Chapter 111 - The King

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Tommen Baratheon, first of his name, King of the Andals and the First Men, stood in his chamber in the Red Keep and looked at the crown in his hands. It was just a circular object made of gold and carved by some of the finest smiths. Did it really mean anything? He had been crowned by the High Septon and informed by his grandfather that he was to wed somebody soon. The only option he had been presented with, was Margaery Tyrell, his brother's widow. She was as yet untouched, and his grandfather was already in talks with the Queen of Thorns. To Tommen, it was a dismal prospect. He had hardly spoken two words to Margaery when she was with his brother and now, he was expected to spend the rest of his life with her. She was beautiful and that was enticing, but what was she like on the inside? Would they only be happy copulating? Tommen did not just want that. He wanted to be able to enjoy intelligent conversations with her and raise their children together. He had seen how his parents were, and he did not want to emulate them. "You're deep in thought, your grace," said a voice and Tommen spun around. Loki was leaning against the post of his bed, his arms folded across his chest, and smirk on his face.

"Ser Loki!" Tommen exclaimed joyfully and he dropped the crown in order to embrace the onetime sells-sword. Loki put his arms around the boy. He was still a child in Loki's eyes, and he was not too keen on letting him grow up so quickly. "I have missed you! I mourned... when I thought you were dead. Then, you saved my uncle. I don't believe he did it. I don't believe he killed Joffrey," Tommen said to Loki and Loki fondly patted his head.

"I know he didn't, Tommen. Your uncle is innocent and I was more than happy to rescue him," Loki said and the two of them sat on the bed. Loki saw how Tommen's gaze wandered over to where the crown had fallen to the floor.

"It means nothing to me. The crown. It's just a piece of gold; supposedly symbolizing my divine right to rule," Tommen explained and Loki eyed the crown as well. That was the single purpose of a crown: to give some people the right over others to rule. Loki did not believe people were born with the right, not anymore. He had always been more gifted and talented than Thor, but Thor had been chosen over him simply because his blood was Asgardian. In the grand theater of Loki's mind, Daenerys had no more right to the throne than the Lannisters. Except for the part where she genuinely cared for the people and for change. The change Daenerys Targaryen wanted to enact would alter so much, and not many people would honestly like it. As far as nobles went, she was a radical. Loki had chosen her to rule because she had the brains to do it. Otherwise, he probably would have killed her like her brother.

"Would you like me to free you from this burden?" Loki posed and Tommen raised his eyebrow.

"How can you do that, ser? I am the rightful king-" Tommen started to say before Loki interrupted him.

"Forgive me, my dear boy, but you are not. The Lannisters and the Baratheons, no matter who they are, are not the rightful rulers of Westeros. Hell, it isn't even the Targaryens, at least as a house." This made Tommen quirk his eyebrow up, but Loki was already explaining. "A person should not rule over others solely because they are told they have 'royal' blood in their veins. A person should rule over others because they have the wit and cunning to do so. I support a person who has satisfied my criteria for that position," Loki told Tommen, and the young Lannister tilted his head.

"But who is to rule...?" he started to ask before it dawned on him. "Grandfather allowed me to sit in on a meeting and I heard them discussing the advances of Daenerys Targaryen across the Narrowed Sea. You support her?!" Loki nodded and held out a scroll that Tommen took. He saw the red wax seal had the symbol of a three headed dragon. He broke it with trembling hands and proceeded to read.

To Tommen Baratheon, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord Protector of the Realm,

I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. I have been informed by Ser Loki Frostborn, first of his name and head of his house, that you have been crowned king in the wake of your brother's demise. Your father ousted my house from its rightful place on the throne of Westeros, but I do not begrudge you the injustice your father and his supporters did to my family.

I have been informed that you are truly a gentle boy with a kind heart. I desire to save you from the difficult times that are coming to Westeros. You know Ser Loki as your deceased father's sells-sword. I know him as a trusted advisor and skilled warrior. He has told me that your sister, Myrcella, is living happily in Dorne, a country that has yet to be drawn into the turmoil. I recommend that you allow him to remove you to that sunny country for your safety. You are too young for the weighty matters of ruling a realm, and we would both see you happy, not powerful.

Follow whatever instructions Ser Loki gives you and leave Kings Landing as soon as possible. You are in danger, my dear boy. There are those who would seek to use you for their own ends. You are still a child and neither of us wish to see you lose your innocence. Flee from that hateful place, dear boy, and join your sister in a safer city. Once you are in Dorne, please inscribe me a letter in response. Loki will deliver it for us. Trust me, he is more powerful than he lets on.

With a kiss,

Daenerys Stormborn

Tommen glanced up at Loki and saw that he was smiling at him gently. "You're here to save me?" Tommen asked and Loki nodded his head.

"I am here to get you away from here," Loki responded, but Tommen started shaking his head.

"But... I am the king! I can't leave! My mother will be so-!" Tommen started to say before Loki suddenly gripped his hands tightly in his own.

"She doesn't care about you, boy! Tommen! I want to protect you and let you be a man like you're supposed to be. You're mother means to keep you a perpetual child. That cannot be done. You must be allowed to grow and expand, and you can't do that here. Myrcella is very happy in Dorne, and she is..." his voice trailed off as he realized that Tommen did not know his sister was wedded to Trystane. He decided it would be better if she told him herself. Soften the 'blow' so to speak.

"She is...?" Tommen asked and Loki relaxed a little.

"She is very active in court life there. Myrcella is no longer a humble mouse," Loki informed him. Tommen sighed as he realized that he had been properly defeated. Loki felt relief ease over him as Tommen nodded his head.

"Very well, I see that you, at least, want what's best for me," Tommen admitted.

"I always want what's best for you. I was actually the one who proposed to your uncle to have Myrcella sent to Dorne. For her own safety. Now, you must go there as well," Loki told Tommen. The boy king nodded his head and threw his arms around Loki. The god held him close, rubbing his back gently and whispering words of comfort in his ear.

"I'm scared!" Tommen said in such a quiet voice, Loki almost did not hear him. But, he did recognize the fear.

"It's alright to be afraid when facing the unknown. But if you let it stop you and hold you back, you'll never feel the freedom of knowing you tried," Loki responded. Tommen nodded his head and they separated. The boy had teared up and Loki gently brushed the salty droplets away. "Now, let's take you to Dorne."

Myrcella squealed with joy as she darted to her brother. Trystane followed closely behind her, along with the three Sand Snakes (in court attire). Tommen was shocked to see her so tanned, as well as sporting a slightly round stomach. "Sister! What is this?!" he asked in a high pitched voice as Loki allowed him to be swallowed by Myrcella's arms.

"Why? I guess Loki wanted me to tell you instead. I have been married to Trystane for a long time now. And... I am carrying his child," Myrcella explained very merrily. Tommen just gaped for a few seconds before he glanced back at Loki. The god waved his hand, silently saying it was between him and his sister. Tommen finally looked back at Myrcella and had to smile at how happy she was.

"Well then, I am pleased to finally meet you, Prince Trystane of Dorne," Tommen said, bowing to the son of Doran Martell. The Prince of Dorne bowed in return, and when they all looked back to see if Loki was still there, they saw that he had vanished.

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