Chapter 44 - Measures Taken

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Tyrion was positive he was giving himself an ulcer with all his work. He was trying to keep Joffrey from being a cruel and petty brat; sate Cersei with his efforts to get Jaime back; and keep the city from falling apart. That was the only task Loki had given: "secure Kings Landing, and I'll take care of the rest," were his exact words. If Tyrion could not feed the people and stop a revolt, then what was his purpose?

"What is the mood of the populace today?" the dwarf asked his chief of the city watch. Bronn stopped picking at his teeth, and looked at his employer.

"Grouchy. Hungry. The usual," Bronn responded and Tyrion sighed.

"That shipment of food is supposed to arrive today. The supplies meant for the palace will be delivered from the back roads, and the rest is to be taken to the market square for the people to purchase," Tyrion said.

"Good. I'm tired of hearing all the whores complaining about how hungry they are when they're supposed to pleasuring me," Bronn commented.

"The surest way to the people's heart, is through their stomachs," said a voice, and they both glanced up. Loki was staring out the window with his back to them. The wind caught his black hair, and Tyrion and Bronn were surprised to see that he was rather dressed down that day: pants, boots, a loose green shirt, and a black vest.

"Were you relaxing prior to your visit to us?" Tyrion asked, jumping down from his chair and approaching the god. Loki faced them both, his hands folded across his chest.

"No. I was just in warmer climate. Tyrion, I know what is going on in Kings Landing. I know the unrest that is brewing because the people are hungry," Loki told his friend. The dwarf nodded his head and sighed.

"On top of that, Joffrey is nagging for me to find Sansa and you, and Cersei is pestering me to free our brother. It's getting very tiring," Tyrion muttered. Loki smiled at his friend and patted him on the back.

"I'm sure everything will work out fine. But, before it gets lighter, it will get pitch black," Loki said, and both Tyrion and Bronn raised their eyebrows.

"I hate riddles. Piss me off. Just say what you mean," Bronn said and Loki chuckled.

"The shipment of food is not coming in today." Tyrion's eyes snapped in his direction, and Bronn straightened up in his chair. Loki casually looked in Tyrion's direction, and saw the anger in his eyes.

"What do you mean the food is not coming today?" the Lannister asked, his tone still civil.

"What I said. It will arrive in a few days' time. Under my secret supervision, and not from the charity of the king. Don't worry, the people will get fed," Loki assured his partner. Tyrion still reached up, and grabbed his shirt to pull him down to his level. Loki's hand was out to stop Tyrion from slapping him across the face.

"Did you not hear what I just said?! And you're still trying to make my job difficult?" Tyrion growled. Loki pried his hands from his clothes, stood up, and dusted himself off.

"Relax! There's always light at the end of a dark tunnel," Loki quoted, and Tyrion huffed.

"Unless somebody purposefully keeps extending the tunnel," he muttered. Loki rolled his eyes and walked around Tyrion, and passed Bronn at the desk.

"We have to make the people hate Joffrey. Attach certain displeasures and ill fortune to his name. The fact that he started this war is already making the populace angry. If they keep starving, and he does nothing to ease their discomfort, that will also be opportune for us. You agreed to help me place Daenerys Targaryen on the throne as the rightful ruler. My plan is to have the people singing her praises before she even lands on Westerosi soil," Loki said. This made both Tyrion and Bronn exchange quizzical looks. Loki smirked at their confusion.

"And you plan on giving Daenerys Targaryen the credit how?" Tyrion queried. Loki snapped his finger loudly, and that was when a seal appeared in his hand. He passed it to Tyrion, and the temp Hand of the King looked at it. It was the symbol of a red, three-headed dragon against a black back drop.

"I'm going to place that on all the food packages. Not only will it send the Lannisters and Baratheons on a wild goose chase for imaginary Targaryen supporters, it will also have the commoners calling for Daenerys to take the throne. Not Joffrey," Loki explained. Tyrion looked hard at the god, seeing that grin appear on his face quickly. Loki was always quick to offer an alternative solution or goal to any problem. Granted, this situation would only make the royals more irritable, and the people angry; but if the people got fed in the end, Tyrion suspected he could put up with a few more days of stress. "Also, things are going to get hairy around here. I recommend that you move Myrcella to some place safer."

"Safer? What is safer in the Seven Kingdoms?" Tyrion queried. Loki admired his nails before glancing at him.

"I did say I was returning from a warmer climate," he added dryly. It only took Tyrion a split second to realize what the sorcerer was talking about.

"Dorne! Send Myrcella to Dorne? What can we gain from that?" Tyrion demanded. Loki shrugged his shoulders.

"In the short term, nothing beyond her guaranteed safety. In the long term, a marriage that binds Lannisters to Martells. The King of Dorne has a son, I believe..." Loki pointed out. Tyrion huffed, putting his hands on his hips.

"You believe that could happen?" he challenged. Loki shrugged his shoulders.

"If not, at least you know that Myrcella is safe. Isn't that what we both want?" Loki posed in return. Tyrion sighed, knowing that to be the truth. Stannis was rumored to be gathering a fleet, and if that was the case, it meant he was going to besiege Kings Landing from the sea. Tyrion knew Cersei would not part with both her younger children, but maybe Tyrion could at least ensure that one of them was safe. Glancing up at his compatriot, Tyrion nodded his head, and held out his hand to Loki. The god took it and they shook on it.

"I will tell Cersei this is my intent: to send Myrcella to Dorne for her safety. Anything you want to do for Tommen?" Tyrion asked. Loki stroked his chin thoughtfully, before shaking his head.

"Short of kidnapping him, which I will not do, there is nothing more we can do to protect him. I have a special relationship with him, and I'd rather keep it intact," Loki commented. Tyrion's eyebrow went up, and Bronn noticed his slight disconcertion.

"When you say 'special relationship', what do you mean?" Bronn asked. Loki knew where their minds had gone, and he frowned.

"Nothing of that sort, I promise you! Now get your minds out of the gutter!" Loki spun around and walked back towards the window. He rested his hand on the pillar and looked out over the harbor. "Tell Cersei that Myrcella is being moved to Dorne. Not long after that, the people of Kings Landing will receive food from illusive benefactors. Just hang in a little while longer," Loki told him. The dwarf nodded his head, glancing over his shoulder at Bronn. The Chief of the City Watch shrugged his shoulders. These important discussions between his master, and Ser Frostborn were really none of his concern. He just happened to be in the same room every time. When Tyrion looked back, Loki had vanished from the chamber.

"I'm getting tired of him doing that," Tyrion muttered to himself. Bronn actually snickered.

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