Chapter 129 - The Last Stand

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Tywin stood upon the parapets, tightly gripping the stone in his aged fingers. He had been rudely awoken from his slumbers in the early morning hours and taken down to the throne room. There, he found the cold corpse of his daughter, her expression twisted, denoting her painful death, and her hair cut off. It was a sign of disgrace and humiliation; one that Loki had picked for that very reason. Now, the Lannisters wondered what offense Cersei had committed before her death. "My lord!" shouted another voice and Tywin turned around. Lancel Lannister, his nephew, came bounding up the stairs and gave him a quick and awkward bow. "Ser Meryn Trant and my father have been killed in battle. By the sorcerer!" Tywin stiffened at the news that Loki had killed his brother.

"What other news do you bring?" Tywin queried, his tone still controlled.

"He has taken Ser Gregor Clegane hostage. Defeated him in single combat," Lancel answered, the tears pressing at his eyes at the loss of his father. Tywin nodded and gripped his shoulder.

"Then go, boy. Flee for your life. Live to fight for your family another day," Tywin urged. His nephew made a face, and opened his mouth to disagree, but Tywin silenced him. "That is an order." Lancel stiffened for an instant, before he bowed.

"As you command," he finally answered and he departed. Tywin wanted one Lannister to remain true. He figured that since he turned Daenerys' offer down, they were not interested in seeing any Lannisters survive this final onslaught. At least, he knew that Loki would see to their demise. He never seemed to do anything by halves.

"My lord, we saw to Lord Lancel Lannister. He is away," a knight suddenly said and Tywin nodded his head.

"Saddle my horse and have my sword brought to me. I will meet this foe and face him myself," Tywin said and his squire bowed deeply to him. His knights and the remaining nobles gathered around him, mounting their own steeds and drawing their weapons. The gates of the Red Keep were opened and they galloped forth. The hordes of Northerners and Wildlings stood between them and the outermost gate, but on horseback, it was easier to strike them down. However, the further into the masses they went, the tighter it became. Tywin soon began to notice that his cohort was getting thinner. He saw one of the nobles get pulled violently from his horse by a Wildling and get gutted like a fish. The Northerners tried to target him, but Tywin had been a warrior for years and he sliced through them. However, when he had just caught sight of the gates, something gold thwacked him in the chest and sent him sprawling from his horse. Tywin groaned; he was a little too old to be treated to so harshly. When he opened his eyes, he found a few faces looking down at him. Robb Stark was standing beside his bastard brother, Jon Snow; Daahrio Naharis was grinning down at him; and Loki was leaning on his golden spear. It only took Tywin a second to realize that Loki had been the one to remove him from his high horse. "Well? Aren't you going to kill me?" he queried and Loki glanced at the three other men. Daahrio Naharis was reaching for a dagger, but Jon Snow stopped him.

"The queen decides what to do with him," Jon Snow warned the assassin and Daahrio glanced at Loki, as if he had the final say in this conversation. Loki nodded his head.

"I think it's only fair the future Queen's Consort has a say in how his own father should meet his makers," Loki said with a hint of a sneer in his tone. That was when Tormund Giantsbane grabbed Tywin Lannister and hauled him to his feet. Loki allowed his skin to go back to normal before he turned to the remainder of the Lannister forces. "You have lost! Surrender now, and your lives will be spared!" he announced. The Kingsguard glanced around but they knew they were outnumbered and there was no hope for them. If they continued fighting, they would butchered down to the last man. Surrendering at least offered them some chance of surviving. The first man threw his sword to the ground and raised his hands. Tywin watched as his men gave up their weapons and were taken by the Wildlings and Northerners. A horn was blown and the Wildlings started to cheer. Loki disappeared for an instant, but reappeared a second later. Everyone turned and saw the Targaryen flag now flying from the turrets on the Red Keep.

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