all the defenders with him. The Red Keep has the highest chance of securing itself. For a few days. But, holding the gate won't be easy, Tyrion. And even with the wildfire on your side, there's no telling how many of his ships will make it past the blast," Loki informed his friend. Tyrion nodded his head, before glancing back up at him.

"You'll be there, right?" he asked. Loki raised his eyebrow, and gave him an amused sideways glance.

"Do I need to be?" the god queried in return. Tyrion shrugged his shoulders, trying to look nonchalant about the whole matter now.

"It would be nice," Tyrion finally answered. Loki laughed and clapped him on the back. He immediately apologized when he almost knocked Tyrion off his feet. "What are you made of?" the second Lannister son asked, and Loki shrugged.

"Something very different from you," he responded. Loki got a faraway look in his eyes as he recalled Thor doing it to him all the time. He always almost knocked Loki to the ground.

"Ser Loki?" asked a voice, bringing him back to the present. Loki looked down at Tyrion, and the dwarf was raising his eyebrow at him. "You were staring off into the middle distance." Loki chuckled and gave the dwarf all his attention.

"I'm sorry, my friend. I got momentarily distracted. Memories tend to do that," Loki said.

"Good memories?" Tyrion queried. Loki snorted, thinking about countless other times Thor had inconvenienced him: getting drunk, and falling asleep in his chambers; getting carried away in training, and severely injuring him; starting food fights, and getting sticky stuff in his hair. Little things.

"Some of them are, Lord Tyrion. Others? Not so much," Loki said, recalling the glare he gotten from Thor when the prince had returned from Midgard and found him in their father's chambers. That look in his eyes when he came to him for help after Frigga had been murdered by the Kursed. Moments like that Loki wished he could forget. But, he could not and he had to live with those moments for the rest of his existence. Loki turned back to Tyrion and the dwarf approached him. They both looked out over the city, and watched as the azure waves lapped at the beach. Loki placed his hand on Tyrion's shoulder, and gave it a squeeze. "Just hold the city, friend. It shouldn't be too hard for you," Loki whispered to him mischievously. Tyrion sighed, nodding his head, and accepting the possibility that Loki might not be present at the upcoming battle. Loki let go of Tyrion's shoulder, and walked out of the cellar that was housing the wildfire. Loki smirked as he remembered hearing that Cersei had commissioned the wildfire be made, and Loki had skirted around her, told Tyrion, and now they were in charge of it. Loki paid the alchemists well. They were not going to be telling anybody about his hand in the operation. Loki had utter deniability in every venture he undertook. Besides, whenever he did stop in, the alchemists' perception of him was altered, so that they were seeing somebody completely different when they looked at him.

Once the door was closed behind him, Loki vanished, returning to the portis satis tuto. Sansa was in the music room when he opened the front door upon arriving. He heard the sound of the harp playing, and he smiled. Sansa seemed to have taught herself the fancy instrument, and Loki would now often come home to the wonderful harp music. Loki walked toward the music room, his step deliberate and slow. The music eventually stopped, and the door was opened all the way. Alfie came darting out, with Sansa behind him. She was in a dress of lavender, with Loki's name day gift around her neck. Her red hair was pinned back with a clip of gold and emeralds. Sansa smiled as soon as she saw him. "You're back," Sansa said as she approached him. She gave him a curtsy, and Loki bowed.

"I was just admiring the music. You've become quite proficient when it comes to playing the harp," Loki complimented her. Sansa looked down at her feet, and brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear.

"I have to try that instrument you call a piano next. I've heard you play it sometimes, and the melodies are heavenly," Sansa said, and Loki nodded, leading her back into the room. The harp had been positioned by a bay window, looking out over a vast blue sky. Technically, since Loki had created the domus to exist between the realms, he could only create the interior and not the exterior. That being said, anything that was not on the ground of the portis satis tuto, was nothing but blue sky, an endless expanse. Sansa still liked the illusion of outside. She had learned her lesson from the riots, and did not venture out again. Instead, she contended herself with her books, her weaving, her improving cooking, and her music. Swimming was also becoming a favored past time of hers, and she had stolen one of Loki's loose pairs of pants for her to use with one of his discarded shirts. He still did not know. Loki lightly touched the strings of the harp, and they made a sweet sound.

"I can teach you how to play the piano, but, there is something else I want to teach you first," Loki said, and Sansa blinked a few times, wondering what he could possibly want to teach her. Loki sensed her confusion, and chuckled. "Go to your room. There's something there for you."

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