Chapter 3 - Chess Masters

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The hall where Tywin led Loki, was high and rather cold in its appearance. The arching windows opened out to the sea, but there was no warmth to be had. Fur rugs were on the floor, and red banners, with golden lions on them hung from the walls. A table was set out, with roast meats, wine, bread, and vegetables upon it. As Tywin waved the servants away, Loki's green eyes scanned the area. He saw several paintings on the walls of Tywin in armor, riding a horse, or chasing a lion. A few other pictures were of him with a beautiful woman, and Loki knew she was his wife. Other pictures were of her with a golden haired boy and girl. In the final picture, she was missing, and three children were there. The boy, the girl, and a rather ugly looking baby in a basket. "Your wife died in child birth, sir?" Loki asked as he approached the fireplace. Tywin glanced up, and saw that Loki's eyes were roving over the portraits.

"Very astute of you to say that. What makes you think she's dead?" Tywin queried. Loki glanced at him, and he was giving him the 'must I elaborate' look.

"You're a young man in these earlier pictures. Then, you're married. You were clearly in love with her. She's in every picture; until this last one with three children. The baby is... interesting to look at," Loki explained. Tywin watched him say this to him with a neutral expression on his face. "Seems like something went wrong, and you lost your wife; but, she gave you another child."

"If you could call him that," Tywin said dryly as he indicated a chair across from him before the fireplace. Loki approached it, sat down, and took a very relaxed position before the noble. Tywin looked him up and down quickly. He was tall, and lithe. Nimble as well, considering how he was able to avoid all those soldiers. And strong. He defeated the Mountain with an ease Tywin had never seen before.

"You don't like him," Loki stated, leaning forward slightly, his green eyes twinkling. Tywin nodded, and waved his hand. Two servants stepped forward at that time, one carrying a small table, and the other, a chess board.

"You play?" Tywin asked. The smirk that spread across Loki's face was instantaneous. The mischievous glint in his eyes made Tywin's brow quirk up.

"I dabble," Loki responded coolly as they took their pieces. He commandeered the ones made of black pearl, and Tywin Lannister took the ones made of diamonds. "How about this," Loki suggested, and Tywin Lannister looked up as he took a cup of wine. "When we each remove a piece from the board, we ask a question, and the other must answer honestly."

"A wager of sorts," Tyrin clarified, and Loki waved his hand. "So you're a sporting man?"

"Have you taken one of my pieces?" Loki asked mischievously as he also accepted a cup of spiced wine. Tywin had to smile slightly, and his hand hovered over his pawns. Loki paused for a split second, before he advanced his one knight. Tywin raised an eyebrow, and glanced up at him. Loki grinned.

"It is very rare that somebody's first move is with a piece other than their pawn," Tywin commented.

"I do things differently than most," Loki responded. Tywin moved one of his pawns, and Loki advanced his second knight. Tywin's brow furrowed. Another pawn was moved, and Loki captured it with his sept piece. Tywin frowned, and glanced up at him. "You were so concentrated on my knights, that you did not see the bishop."

"The what?" Tywin asked, confused.

"That's what we call them where I come from," Loki lightly elaborated as he removed Tywin's piece from the board. "Now, my first question: where am I?"

Tywin's lips puckered, right before he said, "Westeros. It is divided into seven kingdoms." Loki nodded and watched as Tywin moved another pawn. Loki's knight advanced, and Tywin captured it with another pawn. Loki's face still maintained his slightly amused expression as Tywin placed his knight beside the board.

"Where are you from?" Tywin asked. Loki knew how to take shortcuts, and even though he told Tywin they would answer each other honestly, he was of course lying.

"The land I come from is far away yours. The name is so difficult to pronounce, that I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to, even if you tried," Loki said, resting his chin in his hand. Tywin remained completely straight faced. Obviously, Tywin suspected that was the only answer he was going to get out of him. The game progressed, with Loki and Tywin in turn, removing an equal amount of pieces.

After Tywin took one of Loki's, he asked, "Was your father of noble birth?" A snort escaped Loki as he took a sip of his wine. He put the cup down and looked back at Tywin.

"You can say that, yes. They were both born from rich bloodlines," Loki said in a slightly icy tone of voice. Tywin leaned back and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"They? You have two fathers?"

"Did you just take another piece?" Loki countered as he calmly removed a bishop from the board. "Now. What position of power do you hold in this realm?" Tywin's head snapped up. That was a very pointed question, and all of Loki's questions before that moment had been basic. It had been Tywin who had been getting personal.
"A powerful position. This country, and its king, are in debt up to its ears to me. The Lannisters are also tied to the crown by marriage. My daughter, Cersei, is married to King Robert of House Baratheon. And my elder son is in the Kingsguard," Tywin answered. He moved another piece forward, and Loki snagged it with his rook. Placing it on his side of the board, he put his fingers in the steeple position.

"What about your younger child?" Loki queried.

"Why do you care?" Tywin challenged. Loki's finger went up, and Tywin knew what he was thinking. He sighed, and leaned back in his chair. "He's a dwarf. He killed his mother when he was born. Tearing her open." Loki cocked his head to one side. Apparently, this was another 'golden son/cast off son' situation. The elder son was clearly the favorite; while the younger was scorned because of his height, and what happened to his mother. Loki smirked a little as he made his final move; deciding that when he met this younger son, they just might be friends.

"Well, Tywin of House Lannister, this has proven to be a fascinating game, but, alas, it has come to a close," Loki said, and Tywin surveyed the board. One of Loki's pawns had his king cornered. "Checkmate."

"Ha! You ignored them for most of the game, and in the end, they are the ones that bring you the victory," Tywin commented as he held up his cup of wine to Loki. Loki grabbed his own goblet, and they clinked them together. "Welcome to Westeros, Ser Loki."

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