Chapter 16 - Subterfuge

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Loki enjoyed teaching Arya immensely, but when her other dancing master from Braavos arrived, Loki told her he would have to attend to other matters for a while. Those matters were: learning how somebody as inept at ruling as Robert, had become King of Westeros. Loki knew that the sealed Hall of Records, where only people like Baelish, Eddard, and Varys (the Spider) were allowed to go, must be the place where he could find the deepest, darkest secrets of this realm. Loki stole off in the dead of night and made his way through the halls, quieter than Death himself. When he reached the doors, he saw the guards standing outside, waiting for anybody to try to break in. Loki smirked. He was not just anybody. Loki cloaked himself with an invisible field, and walked right in between them. However, before he entered, he turned around, and waved his hands, causing them to inexplicably slip up. Loki chuckled to himself as he fazed through the door, and entered the Hall of Records. He reappeared on the other side, and looked around. It looked a little like a bee hive, with nooks where scrolls were curled up inside. Shelves stretched up to the ceiling, and ladders reached up that high. Loki smirked, his hands hovering over the old paper. He inhaled, and the scent filled his lungs. "Now, where to begin?" Loki wondered as he pulled a scroll out of its nook.

Loki read about the First Men, and how they drove the Wildlings up North, and built a wall to separate them. Loki felt sorry for the Wildlings and decided that he would not just return this realm to its proper place among Yggdrasil's branches, but he would also educate these people against intolerance. Loki paused and let the scroll roll itself up as he thought about that. He was not proud of being a Frost Giant, so, he could see how he was being a little bit of a hypocrite. He had tried to obliterate them, because he wanted to erase any trace of what he really was. Loki knew that these people had no idea what a Frost Giant was, but if they saw him for what he was, they would hunt him down. Loki finished reading the scroll, and put it away. He moved on to another one, and found that it had the seal of a dragon on it. It was dusty, like it had been neglected for a very long time. Loki broke the seal on it, and opened it, revealing a long family tree. In the faded ink at the top, Loki read the name of the family that used to rule Westeros. "Targaryens. The House of Dragons. Fire and blood. Kings of the Andals and the First Men. The family's power really began with Aegon I, the Conqueror. The last king was Aerys II, the Mad King." Loki continued to read to himself, seeing that Aerys was killed by his own Kingsguard, Jaime Lannister. Loki had to smirk. He had heard the term 'Kingslayer' applied to the knight, but had kept himself above asking why. Now he knew. Loki continued reading. In the scroll, it described how the Targaryens met their end. Rhaegar was killed in battle; while his wife, a lady of house Martell, and their two children, were brutally murdered by the Mountain. The only Targaryens to survive the hostile takeover, were Viserys Targaryen, and his younger sister, Daenarys Targaryen. They were now living across the Narrow Sea, under the protection of Illyrio Mopatis.

"Fascinating," Loki muttered as he put the scroll away, and went looking for another. He soon found a book that said "The Battle of Kings Landing". Loki opened it, and began to read the details of the final combat that took place between the rebels, led by Robert of House Baratheon; and those loyal to Aerys of House Targaryen. Loki's eyes skimmed over the battle tactics that were used on both sides. It was a long and desperate battle, with Aerys calling for the traitors to be burned. Loki wondered how a man could go that crazy. And then he remembered that Aerys was an inbred, the offspring of a union between brother and sister. Loki could feel his meal threatening to come up. Loki was not easily nauseated by anything, but the idea of a brother and a sister lying with each other? That was too much for the trickster. Loki shook his head, and read about how Eddard Stark found Jaime Lannister sitting on the throne, the dead king's body a few feet away. The loyal Stark told the Lannister to get off the throne, and once it was vacated, held it for Robert Baratheon. Loki closed the book, and some dust flew. Loki waved his hand to dispel it, before he stroked his chin. The only reason that Robert Baratheon had the throne, was because of right of conquest. It was clear as paint that he did not possess the cunning intellect to be an efficient ruler.

