Chapter 76 - A Dornishman's Wife

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Loki returned to Dorne a few days later, bearing a letter and signed document from the High Sept of Kings Landing, along with Tywin's own signature to boot. Loki had felt a surge of pride when he stood before Tywin (in disguise) and got his signature, similar to the way he had gotten Baelish's. Of course, the entirety of Westeros was laboring under the delusion that he was dead. Something he was going to have to correct very soon. But for now, he was going to ensure the safety of one of the Lannisters. With Myrcella bearing his name and married to Trystane Martell, her protection was guaranteed. Loki breathed in deeply as he finally considered the ramifications for what he was about to do: taking another child legally under his wing. He smirked however as he thought, Hela will love having another sister finally. But, she'll probably stomp on all of Myrcella's fanciful dreams. Loki chuckled at the thought of the two of them meeting. Hela was practical and sarcastic; Myrcella was innocent and compassionate. Hela was more like Loki than her mother; Myrcella was like neither of her parents, so Loki guessed she was an anomaly.

Loki came back to the present as he was allowed to enter the Martell's throne room. Doran and Oberyn looked up from their thrones. Oberyn's paramour, Ellaria Sand, was standing next to her lover. He smiled at all of them and gave them a slight bow. A second later, he handed them the documents. "It's official. Myrcella Baratheon is now my daughter," Loki said with a smile on his face. Doran examined the papers and saw the signatures and official signets. Glancing back at Loki, he smiled as well.

"Yes, it is all binding. Myrcella Baratheon is now Myrcella Frostborn. And do you, Loki Frostborn, agree to a marriage between your ward and my son, Prince Trystane Martell of Dorne?" Doran asked. Loki nodded his head.

"I do agree to that proposal. May I go and tell her the good news myself?" Doran waved Loki away, and the god quickly left the throne room. Loki found Myrcella in the hot bath house with the daughters of Oberyn Martell. Of course, they all gasped when he made his appearance, standing at the edge of the pool and watching them with a look of amusement on his face.

"Loki!" Myrcella scolded as she quickly submerged up to her neck beneath a layer of rose petals. The other three girls on the other hand, did not seem to mind Loki's presence. The one girl rose out of the water entirely to look at Loki. He just looked back at her.

"Tyene!" one of the girls said, and she yanked her back down into the water.

"Sorry if I'm intruding ladies, I just wanted to speak to Myrcella. Might I have the floor?" Loki queried, the smirk clear on his face. The girl they had called Tyene stood up immediately and walked out of the pool. She stood before Loki and eyed him up and down.

"Has anybody ever informed you how well built you are?" Tyene asked. Loki nodded.

"Yes. Many women, and even a few men. It's nothing out of the ordinary," Loki responded coolly. Tyene smirked as she took his hand and held it to her bosom. If Loki had been a young prince, she would have elicited a blush from him. But, he was weathered warrior, who had done more than his fair share of bedding. So, touching a bare breast did not make give her the emotional response that she was looking for. He just looked at her. "I want to speak to Myrcella," Loki reiterated, and the other two girls stood up as well, and took Tyene's arms, leading her away. Loki sighed and turned back to face Myrcella. She was still under the water, eyeing him warily. Loki smiled and conjured up a robe for her, holding it out.

"What is so important that you had to disturb me in the bath house?" Myrcella asked, climbing out of the water and quickly taking the robe from him. Loki shrugged before he magically removed his boots and rolled his pants up. Sitting down at the edge of the pool, he trailed his legs in the water. Myrcella sighed and sat down beside him, linking her arm in his.

"The important matter that I have to come to speak to you about, concerns your future as the Princess of Dorne," Loki said and Myrcella looked at him. Loki's eyebrows wiggled with amusement as Myrcella started to smile.

"I'm getting married to Trystane?" she queried and Loki nodded his head. She squeaked with happiness and flung her arms around Loki's neck, kissing his cheek several times. Loki wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back. Her reaction at that moment, reminded him of how Hela responded when he told her that Niffleheim was hers to rule. When they separated, Myrcella asked, "You got Mother, and Joffrey to agree?" Loki shrugged one shoulder before he grinned. "Well, what authority do you have?"

"As your legal guardian, I have every authority," Loki responded, and Myrcella frowned.

"Has something happened to my mother? My brother?" Loki shook his head and waved his hand.

"Nothing so drastic. They are just incapable of deciding something so important for you. All legal guardianship has been transferred to me, and I saw how happy he was making you," Loki explained. Myrcella nodded her head after a second, and Loki gently stroked her cheek. "Hush, little one. I'll be there to walk you down the aisle, and they are sending the dowry. Which I will give personally to Prince Doran on your behalf. And you will be a happy Dornishman's wife," Loki told her. Myrcella sighed and laid her head on his shoulder. Loki stroked her wet hair, letting it trail through his fingers.

"I am happy for that. I love Trystane, and would not marry any other," Myrcella told Loki, but he knew what was next.

"However...?" he asked and Myrcella smiled.

"However, I have my own inhibitions about you being involved." Loki gaped and gave her a mock injured look.

"Myrcella! You wound me!" Loki teased and she laughed, gently shoving him.

"You know what I mean. My mother can't stand you, and neither can my brother. So, how did you get control of all of this?"

"Your grandfather likes me and he's the Hand of the King," Loki lied. He knew that if Tywin found out he was still alive, he would hate his guts. To the moon and back.

"Alright, I know my grandfather is a powerful man, but does he have that much influence over both the King and the Queen Mother?" Myrcella posed and Loki shrugged his shoulders.

"Your grandfather is the most determined man I've ever met, and he has a will of iron. If he wants something done, he will do it," Loki informed her and Myrcella nodded. "Now come on. Trust in me," Loki said, waving his hand over her head and altering her brain waves for a moment. He did not want her asking anymore questions. Like he had thought before, Children are smarter than we give them credit. Myrcella shook her head after he was done. Once she cleared everything up, she turned to him and smiled.

"Have you had your bath today, Ser Loki?" she asked. Loki opened his mouth to say something, when she pushed him into the bath. Loki reached out and dragged her in after him and she squealed with delight. Of course, that was when Prince Trystane decided to enter, along with the daughters of Oberyn, whom Loki had dismissed previously. They gaped upon seeing Loki pick Myrcella up and toss her back into the water. When he turned around and saw them, he waved his hand and pshawed.

"Come on! This is Dorne!" he reminded.

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