Chapter 78 - No Sobriety

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Loki returned that night after making a deal with Balon Greyjoy, a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew that soon, Robb Stark was going to have to confront the elephant in the room and meet with Walder Frey and discuss his reasons for marrying someone who was not his daughter. That was when Loki was going to expose Roose Bolton as the traitor he was, and remove all the rats from the Stark nest. Loki rubbed his hands and loved how everything was going according to plan. That was when he heard the sound of something breaking in the dining room. Loki's head snapped in that direction and he was there in an instant. Pushing the door open so hard it slammed against the wall, Loki saw Sansa standing beside the table, a glass broken on the floor. She was holding another in her hand and swaying visibly. "Ah! There you are!" she said, her voice sounding a little thick and slurred like syrup. Loki glanced around the room and saw a small cask on the dining table. An Asgardian rune was carved into it and Loki's eyebrow went up.

"Sansa... where did you find that cask?" he asked, pointing to it. Sansa turned to look at it, her eyes narrowing as she tried to focus. Spinning back to face Loki, she smiled.

"Why...? I found it in the cellar. Oh wait! Do we have a cellar? This place does seem to be all one floor..." Sansa said, her words dragging out a little. Before she tipped the cup back and took another drink.

"Sansa, that is a special mixture I brewed. It's basically Asgardian mead, stronger than any alcohol this realm has to offer. It's meant to get the gods drunk!" Loki said, coming around the table and reaching for the glass in her hand. Sansa held it just out of his reach, a mischievous smirk on her face.

"Come on! Don't spoil my fun. You're always off having fun, and I'm stuck here, doing absolutely fu-" Sansa started to say before Loki covered her mouth with his hand.

"I will not have you soil those pretty pink lips of yours with a word like that," he told her firmly. He could feel Sansa grinning beneath his hand, before she bit down on his palm. "Ouch," he said, very calmly as he looked at the damaged skin. Her teeth marks were now marring the white palm of his hand. Sansa licked her lips, getting the blood that had smeared itself there.

"You taste like snow," she told him, and Loki's eyebrow quirked up.

"I'm pretty sure blood tastes like iron. Cause there is a small percentage of it in the human body," Loki retorted as he reached over once again for the glass. Sansa splashed him in the face, and laughed as the alcohol slid down Loki's cheeks and neck, getting under his collar. Loki blinked a few times before he took some of the mead into his mouth. "How much of this did you drink before I got home?" he asked her seriously. Sansa cocked her head to one side and closed her left eye as she pondered this.

"I drank... um... three and a half glasses...? I think," Sansa said and Loki choked.

"Three and a half?! That would have knocked out the Mountain. Give me that cask!" Loki ordered, snatching it from the table and tucking it under his arm. Sansa eyed him and began to walk in his direction.

"Maybe I'm stronger than the Mountain. I can take it," Sansa said and Loki shook his head.

"Believe me, I'm stumped as to why you're still in the drunken ranting stage, instead of the drunken stupor stage. But this ends now, and you are going to take an ice cold bath," Loki ordered, walking out of the dining room and back towards the wash room. Sansa followed him, with Alfie weaving his way between them, meowing as he went. Loki arrived at the bathtub, hefted the cask to his shoulder, and started the cold tap. Turning around, he found Sansa standing right in front of him, her dress partially off her shoulder, revealing beautifully pale skin. She lowered it even more, showing off some breast before Loki stopped her. "Sansa, enough."

"But, this is what you want. Ever since you saw me in Winterfell, you've wanted me," Sansa told him, leaning in close. Loki could feel her hot breath on his neck, and he could smell the strong scent of mead.

"No, you've wanted me ever since Winterfell. I've only started wanting you since Kings Landing," Loki countered dryly, with a small ounce of truth to that statement. He wanted Sansa like a man possessed, but he wanted her. Not this drunk copy. And he wanted her when she was ready, and not a second sooner. Sansa brought him back to reality by encircling her arms around his neck. She drew his head down to her level, but Loki resisted. "Enough, Sansa! You're drunk."

"I'm more fun when I'm drunk. Don't you agree? I'm more likely to let you take me to bed," Sansa admitted, biting on Loki's ear. He pulled away and that was when the back of his legs hit the rim of the tub. Loki made the cask of mead vanish before he gathered Sansa into his arms. They both hit the freezing cold water at the same time. Loki was not bothered by the cold. Never had been. Sansa on the other hand... "By the gods! Sweet Mother and Maiden!" Sansa exclaimed when they resurfaced and her wet, red hair clung to her skull. Sansa looked at Loki and saw he was laughing. He slicked his hair out of his face and leaned against the back of the tub. She squeaked and scrambled out of the tub as fast as her wet dress would allow her. Of course, said sopping wet dress was half hanging off her body, and Loki caught a glimpse of a pink, erect nipple and he heaved a tired sigh. "What did I say? What did I do?" Sansa asked hurriedly as she fixed her dress and reached for a towel.

"Um, you said many things, and you splashed mead in my face," Loki responded as he crossed his legs at the knee as they dangled over the edge of the bath. Sansa looked horrified at this thought and Loki chuckled.

"I am so sorry! I don't know what came over me," Sansa said as she began to rub herself dry. Loki laughed, silently praising the miracle of ice water. He climbed out of the bath and let the water out before he walked over to Sansa. She knew he was coming and she kept her eyes focused on the ground. Loki put his hand under her chin and raised it until she was looking at him.

"You were drunk, Sansa. A side of you I never thought I would experience. But, you did hold your liquor. At least for right now. We'll see what tomorrow brings. More than likely, a hangover," Loki informed her and Sansa moaned, putting her hand to her forehead.

"But what did I say? You're avoiding that," Sansa said and Loki closed his mouth. "That bad, huh?" she asked.

"Well...? You said that I wanted you, and that in your current plastered state, you were more than willing to let me take you to bed," Loki answered and Sansa paled. Loki's brow furrowed, thinking she was afraid that he would actually follow through on that statement.

"Did I promise you my maidenhead?" Sansa asked timidly and Loki shook his head.

"No, Sansa. You did not. But, even if you did, I would not take it from you," Loki told her. Sansa looked up at him, a questionable look on her face. Loki gently pulled the shoulder of her dress up before he continued, "A true gentleman would never use a woman when she is not in possession of her senses. Both man and woman must be in control (and coherent) when an important decision like that is reached. After all, love making is an intimate affair, and should only be done with somebody you truly love." Loki whispered the last sentence to Sansa before he made a move to leave. Sansa caught is arm and he paused. She was just staring at where her delicate fingers were grasping Loki's muscular arm through his wet shirt. Sansa finally looked back at him.

"And have you?" Loki raised his eyebrow, not sure where she was going. "Have you had this intimate affair with Daenerys Targaryen?" Sansa queried. Loki's eyes would have widened if he had not controlled his reaction. Sansa was really concerned that he had made love to Daenerys Targaryen. Loki had known that Daenerys most certainly wanted to do it with him, but he did not feel the same like her. She was more like a little sister to him, not a possible lover. So, he shook his head. Sansa visibly relaxed and Loki felt a small flame of triumph burn within him.

"No, Sansa. You see, I love Daenerys, but not like that. That love, belongs to another." Sansa's blue eyes snapped up at him just as he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek. With that, Loki left Sansa standing in thewashroom, the water dripping onto the floor.

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