Chapter 34 - Pretended Allegiances

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Tywin Lannister was surprised when one of his soldiers announced that Ser Loki Sells-sword had arrived to see him from the capital. He was in his tent on the front, waiting to combat the growing Stark forces to the North. Jaime was out in the field with another relative in the family, so, Tywin was all alone at present. "Shall I send for him?" the soldier asked. Tywin looked up from his papers and nodded his head.

"Bring him in," Tywin said. The soldier bowed, and walked out. Loki walked into the tent a moment later. Tywin appraised him, noting the leather black trench coat, and the green shirt. Two belts were criss-crossing his chest, and he could see daggers sticking out of his boots. Loki bowed to him slightly. "Ser Loki? No longer working for the crown, I see," Tywin said. Loki snickered a little and walked around the fire brazier in the center of the tent. When he was standing in front of Tywin, he shrugged his shoulders.

"The new king doesn't hold my respect," he said. Tywin raised his eyebrow and leaned back in his seat.

"You criticizing my grandson?" he asked. Loki tilted his head to one side.

"If by criticizing him, you mean saying he's: selfish, insipid, cruel, and stupid? Then, yes, I am," Loki told him. Tywin chuckled slightly, and poured two glasses of wine. He took one, but did not extend the second to Loki. And the young sells-sword made no move to retrieve it either.

"Every one of my soldiers has been calling blessings on his name since he was crowned. You don't agree?" Tywin queried. Loki began to pace the floor before Tywin's desk.

"Let me elaborate on why your grandson irritates me. First, he is selfish: he started this war by beheading Ned Stark, not thinking of how that could inconvenience you." Tywin's lips puckered slightly. "You're closer to the battle than he is. Any army of Robb Stark's will have to go through you before they reached Kings Landing. You have to go through all the trouble, and he will get all the credit as 'Protector of the Realm'. Second, he is insipid: have you heard him hold a decent conversation? I swear, the gods should strike him down for only talking about torturing small animals." Tywin actually chuckled at this, and Loki flicked his one finger. Green wisps danced. "Third, he is cruel: he beat Sansa Stark when he had her in-" Loki continued before Tywin raised his hand, and Loki became quiet.

"What do you mean when he 'had' her? I thought that her and her sister, Arya, were being held in Kings Landing?" Loki's lips formed the 'oh', and his eyes wandered.

"I see... Cersei has not kept you informed..." He let his voice trail off, and his green eyes sidled back over to Tywin Lannister. Even though he was still the perfect mask of control, Loki could see where the muscles of his temple and jaw were tight.

"No. I have not been told. So, we have no leverage against Robb Stark in the North." Loki shrugged his shoulders again, and started to chew on his one fingernail. "If he gets wind of this, he will enact a terrible retribution on us for not only killing his father, but for losing his sisters. Does anybody know where they are?" Tywin asked Loki. Loki shook his head and took up the chair that was before Tywin's desk. He crossed his legs at the knee and his fingers took the steeple position.

"Unfortunately not. Arya disappeared before her father's execution. Sansa was taken from the center of the throne room about a week later," Loki said, and Tywin sucked on his lip. "You'll probably get a letter from either Cersei or Joffrey, claiming some ridiculous story that I was the one who did it, and that I declared myself to be a god..." Loki said, basically admitting the truth of what actually happened. Tywin cocked his head to one side, and raised his eyebrow.

"And why would they do that?" he asked with a slight smile in the corners of his mouth.

"They hate me. Ever since I started working for the recently deceased king, they have desired my undoing. Before I left to meet with you, there were some harsh words exchanged. But when Sansa Stark disappeared from the palace, I was already journeying North to speak with you," Loki lied. Tywin looked the sells-sword up and down. He already knew that his daughter and grandson hated him. Cersei had sent him letters, asking him how he had put up with Loki's insolence, and blatant insolence.

Tywin had responded with, "Because I commanded his respect." The lion of the House Lannister looked at the sells-sword. Loki was lounging in his chair, his fingers playing with the arm, but his green eyes were burning into Tywin's. "Why should I trust you?" Loki grinned and leaned forward.

"You know what I'm capable of. Do you think I would sell myself short in the commander department? If I am to do my best, I need the expert direction of an individual who has real vision, and strategy. Joffrey's vision doesn't go past his nose, and Cersei is blind when it comes to her son, you know. Besides, you have all the money to pay me. Joffrey doesn't have two intelligent thoughts to rub together, let alone gold coin. I go where there is possibility of rising in this world. You're the expert in warfare, and Robb Stark is a green general. You bet on the hound that has raced several times before. Not the pup fresh out of the kennel," Loki told Tywin Lannister. The older man smirked slightly, and leaned forward as well. Talking with Loki was always so interesting.

"But, what do you do if the pup starts winning races?" he asked. Loki smirked, and drew a knife from the vambrace underneath his coat. Tywin got flashed in the face with the light reflecting off the blade.

"Then you cripple it," Loki said. Tywin nodded, took the second cup, and passed it to Loki. Loki accepted it, and they clinked their goblets together.

"It would seem that we believe in the same ideals, Ser Loki Sells-sword. I am hoping to count on you in this present conflict," Tywin said. Loki took a sip, and licked his lips, before glancing back at the Lannister.

"There's a saying that goes like this: great minds think alike," Loki responded. Tywin nodded his head, and took another swig. Loki did the same, and he smirked.

Robb Stark looked up from the maps on his table in his tent. He jumped a mile when he saw Loki standing before him. "How did you get passed my guards?" he asked as the sorcerer circled his table to face him.

"A magician never reveals his tricks; and I will never give away mine. All I came here to tell you was Jaime Lannister is leading a smaller army on its way to besiege Riverrun. Tywin is raiding the Riverlands, on his way to stop you on the Kingsroad. If you want to hold him by the balls, divide your forces, and distract Tywin with a decoy, and surprise Jaime at Riverrun," Loki advised. Robb Stark cocked his head to one side, listening to Loki's strategy. When he was done, the young wolf looked at him.

"How do you know Tywin will fall for it?" he asked. Loki shrugged a little, and glanced at the map Robb had been studying so intently.

"He will bet that you will do something stupid with your forces. Attack him head on in an attempt to get to Kings Landing. He will not suspect that you will capture his son, and destroy that separate army of his," Loki answered.

"And does he think I'm an idiot?" Robb Stark asked indignantly.  Loki smirked as he picked up a piece that was carved like a lion, representing the Lannisters.

"Because I planted the idea in his head," was the cool response.  Robb blinked, glancing down at the map, before he looked up where Loki had been. Except, he was not there. Loki had vanished.

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