Chapter 47 - The Riot

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Sansa was bored. Loki's days out of their secret dwelling grew longer and longer, and she felt more and more like he was ignoring her. She knew that he had big plans for Westeros, and he was not going to accomplish them sitting with her in the solar. But still, Sansa felt like he could be more attentive when he was home. Loki would sit in his study till supper if he got home early; and if he did not, he would return just as she was preparing to retire. Sansa sighed, and glanced up at Alfie. The little kitten was content with chewing on the cushion that belonged with the chaise lounge. Sansa stroked his black fur, and he looked up at her with its large, and innocent green eyes. "I'm bored, Alfie. I want to do something different today," Sansa admitted to the kitten. Alfie meowed, and jumped into her lap. Sansa picked him up, and pressed her cheek to Alfie's soft fur. Closing her eyes, Sansa tried to picture what the outside world was like again. However, her memory failed her, and all Sansa could see was the universe that was this dwelling. Huffing, she put the kitten down, and stomped off to her room. Alfie followed her as fast as his short legs could carry him. In her chamber, Sansa rifled through her wardrobe, and pulled out a silver, grey cloak with a hood. Clasping it around her neck, she pulled the hood up so that her red hair was concealed. Alfie saw her in the doorway and meowed, getting its mistress' attention. Sansa looked at Alfie and smiled. "I need to go out, Alfie. Loki said himself that I am not a prisoner here, and that the door is unlocked." Alfie purred deeply, and Sansa seemed to know what the kitten was saying.

But he also said the world outside this sanctuary, is dangerous and cruel. Anything could happen to you out there. Sansa knelt down and gathered Alfie into her arms. The kitten dug his claws into the cloak, and Sansa lightly kissed the top of the cat's head. Detaching his claws, Sansa put him down, and left her room. By the time Alfie was out of her chamber, and halfway down the hallway, Sansa had already pulled on the bar, and the door opened. Sansa was hit with a blast of warm wind, and she felt the sun on her face. Sansa smiled, feeling invigorated. Inhaling deeply, she stepped into an alley in Kings Landing. The door closed behind her, and Alfie scratched the wood with her claws. It meowed one last time, but its mistress could not hear it.

Loki watched as the royals returned from sending Princess Myrcella on her way to Dorne (per his recommendation to Tyrion). Loki was wearing a green hood that concealed his face beneath a layer of darkness. The Prince of Mischief grinned when he caught sight of King Joffrey returning to the Red Keep, with the Queen Mother, Cersei. The commoners were being separated from the nobles by a single line of soldiers from the palace. Loki's eyes slid from side to side as he contemplated what chaos he could create. Shifting into the body of an older man, he stood beside a younger man. "Look at em' royals! Fat and warm in their fancy keep!" Loki snorted in the man's ear. The old man turned to see who had spoken to him, but Loki had already changed into the form of woman. Stepping behind a group of mothers, he whispered, "One meal for a noble child, is enough to feed a family for two weeks! What makes them so special?" Loki asked. The women began to mutter. Shifting into other bodies, Loki made his way through the crowd, speedily and effectively riling up the throng. Soon, the royal family could hear the grumbles of displeasure.

"Get the prince back to the keep," Tyrion whispered to a few guards and several ladies. Taking Prince Tommen with them, they quickly took another, safer route. Tyrion glanced around again, but saw nothing else. Meanwhile, Loki had taken on his final form, a youthful man, holding a cow pie in his hand. Taking swift, and precise aim, Loki let fly. The wad of dung struck Joffrey in the side of the head. If Loki had been alone, he would have done a dance. As it was, he contented himself with wiping his hand on the cloak of an unsuspecting soldier.

"Who threw that?! I want whoever threw that, brought to me! I want his head!" Joffrey screamed. Pandemonium broke out, and the guards were attacked by the people. "Kill them! Kill them all!" Joffrey ordered, and the soldiers fought back. Loki shifted back into his body, and took up a position against a wall in the corner. He could watch his mischief play out while being out of the way of the action. He saw the Hound take hold of Joffrey around his neck, and drag him through the people. He hacked many commoners down with his sword as he went, not really impeded by the dead weight of Joffrey. Loki snickered as he watched Joffrey and Cersei get assaulted on their way back to the Red Keep.

This day is so sweet! Loki thought to himself.

