Chapter 63 - A Double Agent

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Arya knew Loki would return soon to Harrenhall. She wanted to see and talk to him so badly! Not that Tywin had been dull in conversing with her by any means. Quite the opposite. Arya enjoyed her discussions with the head of House Lannister. He seemed to understand that even though she was a girl, she had capabilities that most girls would consider improper and gauche. Arya figured that Loki had spoken on her behalf, and got her this position partly because of what she might learn for her brother, and what she might learn for herself. Loki believed that every opportunity and every person could teach you something. He wanted Arya to discover something from this situation, and Arya was going to do so. That particular day as she waited on Lord Tywin and his commanders, she was listening to him berating one of his captains for accidentally sending a letter that had denoted army size and strength, to a family that supported the Starks. "Can you read?" Tywin asked his captain, his tone of voice still controlled, and yet anger was the underlying current. Arya glanced at the man and saw that he did not say anything, or even nod his head to confirm or deny it. "This letter detailing our infantry movements was meant for Lord Damon of House Maurin. It was send to Lord Marlin of House Dormond." Tywin was fixing the man with his intense stare, and the commander immediately began to apologize.

"My lord, I am sorry-" he started to say before Tywin cut him off.

"Girl! Fetch me the History of the Greater and the Lesser Houses. It's the one on the..." but Tywin let his voice trail off as Arya found the right book without his assistance. She placed it before him on the table, and took a step back. Tywin smiled slightly. "My cupbearer can read better than you." Arya gave the captain a timid glance before she left the table. Meanwhile, Tywin had opened the book, found the page he was searching for, and rested the letter beside a crest. "To whom does House Dormond owe allegiance?" he asked, pointing to it.

"My lord, I-" the captain started to say before Tywin interrupted him.

"To the Starks of Winterfell!" Tywin iterated in a loud voice. Arya glanced up at him quickly before she went back to work. "Who have twenty thousand men, and have just killed my son! I judged you might be good for something more than brutalizing peasants. I see I overestimated you. Apparently, the only good officer under my command is Ser Loki." This statement made half the men at the table growl. Tywin leveled a firm glare at them all, before turning back to the first officer he had been berating. "The only thing that matters now is to avenge my son's death. If you ever put that in jeopardy again, I'll-" but Tywin stopped himself, his anger clearly about to overcome him. "Leave us!" Tywin ordered. The captain stood up, his expression serious, but he obeyed his master's command. He left the table and Tywin went back to business. "Put the book away, girl," Tywin told Arya, and she removed it from the table. "Maybe you should devise our next battle plan while you're about it," Tywin suggested, and Arya could not help the smile that graced her face. That was when they heard a pounding at the door, and a guard entered.

"Lord Petyr Baelish," he announced.

Arya felt her blood run cold, and Tywin just went, "Hmm." After a second's pause, Tywin said, "Give us the room." All the other officers left immediately, not wishing to experience Lord Tywin's displeasure. Arya was the only person who remained with Tywin in the chamber when Petyr Baelish entered. Arya turned and saw him looking at her. "Clear all this!" he told her, and Arya slowly began to remove the plates and empty goblets from the table.

"Lord Tywin," the Master of Coin greeted.

"Baelish," was all Tywin said in response. His tone also denoted that he did not trust Baelish, and Arya hoped that that meant their conversation would not last long. She continued to remove the plates, and fear made every nerve in her body spike with the anticipation of fleeing. "Wine?" Tywin queried.

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