Chapter 52 - Mutual Comfort

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Sansa opened her eyes the next day, and stretched herself. Propping herself up on her elbows, she realized that she had slept straight through the night without anymore nightmares. She ran her fingers through her hair, and turned to look at Loki. He was actually still in the bed beside her. She was rather surprised that he was still there. Sansa had been expecting him to go to work early like he usually did, and leave her a note. She smiled when she realized that he was making sure she was alright. In the light of the sun, she had a better view of the scarring on his back. Sansa's hand went out again, and she touched it. It was lumpy and rough under her hand, surprising, considering his skin was normally so smooth. The wound had been painful, she knew that. When Sansa brushed her knuckles against it, Loki growled in his sleep, and moved. The muscles of his shoulder blades flexed as he tried to roll over, but decided to maintain his position instead. Alfie must have sensed that he was not getting the early morning attention as per usual. He glanced between Sansa and Loki, and his green eyes narrowed. Turning on the man who had brought him to this house, the kitten sprang on him. Alfie landed on Loki's shoulder, and tried to dig his claws into Loki's skin. Loki rumbled something in Norse, and managed to turn himself over.

Sansa giggled when she caught sight of his face. The pillow marks were apparent, and his hair was splayed all over his cheeks. Loki stuffed his arms under the pillow, and buried his face in it. Alfie tried attacking his hair, and Loki's one hand came out. In order to save her precious companion, Sansa gathered Alfie into her arms, and watched as Loki went back to having both arms under the pillow when he missed his target. Sansa rolled over and placed Alfie on the floor. He meowed a complaint, but Sansa put her finger to her lips. Turning back, and reached out and patted Loki on the shoulder. "Good morning. Ahem! Good morning?" Sansa said.

"If it is a good morning," Loki commented in return. He was speaking into the pillow, but Sansa knew he was waking up. He kept his face in the cushion, and muttered to himself.

"Thank you... for staying with me all night. I appreciate it," Sansa told him. Loki finally revealed his face, and nodded his head.

"You're welcome, Sansa. Anytime you want to share a bed with me..." Loki snickered when Sansa punched him in the arm. Loki put the pillow over his head and Sansa started to climb out of bed. "A few more minutes," Loki begged, reaching out and grabbing her arm. Sansa looked down at his hand, before she removed his fingers.

"I think it is time we began our day," Sansa informed him.

"What if I don't want to?" Loki protested. Sansa reached over and lightly moved his hair out of his face so she could look at him.

"But I asked you nicely," she pointed out. Loki grumbled in Norse, and turned his head away. Sansa's fingers had remained, and she caught sight of something behind his ear. She leaned over and moved the hair again, seeing a very clear scar behind his ear. She lightly poked it, and Loki's hand came out, and grabbed her wrist. Sansa gasped, and looked into his intense green eyes.

"Don't touch that," he warned her. Sansa nodded, and Loki let go of her wrist. He sat up, running his fingers through his hair, and stooping down to grab his shirt. Sansa had waked him up now, so he might as well get up. Sansa sat on the bed, and watched as Loki pulled his shirt over his head.

"Did I hurt you?" Sansa asked. Loki sighed, and glanced back at her. She was just concerned about him, and maybe, it was time he eased her anxiety.

"A little. They were... very painful when it happened... and I would like to forget it," Loki told her. Sansa stood up, her nightgown falling around her curvaceous figure. Loki observed her as she walked over to him. Her hand went up, and she tilted his head so that she might see what was behind his ear. The scar was rather large, but had been concealed by his hair the whole time. It was about the size of a rather thick knitting needle, and it was pink in coloration. Sansa moved Loki's head the other way, and found a similar scar behind his other ear. "They met in the middle... and played Beethoven's Ode de Joy in my brain." Sansa looked very startled by this, and her hands hovered over his cheeks.

"Loki..." Sansa said, and Loki took her hands in his, lowering them over his chest.

"It was from torture. Somebody... some mad titan... wanted me to do something for him. He wanted me to kill thousands of people, all to gain a cosmic cube. I said no. And he... applied pressure. Extensive pressure, over a long period of time," Loki told her. Sansa looked at his hand holding hers, and she rested her head over top.  So close, Loki could smell whatever bath oil Sansa had used the night before.  It calmed  him down.

"How long?" Sansa finally asked. She raised her head to look at him, and his eyes were closed, and his lip was trembling. Sansa's hand moved from his, and it touched his cheek. "Loki, you can tell me. How long?" she insisted. Loki finally opened his eyes, and looked at her.

"A year." Sansa gasped. An entire year! Being tortured and manipulated, for an entire year! Sansa stood on her toes, and pressed her lips lightly to his cheek. Loki stiffened, not expecting that kind gesture at all. Sansa had been secretly wanting to do something like that for a while. She remembered that when he was away, Joffrey had come to make amends, and he had kissed her on the lips. It had been her first kiss, but she felt that this kiss meant more than his. Loki looked down at her, and she smiled at him.

"Hopefully that will help you heal a little faster," she told him. Sansa walked towards her wardrobe, and opened it, revealing her array of dresses. She turned to face Loki, with a smile on her face now. "If you don't mind, I would like to practice swimming again this morning." Loki's puzzled face made Sansa smile again.

"We're supposed to eat breakfast first, and, it is a known rule, that you have to wait an hour before getting into the water," Loki said, and Sansa pointed him in the direction of the door.

"Get into your swim suit," she ordered, and Loki scuttled out of the room, and Sansa changed into her modified swim dress. Sansa tied her hair up, and smoothed the trimmed skirt down. Sansa grabbed a towel and made her way to the pool room. Upon arrival, she found that Loki was not there yet, but she still climbed into water. It was rather warm, but it had already been in the sun for a couple of hours, and it was very pleasing against her skin. She had closed her eyes and was treading water, when somebody made a splash landing in front of her. Sansa wiped the water from her cheeks, and glared at Loki. He smirked at her, and pushed his hair out of his eyes. "That wasn't very nice," Sansa said to him. Loki shrugged and held his hand out to her.

"I could make the same argument about you waking me up," Loki responded. Sansa rolled her eyes, and took his hand. He carefully pulled her in close, and their hands went where they were supposed to go. "Now, shall we waltz?"

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