Chapter 114 -Dealing with a Bastard

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Loki looked down on the great hall of the Dreadfort from his perch in the rafters. Ramsay Bolton was trying ('trying' being the operative word) to hold court, but he was failing. The nobles under him were questioning his authority, and Loki was enjoying the many voices that were ringing out and challenging the bastard. "How can we trust you to lead us? You're clearly not yourself, Ramsay Snow," one of the nobles said. Ramsay gripped the arms of his chair and his face colored visibly. Loki snickered as he saw how angry Ramsay was, and he was so satisfied that he was the cause of all this trouble.

"I am the Lord of the Dreadfort, and I will be obeyed!" Ramsay declared, and several men laughed. Loki knew that the cracks had started to become chasms. The men had seen the difference from the beginning of Ramsay's ruling of the Dreadfort till now. Ramsay had become irascible, twitchy, and paranoid, and his men had noticed. There was no way to not notice how his one hand was completely bandaged, and that one of his fingers had been removed. They had asked what had caused it, and Ramsay got very defensive. That only fueled the fire of anger that was now starting to burn fiercely.

"You are not the Lord of the Dreadfort! The King in the North has declared that Theon of House Greyjoy is the master of these lands. And we know who he sent to enforce his will. The sorcerer! The head of House Frostborn!" one of the captains said and all the men became silent. They all had heard of how ruthless Loki was, and they did not feel like being on the receiving end of his cruelty.

"What is House Frostborn?!" Ramsay suddenly shouted and everyone stiffened. "Who is Loki Frostborn?! What are his powers? Who cares?!" There was a vein pulsing in his temple and he was standing up, staring everyone down. All the officers and nobles had gone quiet, and it actually Ramsay a second to realize that they were not moving or even breathing. He stepped down and waved his hand before the face of a general and took a step back when nothing happened. His eyes narrowed and he looked around quickly. "Come out, Loki! Show yourself and finally fight me like a man!" he challenged. Not a single sound could be heard in the entire hall. Even the fire had stopped crackling. Ramsay walked around studied everybody closely. He was more waiting for Loki to show himself than seeing the frozen emotions on the faces of his men.

"Why would a man waste his time fighting a boy?" The words came from above and Ramsay quickly looked up to the rafters.

"I am no boy!" he hissed.

"You really want to play this game again? And I thought we had made progress," Loki hummed in a bemused tone of voice. Ramsay immediately slapped his back to a wall and tucked his hands under his arms. "You are a boy, Ramsay Snow. A child compared to me. In fact, all the people in your world are children compared to me," Loki said and Ramsay felt something breathing down his neck. He sprang away from the wall and spun around, exhaling hard. Nothing was there, but he could have sworn Loki had been sending chills down his spine.

"You're claiming immortality! That is considered blasphemy to the gods," Ramsay said and he heard Loki snort derisively.

"Like you care about the gods! I don't, and I've met them," Loki responded. "And besides, I am a god." Ramsay was suddenly tripped up and his head was smacked off the floor. Suddenly, Loki was on top of him, his expression manic and his lips curled up in a smirk. "It would seem that we've come to the end of our long game, Ramsay Snow," Loki told him. Ramsay stiffened at this, realizing that the end had finally come. Loki seemed to find his expression amusing as he started laughing and vanished from his position above Ramsay. The Bolton bastard was quick to get to his feet and spin around. Of course, Loki was nowhere to be seen, and every single hair on the back of Ramsay's neck was standing on end. "You should have seen your face! Oh! It made everything worth it!" he heard Loki exclaim. Ramsay felt himself breathing again as he believed that Loki was messing with him.

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