Chapter 92 - Breakfast in Bed

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Sansa opened her eyes when the sun kept hitting them. Raising her hand to shield her face, she blinked a few times, groaned, and closed her eyes again. She covered her face with her forearm, mumbling something unintelligible to herself. Breathing beside her made her turn, and she saw her lover lying next to her. His one arm was draped over her stomach, while the other supported his head beneath the pillow. Loki's black locks were partially concealing his face, and Sansa smiled. She had a feeling she would never get tired of seeing Loki in the early morning light. Reaching over, she brushed the strands from his face, and propped herself up on her elbow. Sansa looked down at her body, and blushed when she saw the bruising on her one thigh, the one that Loki had pressed tightly to his side in their moment of passion. She felt along her collar bone, and her fingertips discovered bite marks. Her breasts were tender to the touch, and Sansa smiled upon thinking back to what they had done the previous night. She turned back to him and leaned down to give him a kiss. It was a tender good morning kiss, and it made Loki smile in his half-sleep state. "My lady?" he asked, opening his eyes to look at her. Sometime in the middle of the night, his skin had returned to its pale tone, his eyes had become green again, and the markings left.

"My lord," Sansa countered, pulling the sheets up to cover herself, but Loki pulled them down. Rolling onto his back, he ran his hand up and down her arm and shoulder.

"You are no longer a maiden, Sansa," Loki told her, and she nodded her head.

"I know. But guess what?" Sansa asked as she laid herself down on his chest, and Loki shook his head. "I don't care," Sansa whispered conspiratorially back. Loki snickered, wrapping his arms around her, and reversing their positions so that he was on top and she was on the bottom. He kissed her lips, before quickly moving down her neck, to her breasts. After favoring them for a moment, Loki traveled further down her stomach, to her heat. Sansa gasped when Loki's tongue began to tease her. "Loki!" she said, reaching down, and pushing his head from between her legs. He gave her his puppy dog look, but Sansa sat up, and pulled her legs into her chest. "What were you trying to do?" Sansa asked with genuine curiosity.

"I believe I'm trying to arouse you, my dear," Loki said, and he pushed her back onto the bed. Sansa tried to keep her legs closed, but Loki was stronger than she was, and he swiftly eased them apart. Loki lowered himself, and put Sansa's one leg over his shoulder. He returned to licking her, and Sansa gasped, her back arching off of the bed. Loki's one hand went to her hip, pressing her lower body back into the mattress, while his other held her thigh to the side of his head. Sansa saw colors swirl before her eyes, and her breath came in gasps as Loki's expert tongue massaged her tender flesh.

"Loki!" Sansa groaned as her one hand gripped his black locks, and he picked up the pace. Suddenly, a white hot wave of pleasure swept over her, and Sansa felt her entire body release. Loki drank her up, before he climbed back up onto the bed, and pressed his dew covered lips to hers. Sansa put her arms around his shoulders, and they stayed like that for a few moments. When Loki finally pulled away from her, he smiled, brushing a few strands of her red hair from her face.

"Stay here. I'm going to make you breakfast," Loki told her. Sansa nodded, and watched as Loki got his pants and left the chamber. She pulled the covers up to her chest, and propped the pillows up. A meow made her look to the side, and she saw Alfie staring up at her from the floor.

"Good morning, Alfie. Sleep well?" she asked. The cat hissed a little, and Sansa guessed that he was not too happy at not having his bedmate like he normally did. Sansa giggled a little, and patted the mattress beside her. Alfie hopped up, and immediately rubbed himself against her. Sansa stroked behind his ears, and listened to his purring. A rustling sound made her look up, and she saw Loki returning with their breakfast on a tray, and one of her dressing downs over his arm.

"Thought you might appreciate this," he said, handing the blue silk robe to her. Sansa took it, and put it around her shoulders. Alfie got forgotten again when Loki put the tray down, sat beside Sansa, and proceeded to kiss her. Sansa wrapped her arms around his shoulders, before they both finally had enough. Loki kissed the tip of her nose before he held out a grape to her. Taking a page from his book, Sansa took the grape from him with her mouth, her lips sucking on the tips of his fingers. Loki smirked at her seductive method, before he offered her a slice of toasted bread. Sansa took it, and munched on it, while Loki peeled an orange for the both of them. After a moment, he accepted some buttered toast as well, and they ate quietly. Finally, Sansa decided to speak.

"You have much experience in the art of love making, it would seem," she pointed out, and Loki grinned slightly.

"How would you know?" he queried, looking at her curiously over the rim of his cup. Sansa shrugged dismissively.

"I heard some of the common ladies discussing these things when I was in Kings Landing. Only when my septa wasn't around of course. They mentioned their many lovers, and the things they did to please them. They measured prowess and skill by how long the man could last, and how he could..." Sansa's voice trailed off, and she blushed slightly, making Loki smile. "How he could fill her," Sansa finally finished, and Loki's mouth formed an 'ah'.

"Well... I believe in that department, I outstrip any man in this realm," Loki declared, and Sansa raised her eyebrow.

"You are arrogant," she told him. Loki shook his head.

"No. I'm just a god," he responded her simply. Sansa giggled, taking another bite of her toast, over which she had put a slice of cheese. Loki smiled and went back to eating as well. When they had finished, Loki removed the tray, and they cuddled beside each other. He still had not put a shirt on, so Sansa was tracing the scar up and down his chest from the wound the Mountain had given him. It still seemed tender to her, but Loki had had it for a while now, and he did not care. As her delicate fingers touched it, Loki watched her. The sunlight reflected off her red hair, and made a halo appear. To him, Sansa was an angel. His angel. Loki kissed her forehead, and Sansa let out a satisfied sigh.

"Is this what normally happens?" Sansa asked. Loki tilted his head, and she looked up at him.

"What do you mean?" he posed in return. Sansa wrapped her arms around him, and kissed his skin.

"After lovers make love; do they spend the next day doing absolutely nothing?" Loki started to laugh, and Sansa loved the way the laughter traveled through his body, and into hers through the vibrations.

"Sometimes they do! If they really care about their partner, they won't go anywhere for a while. And that's what I'm doing," Loki answered, and Sansa raised her head to look at him again. His green eyes were burning into her blue ones with the deepest affection. "I'm going to stay with you as long as I can. Let Westeros be on its own for a day or two." Loki stroked Sansa's cheek with his thumb, and they kissed. If they had seen Alfie, they would have been amazed at the sight of the black cat rolling his eyes. Apparently having Loki control him on several occasions had made his personality rub off on the feline. That was when Loki eased Sansa back down onto the mattress, and Alfie was displaced. The cat quickly jumped off of the bed, and fled the room. Back down on the mattress, Sansa let Loki slowly open her dressing gown, and explore her body with his hands. He kissed her long and passionately. As he touched her, his caresses sent little bolts of electricity to the ends of her hair and the tips of her toes. When they both separated to get air, they touched their noses together, and laughed.

"You have a voracious appetite, my lord," Sansa commented, and Loki snickered as his one hand reached down between her legs, making her gasp.

"Guilty as charged, my lady. Any other crimes you want to accuse me of?" Loki queried as he nibbled on her ear, and moved down her neck.

"How about swaying the innocent from the righteous path of the Mother?" Sansa posed, and Loki placed his finger over her lips.

"Shush! The gods might hear you," he teased. Sansa grinned before she kissed Loki again, and they lost track of everything but one another.

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