Loki knew that Frigga said his mission was to restore Westeros to its rightful place among the other realms. Loki knew that with its current monarchy, it would not work. Loki had to put the true ruler of Westeros on the Iron Throne. And that person, was one of the Targaryens across the Narrow Sea. Loki grinned. He would have to use his powers to make the journey, and then, he would have to watch the siblings, see which one was a better candidate. Yes, Loki was not going to assume that Viserys was going to be king just because he was older, and a boy. Daenerys had just as much right to the Iron Throne as he did. And so, Loki would analyze and observe the both of them, and decide which one would be better. Loki raised his head when he heard the sound of the guards switching outside. They mentioned to their compatriots what happened previously, and that was when Loki heard the key in the lock. He vanished in a puff of green smoke, and when they got the door open, all they saw in the Hall of Records, was dusty books, and ill-used scrolls.

Loki left a note for Sansa and Arya the next morning. He bypassed Septa Mordane, and left it in the chamber that they shared. He crouched in the window frame, and glanced between them. Arya's mouth was hanging open, and a little saliva was hanging out. Loki snickered, and wiped it away gently. Her brown hair was a mess on the pillow, and her one foot was hanging out from under the covers. Loki tucked it back in, and turned around to look at Sansa. Her fiery red hair was neatly up in a braid, but several strands had escaped during the night. Her one hand was gripping the covers, and her soft, pink lips were trembling. Loki lightly touched her cheek, sensing that she was having a bad dream. He breathed upon her, and Sansa's grip on the blankets immediately vanished. "You do not deserve ill dreams. Sleep well, little wolf," he whispered to her. Afterward, Loki placed the message on the dresser between them. He looked between the two girls, and he cast a protective spell over them. Nothing: no person, or animal, could hurt them while he was away.

Your love for them has grown. As a father, you would not see any harm befall them. That also holds true for Myrcella and Tommen Baratheon. Remember, my son, that they are the future of the realm you will help to change. Secure it for them, Loki heard Frigga's voice say in head. Loki placed his hand over his heart.

"I swear on my life, I would suffer harm myself, than see any happen to them," Loki said. A wind blew through the room, and that caused the Stark girls to wake up. They looked around, but the chamber was empty. Sansa saw the note on the nightstand, and took it up. Arya rubbed her eyes, and stretched.

"It is from Ser Loki," Sansa said, and Arya straightened up. She hopped over to her sister's bed, and made a move to snatch it from her, but Sansa brushed her hand away.

"I want to read it!" Arya whined.

"Well, I will read it," Sansa responded. She cleared her throat and began.

"To the esteemed daughters of Eddard Stark: Sansa & Arya,

I must go away for a time on a matter of great, personal business. Know that you will be safe in my absence. I would never leave you without a shield. Remember what I have told you about the court: it is a den of depraved souls. Sansa, have a care. Your beauty makes you a desirable wife, and your father would not willingly part with you, especially not to any rich fool. Arya, stick with your training. Despite the fact that Master Syrio and I do not always agree on certain matters, I believe he will be the best advisor to you while I am away.

Do not tell your father or your septa about this note. I fear they might consider it inappropriate, and they will try to put an end to our friendship when I return. I have left warning for his majesty, so that should be enough to assuage them. I will bring you back souvenirs from my journey, and I hope to see positive changes when I return. Arya, keep practicing with that Needle of yours. You'll have enough experience soon to rival my old friend from back home. Sansa, I have a commission for you. Sew me a handkerchief, with the symbol I have designed for you at the bottom of this message. Black silk, green borders, and the sigil in gold. I have faith in you.

Well, my ladies, I must depart. Until I return, know that I will think of you always.

Your knight,

Ser Loki Sells-sword."

Sansa folded up the note, and glanced at Arya. The younger girl pouted slightly, but sighed after a moment. "He'll be back. He promised," Arya said confidently as she climbed out of Sansa's bed, and began to dress. Meanwhile, Sansa looked at the picture he had drawn in the bottom, left hand corner of the note. It was a horned helmet, unlike any she had ever seen. Sansa brought the paper up to her nose, and inhaled the faint scent of leather, and frost. Wait? Loki smelled like frost?

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