Chapter 97 - A Thorny Conversation

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Olenna Tyrell was not so easily intrigued by anything or anyone. She had lived a long and colorful life and had figured there was not much left to surprise her in this world. But, somebody had succeeded in capturing her attention. Ser Loki Frostborn was a unique individual, with a rapier wit, and the necessary skills to pull off the schemes he planned. Olenna Tyrell had never seen true power and cunning in one so young. It was something that came with age. But Loki seemed to have mastered it perfectly. She glanced up from her papers at that moment and saw said young man standing before her. He smirked and walked around the table to be on the same side as her. "Lady Olenna. I've arrived for our scheduled meet and greet," Loki told her.

"Indeed, young ser! Sit. I am alone, but I imagine that you've used your incredible powers to shield us from prying eyes," Olenna Tyrell said, and Loki nodded. Pulling out his chair, he sat before her, his fingers in the steeple position and a smirk on his face. "I've already proposed your plan to our intended scapegoat. He's all for it, for the betterment of the realm," Olenna added that last part with a roll of her eyes. Loki snickered before he began to scratch the surface of the table.

"And you gave him no indication you had another conspirator in this plan?" Loki asked. Olenna Tyrell shrugged her shoulders.

"I may have said something to Lord Varys without your knowledge," she added and Loki leaned back in his chair. Under normal circumstances, he would have been angry at his plans being threatened like that. Except for the part where Lord Varys was a loyal Targaryen follower, and Loki knew he would be using him, sooner rather than later. "Do you see a hindrance in us using the Spider to suit our own ends?" Lady Olenna asked and Loki shook his head.

"No, my lady. I know where his allegiances lie, and they do not rest with King Joffrey. However, next time, please don't make decisions like that without my prior agreement," Loki said, and Lady Olenna bowed her head, acknowledging his request. "He marries your granddaughter soon, doesn't he?" Loki posed and Olenna nodded.

"The wedding has been scheduled for three weeks from today. All the powerful members of each house have been invited. Well, House Stark and House Frostborn not included," Olenna added and Loki chuckled.

"It sounds like it will be a dry wedding anyway. It would have to be in order for that twit to properly appreciate it," Loki said and Olenna smiled.

"I have said nothing to Margaery about it, but once he is dead, I believe that she will suspect," Olenna pointed out, and Loki waved his hand dismissively.

"Your granddaughter has too big ambitions, and not enough kings in this world to go around," Loki responded and Olenna's eyebrow went up.

"She would have you," Olenna told him and Loki's lips quirked slightly. "You are a very appealing young man, with the power she hungers for. You could be the King of Westeros, and sit on the Iron Throne if you wanted to, and yet you set it up for somebody else." Loki nodded his head. When he had first arrived, he had been planning on taking the throne for himself, but then he met Daenerys. As he began to teach her how to be a ruler, he genuinely wanted her to have the throne. "But, I can tell Margaery does not have the feminine qualities you desire. You have your eyes set on a different prize," Olenna said and Loki's green eyes flicked up to her. She was smiling. "I'm not an idiot, boy. You're in love with Sansa Stark. And, who wouldn't be?" Olenna asked honestly. Loki snorted as he realized that nobody would be able to resist Sansa's charms, even if they wanted to. Not to mention the fact that she was a very good fighter, and was expanding her magical aura. She was certainly better than some other god's girlfriend he was thinking of. Sansa could defend herself with various weapons already; and her magic would come in handy. Definitely better than a pitiful punch/slap, and getting into a shit ton of trouble without backup. Wait?! Was he really comparing Sansa Stark to Jane Foster?! Loki tilted his head to one side and Olenna Tyrell studied him with growing interest. "Something of interest, Ser Loki?" Olenna Tyrell asked. Loki cleared his throat and shook his head.

"Nothing I'm ready to tell you about, Lady Tyrell. Forgive me," Loki immediately countered. Lady Olenna nodded her head.

"You can keep your secrets, Ser Loki. It is your right. As for the plan, it is set in motion and the scapegoat believes firmly in it. Will you be present for the wedding itself?" Olenna Tyrell asked and Loki smirked.

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it for the world," Loki responded.

"Will Lady Sansa make an appearance? He did murder her father after all," Olenna said and Loki leaned back in his chair. It was a tempting idea but he did not know how Sansa would react to his suggestion. She did still have a heart, and he did not know what she would think if he recommended she watch Joffrey suffer a slow death; the slow death he had promised him when Loki revealed himself as the God of Mischief. Loki shrugged his shoulders.

"It is her decision. Although, I for one would not want her to witness something like that. If a person accidentally sees something brutal, that is just fate. But on purpose? That is just cruel," Loki said. Lady Olenna smiled at Loki and he raised his eyebrow.

"You are a queer fish, Loki Frostborn. You don't care how you achieve your goals, but you care who knows how you achieve your goals," Lady Olenna said and Loki snickered.

"It's all in the presentation, Lady Tyrell. What people perceive is what they believe. I show them a person who cares and feels their pain, and wants to help them," Loki told her. Lady Olenna made a face. "Not entirely a lie!" Loki informed the head of House Tyrell. She snorted dryly before she let him continue. "Meanwhile, behind the scenes, I manipulate people. They do what I want them to do when I want them to. Not a millisecond sooner," Loki said. It was true. He had yet to think of any real hiccups in his plan.

"What about your still official death standing? The Mountain is still claiming the glory for your demise," Lady Olenna said. Loki had to grin slightly at this. He had known that Tywin was going to find out eventually that he was a double agent. When Loki had fought the Mountain, he could have gotten out of that ambush with only a few minor scrapes. But, he had allowed himself to be severely injured. His magic could have healed himself, but he stopped it. Risked his own life so Sansa's confidence could be raised. Of course, he was not going to tell Olenna Tyrell that. There were only three people in the Realm of Westeros he trusted with personal information: Sansa Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, and Tyrion Lannister. Otherwise, Loki was more likely to toss them out a window than give them anything. Glancing back up at Olenna Tyrell, he grinned.

"It's official for now. I'll reveal when I'm good and ready. Just be assured, Lady Tyrell, your involvement will be concealed thoroughly," Loki informed her.

She nodded her head and held out a glass to him, saying, "Well then, Ser Loki of House Frostborn, I am pleased to be in this relationship with you." Loki took a glass of his own and clinked it against hers. He smirked and his eyebrows wiggled slightly.

"Indeed, Lady Tyrell. This bargain should prove to be fruitful; not just for us, but for the entirety of Westeros."

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