Chapter 103 - The Purple Wedding

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The Sept of Baelor was crowded with nobles and their families to witness Joffrey's wedding to Margaery Tyrell. Loki was among them in disguise, after having returned Sansa to the portis satis tuto following their sojourn with Daenerys Targaryen. He was actually not really paying attention yet as Joffrey and Margaery had yet to arrive for the vows. He was thinking about Sansa. She had not said much to him after meeting with Daenerys, and the Mother of Dragons definitely did not offer the information to Loki when they met up again for the midday meal. And Loki was not about to read their minds to find out, so he let sleeping dogs lie. At least for that moment. He knew he would find out eventually what the two ladies had discussed. Of course, that was when the bells started to ring, and Joffrey slipped into position before the dais. Loki almost forgot how peevish and grouchy the Boy King looked until he caught a glimpse of him through the crowd. I'm doing the sighted world a favor, Loki thought to himself, and he had to restrain his smile. The sound of footsteps then reached his ears and Loki turned, seeing Mace Tyrell, the male head of House Tyrell, leading Margaery Tyrell towards the steps and Joffrey. I'm doing her a favor too. That thought crossed his mind before he could stop it. Loki actually smirked at this instant. Mace arrived at the base of the steps and passed his daughter off to Joffrey. She placed her arm in his and they approached the High Septon together. Joffrey removed his cloak, covering Margaery's shoulders with it before they faced the septon again.

He bound their hands together and said, "Let it be known that Margaery of House Tyrell and Joffrey of the Houses Lannister and Baratheon are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder." He unbound their hands after a moment and Joffrey turned to face all who were present.

"With this kiss, I pledge my love," he announced. Looking back at Margaery, he took her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers. Loki felt his gag reflex work, but he stifled it. However, Olenna Tyrell glanced in his direction and raised her eyebrow at him. Even though he was disguised, he had told her what he would look like. He simply gave her a quick smile before he glanced back up at Joffrey and Margaery.

Enjoy your last few hours of life, little Lannister.

The wedding feast was outdoors in the bright sunlight. A dais had been set up beneath gold and crimson canopies, and that was there the bride, groom, and their respective families were sitting. The Lannisters were on the left side, while the Tyrells were on the right. Loki walked around in his disguise, admiring the setup. Everyone was happy. Everyone was laughing and celebrating. Ah! The perfect stage for a tragedy! All the great ones stem from happy beginnings, Loki thought to himself. He almost bumped into Oberyn Martell, who was standing in for Doran Martell, who could not (would not) come to the wedding. Ellaria Sand was on his arm, dressed in an exotic costume from Dorne; showing off more skin than was even common in the South of Westeros.

"Ah! Greetings! I don't believe we've been properly introduced," Oberyn said, and he extended his hand. "My name is Oberyn Martell, and this is my paramour, Ellaria Sand." Loki frowned at the both of them. Oberyn was grinning rather maniacally as he said, "You still owe me a spear match." Loki was not an idiot and he knew Oberyn was not one either. He figured that this strange man standing before him, was Loki, the God of Mischief.

"What is it you are up to today, Lord Frostborn?" Ellaria Sand asked quietly, careful that nobody heard her words. Loki shrugged and rocked on his feet for a second.

"Nothing of note, Lady Sand. Please, continue your day as if you had not seen me," Loki advised.

But, before he could leave, Oberyn Martell whispered, "Myrcella is very happy in Dorne. She and my nephew make a beautiful couple, but we cannot keep the secret for much longer. As soon as it is out, the Lannisters will declare war on the Martells." Loki stopped walking for a second and turned to face the Red Viper. A slight smirk graced his face.

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