Sansa walked through the empty streets, and wondered where everyone was. She had not been out much in Kings Landing prior to her confinement with Loki, but she sensed that a city would be busier than this. Soon, however, she heard raised voices, and the sound of armor, and swords clashing. Sansa gasped and froze where she was. Was Loki in trouble? Had he been caught?! Picking up her skirts, Sansa began to run to see what was causing all of the ruckus. Upon arrival, she stopped, and stared at the death and destruction before her. Sansa saw the commoners tear the high sept apart, and hold his arm aloft. She covered her mouth, and closed her eyes. However, when she opened them, she saw four men converging on her location. Sansa could feel her heart threaten to burst from her chest. She turned and quickly began to retreat down the street. Seeing another man coming from a separate direction, Sansa cut into an alley to avoid them. As she desperately tried to escape, she felt somebody grab her arm. Turning around, she slapped her attacker hard. However, he slapped her back, harder. Sansa cried out in pain as she was knocked to the ground. One man got on top of her, and whispered in her ear, "Have you ever been f—ked, little girl?"

"AH!" Sansa's scream peeled through the air, and reached the ears of a certain man. Sansa was dragged back, and her pink dress was torn. The men rolled Sansa over so that she was on her back. Sansa desperately kicked, but two of the men held her legs apart. The third man grasped her arms over her head, while the fourth man ripped her small clothes off. Sansa struggled hard, but to no avail. The man between her legs began to fiddle with his belt, and finally pulled his trousers down. "Ah!" Sansa let out one more distressed cry, before the man who was about to rape her was suddenly pulled off of her.

Sansa stiffened as she watched him hover in mid-air, his hands clutching at his throat. But there was nothing wrapped around his neck.  He was clawing at something that was not there.  When Sansa saw who was behind him, she gasped. Loki was standing at the entrance to the hidden alley. But that was not what was scaring Sansa so much. It was the fact that Loki was blue! His normally pale skin was a beautiful cerulean shade, and his green eyes were the color of rubies. His hand was stretched out, and he seemed to be choking the life out of her almost rapist. A second later, the man's throat caved in, and he vomited blood. The two men holding Sansa's legs let go, and attempted to escape. Loki caught the second man, and flipped him, before he slammed him head first into the stone floor. There was a loud snap as his neck broke. The third man drew a knife, and he attempted to stab Loki. The god side stepped his thrust, disarmed him, and turned the blade on its owner. Sansa winced as Loki stabbed him repeatedly, causing blood to spurt onto his golden armor, and black leather. When he dropped the dead man to the ground, the final attacker grabbed Sansa by her hair, and tried to haul her to her feet. Loki moved faster than the normal eye could see, and he was soon upon the scoundrel. Driving his forearm into his throat, he gripped the hand that was tangled in Sansa's fiery locks. With a simple twist, he broke his wrist, causing him choke as his screams were muffled in his collapsed esophagus.

He let go of Sansa, and Sansa scrambled away to safety, Loki put his hands on both sides of the man's face. His eyes widened in agony as Loki's acid, Frost Giant skin, burned his own. Sansa watched with wide eyes, as Loki finally reached into the man's mouth, and ripped out his tongue. She covered her eyes and whimpered. Loki dropped the man, and looked at the muscle in his hand. He frowned, and tossed it to the side. The man was crawling along the ground, in Sansa's direction, his good hand stretched out towards her. She could not see, but Loki could. He growled and stomped his foot on the man's lower back. Kicking him onto his side, Loki knelt down, and drove a dagger into the man's stomach. He took hold of Loki's arm, and gripped it tightly. Loki looked him in the eyes as he drew the blade through his innards, and eviscerated him. The last attacker expired, his hand dropping from Loki's arm. The god stood up, and wiped the dagger clean before sheathing it in his gauntlet.

Turning to where Sansa was cowering, Loki approached. Sansa lowered her hands, and stared up into Loki's red eyes. He did not say anything to her. Nothing needed to be said. Without touching her bare skin, he gathered her legs in one arm, and cradled her upper body in the other. Sansa was pressed to his chest, holding on tightly to the green shirt he was wearing beneath. That was when she hid her face there, and sobbed. Loki started to turn around, but the sound of footsteps reached his ears. He faced forward, and saw the Hound at the entrance to the alley. The two rivals looked at each other. The Hound's eyes were wide as he stared at the real Loki. The god knew that was what he was looking at, so he leaned forward, and hissed angrily. With that, he and Sansa disappeared in a puff of green smoke.

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