Chapter 96 - Attention Span

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Sansa strapped a knife to each calf, and one under the sleeve of her left arm. She bundled her red hair under her hood and went to the kitchen with a sack. Alfie watched her curiously, his head tilting to one side as his green eyes followed her. Sansa finally noticed him and smiled. "I'm going out, Alfie. My outing with Loki has helped me to see that there are people in Kings Landing who need our help. If Loki throws a conniption when he finds out, I'll just assuage him in bed," Sansa told her cat. Alfie yawned and licked his whiskers. "Clearly you don't care," Sansa added, more to herself than the cat. She filled the sack with food before going back to her chambers and filling another sack with clothing she had been working on for the poor. She also raided her allowance for gold to hand out.

Sansa left the portis satis tuto with three bags on her person: two over her shoulders, and one attached to her belt. The alleys of the city stank and Sansa held her breath to avoid coating her nasal passages and throat with poison. Once she was out into the market, Sansa would stop upon seeing somebody in need and gave them food, clothing, and money. "Oh, thank you. Sweet lady," a pretty young girl said. She cradled her baby and gladly accepted the gifts Sansa offered her. Sansa smiled and looked at the bags the girl was carrying. From where she was standing, she could smell incense as well as a drug. An aphrodisiac. She frowned.

"What do you do for a living?" she queried, and the girl blushed slightly.

"I work at one of the pleasure houses of Master Petyr Baelish," she answered and Sansa's ears perked up.

"I've been meaning to go there for employment. Who would I speak to about working in the back?" Sansa asked. The girl tilted her head and raised her eyebrow.

"You don't seem like you need the work," she commented. Sansa shrugged dismissively.

"Extra money is extra money," Sansa pointed out and the girl nodded her head.

"Well, I suppose you can speak to cook about it. He did say he needed help in the kitchen," the girl said. Sansa had to restrain the smirk that was threatening to appear on her face.

"I will. Thank you," she told the girl. The girl nodded her head and quickly left with her baby and the gifts Sansa had bestowed upon her. Sansa began her trek back to the portis satis tuto, a plan developing in her mind as to how she could ingrain herself in Baelish's pleasure house. She could not do it as she was, for sure. Baelish would recognize her, and Loki could not be happy at her doing something so foolish. Especially since she had come so far in her training. Sansa came back to the domus, opening the door and almost running poor Alfie over. The cat's eyes glowed green and he meowed loudly. "I'm back, Alfie. Now hush up," Sansa told the cat before rushing to the library. She knew Loki had a book of simple spells on one of the shelves, and possibly there was a spell for transformation. Sansa recalled a message Frigga had transcribed to her in her journal.

Magic exists in all of us, my dear child. Our life forces are gifts from Yggdrasil, and she gives us a small amount of magic attached to our souls. Some beings can choose to ignore it, and in fact, most of them do not know they possess it. Our auras carry certain colors which allow us to discern what type of magic we carry. Mine was golden, which means healing. Loki's is green; which is growth. Loki's magic never stops growing. Some would consider that a curse. Loki is like an unquenchable fire. It must consume new knowledge and new methods of sorcery. He never stops. Sometimes, my dear boy forgets that he must continue to learn or he is unsatisfied. He once said, "Satisfaction is not in my nature." It is because of the nature of his aura. I thank you for putting up with his never ending search for new material. One of his many avenues is his schemes and plots; his tricks against others. And you have discovered your own magical aura by aiding him. Your aura, Sansa Stark, is pale blue for guidance. Deep blue is wisdom, and if you develop your aura, it could possibly become that. You guide him, Sansa. As he has guided you by showing you his tricks, and learning from you. Hone your aura, child. You will not be a great sorcerer like Loki, but you can still use a little magic. Sansa went searching for the spell book with that in mind. Finding it tucked in a corner of the shelves, Sansa pulled it out and sat down with it. Opening it, she was not surprised to see that it was in Nordic. Sansa smirked. Her study of the language of Asgard had come far, but it was far enough along that she could decipher the words of the spells.

"Appearances are deceiving," Sansa read as she perused the transformation spell. "The outside can become whatever you desire, but the inside remains the same. Inhabiting a new body should become akin to putting on new clothes in the morning. A master can be anyone at will: a friend, an enemy, or a nameless individual. Now close your eyes and become this person. Become the man or woman whose face will suit your purpose. Become..." and Sansa had to pause as she thought about who she would try to turn into. Natasha Romanoff? That was the disguise Loki so often put on her when they went out. And while Natasha Romanoff was an attractive woman, Sansa felt her cold blue eyes were mocking her, and through her, Loki. She still did not like the woman because of her hand in Loki's treatment (even though she knew what Loki tried to do was wrong), he had not been himself, and therefore, mostly blameless. Who would she become? Sansa finally decided, smirking as she closed her eyes. "Become the woman whose face suits my purpose. Become Sif of Asgard."

Sansa felt herself morphing, her already long hair shifting in color, her face altering, and her boobs suddenly becoming a little bit smaller. Sansa glanced down and saw the slight change in size. She put her hands underneath and pushed up on them, her lip stuck out. "Wow!" said a voice, and Sansa turned around. Loki was standing in the doorway, his jaw hanging open, and his eyes wide.

Sansa put her hands on her hips and said, "Are you looking at another woman? Fi for shame!" Loki snickered before he approached her. Putting his arms around her waist, he pulled her in close.

"Another woman? Sif and I had a thing that lasted for a straight two weeks," Loki admitted. Sansa gaped, genuinely surprised that Loki said he had slept with Sif. Although, knowing Loki's appetite, she should not have been. Except for the part where he had cut her hair and they really seemed to hate each other. "It was the end of those two weeks that I cut her hair. That was because she insulted me in training in front of Thor and the Warriors Three." Sansa nodded and allowed Loki to gently push a few strands of her black hair behind her ear.

"What did she say?" Sansa asked, watching as Loki's fingers traveled down her neck to her cleavage.

"She insulted my manhood and my ability to perform," Loki answered and Sansa almost choked. Loki shrugged his shoulders. "Water off a duck's back."

"Obviously not! You cut her hair off!" Sansa said as she allowed Loki to gently stroke the top of her breasts.

"To the ears," he whispered with a smirk on his face. Kissing her, Loki pulled her leg up, sliding her dress up her thighs. When they parted, Sansa made a face.

"Are you going to make love to me while I look like Sif?" Sansa asked. Loki shook his head and Sansa glanced down and saw that her breasts fit into her dress again. She frowned.

"I would never make love to Sif again. Not when I've got this body to worship," Loki said, his one hand lacing through her hair. Sansa had lost her concentration and her façade had dropped. "I'm going to have to teach you to hold your attention. I speak from personal experience, the span of attentiveness is important," Loki told her.

"I only want to focus on one thing right now," Sansa informed him and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She rubbed herself against Loki and he hummed in appreciation. Sansa could tell he was not going to be teaching her anything that afternoon.

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