Chapter 11 - In the Lion's Den

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Sansa went searching for Loki the next day, before they continued their march to the capital. She had convinced Arya to distract their septa while she went looking for him. She found him saddling his horse, whispering some strange language in its ear. When she reached him, he paused. "Yes, Lady Stark?" Loki queried, turning around to face her.

"You lied," Sansa said simply, and Loki chuckled. Sansa folded her arms across her chest, and glared at him. "You lied about everything that happened yesterday, and yet everybody believed you. Why?" Sansa asked.

"I don't see why you should be upset with me. I saved yours and your sister's dignity, not to mention the lives of your direwolves," Loki said. Sansa raised her eyebrow, and Loki decided to elaborate. "If you really think that Joffrey would have stopped at punishing Arya's wolf, you're even more naive than I know you are," Loki answered. Sansa's hand was raised, like she was going to slap him. Loki was not afraid. His reflexes were good enough that he knew he could block her. However, Sansa Stark lowered her hand, and inhaled.

"What were you doing with the green flames from your fingers?" she probed. Loki's eyes did actually widen at this. His magic was invisible! How had she seen it?!

"Green flames? I'm confused," Loki said.

"Don't lie again!" Sansa warned, and Loki looked bewildered. How had she known he was lying? What the hell was going on?! Loki reached out, and grabbed her arm. Sansa winced as his grip was stronger than anything she had ever felt before.

"What kind witch are you?" Loki asked her in a low, and threatening voice. Sansa's brows furrowed, and Loki jerked her arm slightly.

"Ow! Let go, you're hurting me," Sansa warned him, putting her hand over his own.

"How can you see my magic?" Loki queried again. Sansa looked firmly back at him, her blue eyes not flickering against his green ones.

"You do have magic! Are you a sorcerer?"

"Yes! Of the highest order. Now, keep that information to yourself! I can't afford for it to be spread around, especially among the Lannisters," Loki warned. He let go of Sansa, and she could feel a band of fire around her arm where he had held her. She winced, rubbed it, and walked away quickly. Loki was angry at himself for hurting her, but also angry at her for trying to grasp things above her understanding. Loki frowned and mounted up. He would not think of it anymore. He had done what was necessary in order to protect her and Arya. He had promised to himself, and he would keep that promise.

The rest of the ride to Kings Landing, Loki and Sansa were separated. He did not go near her, and her septa never let her go anywhere near him. Loki was still sulking that Sansa had found out about his magic; and Sansa was working to conceal the black and blue bruise on her arm. Arya saw how she was favoring it, and her curiosity was piqued. Reaching over, she quickly peeled up her sister's sleeve, and saw the myriad of colors on her skin. "Arya!" Sansa hissed, brushing her hand away, and pulling her sleeve down before Septa Mordane saw.

"Did Joffrey do that to you?" Arya asked in a low, and slightly angry voice.

"What? No! Joffrey wouldn't do something like this to me! It was-!" but Sansa stopped herself. She bit her lip. She knew how Arya felt about Loki. She knew she definitely preferred him to Joffrey, any day of the week. If Sansa said anything against Loki, it would be all out war (well, more than it already was) with Arya. "It's nothing. Just mind your own business for once!" Sansa turned away, and wrapped her arms around herself. She ignored Arya for the rest of the ride. When she saw the gleaming beige city of Kings Landing ahead, Sansa sat up straight. A smile graced her face, and she gasped. "Septa! Look! Kings Landing! Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?!" Sansa asked. Septa Mordane opened her mouth to respond when Loki came riding back down the line. He ignored them, and instead, gave orders to the Gold Cloaks who were riding behind them. As soon as he was done, he wheeled around, and galloped back up to the front without so much as a hello.

"What's wrong with him?" Arya asked out loud.

"Maybe he actually remembered his place," Septa Mordane said in response. Sansa knew he was mad at her. It was an important secret. She had only read of a few warlocks in the history of Westeros. And if he had the power to manipulate people's minds, than he was more powerful than any of them. King Robert would be a fool to let a mage like him slip through his fingers. Loki was protecting himself, and he was clearly disturbed by Sansa knowing something as important as that. Sansa decided to be the mature person and talk to him about it. Find out why he was so scared, and to comfort him.

Loki came riding into the courtyard of the palace at the Red Keep. He dismounted easily and quickly by swinging his leg up and over the head of his steed. Turning around, he saw Eddard Stark riding in along with his men, and a few Gold Cloaks. "Ser Loki!" Eddard called. Loki gave him a slight bow, and waited for his orders.

"Make sure my daughters are safe in their chambers. Jory will assist you," Eddard said. Loki nodded and turned to the aforementioned man. Jory straightened up, and gave Loki a look. The sells-sword raised his eyebrow back, and faced the wagon, carrying the Stark girls. Septa Mordane frowned deeply when she saw Loki approaching with Jory.

"I have orders, septa, to take the girls to their chambers," Loki said, silencing her with his explanation. Glancing at the girls, Loki saw Arya give him her typical mischievous smile. Loki smiled back, and reached up to help her down. Once she was on the ground, Loki turned back to see Sansa gathering up her skirts to descend also. Loki knew she would be too prideful/ashamed to ask for his assistance. Instead, he took hold of her slender waist in his strong hands. Sansa gasped and leaned forward, putting her hands on his shoulders for support. Loki lifted her off the wagon like she was a feather. Placing her on the ground, he let her go, and straightened up. Sansa looked up at him. "Don't flatter yourself," Loki said to her, and he signaled for the Stark men to take their possessions. Leading the girls up the wide steps and into the palace, Loki admired the tapestries, and pottery. A few paintings were on the walls, and it seemed clean. But, it could not even hold a match to Asgard. Loki brought the girls to their chambers, standing aside to let Arya look about, with Nymeria on her heels. Lady, Sansa's direwolf, rubbed her head against Loki's thigh, and he stroked her behind her ears. Sansa heard her wolf's growl of approval, and saw that Loki had a smile on his face.

"Now that you have fulfilled your task, I would be pleased if you would leave," Septa Mordane said. Loki glared at her, before he finished scratching Lady.

"Marctash sukar," he said to the wolf before he headed towards the door.

"What language was that?" Sansa asked, stopping where he was. He turned to face her, a whimsical expression on his face.

"It is the language all wolves understand."

"How do you know it?" Arya queried, walking back with Nymeria. Loki glanced away, thinking of his son, Fenris, chained in a pit of fire for biting off Tyr's hand.

"I had a wolf once. He was like a son to me," Loki responded, and he left the room. Both Sansa and Arya looked at each other. As Loki left them with the men loyal to Ned Stark, he cuffed a tear from his eye.

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