Chapter 122 - Attempted Truce

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The sun had just risen from out of the west, and the golden rays had just touched the walls of Kings Landing. The Lannister soldiers were on the ramparts, watching and waiting. With the fall of Lannisport and Casterly Rock and the treachery of the Tyrells, Tywin had been positive that the third siege of Kings Landing was coming. The gates had been closed to prevent people from leaving and telling their enemies what was going on in the city. Everyone was restless and irritable. Crime had gone up even with the instated curfew, and there were food shortages because the Tyrells had withdrawn their support. Somehow, Mace Tyrell had been spirited out of the city, and then Lord Varys had disappeared. "Are enemies are everywhere," Cersei said as she and Tywin looked out over their kingdom.

"We are in a cage of our own making," Tywin said ruefully and Cersei glared at him.

"We are the rightful rulers and Westeros and everyone is against us!" she hissed angrily. Tywin knew she was not reasonable by nature. Whatever Cersei wanted, she would go through hell and high water to get it, and damnation to anyone who tried to stop her.

"Yes, but we could have cultivated better relationships with other families. Maybe if we had, we wouldn't be alone in this final fight. For... we are alone," Tywin stated and Cersei paused at this. When she looked back out, she stiffened.

"Father." That one word drew Tywin to the window and he looked where his daughter was and saw the approaching ships. They were all flying the Greyjoy kraken, but a few had the banners of the Targaryen dragon. Of course, that was when everyone heard a screech, and they saw them. People screamed that the end was here. Dragons had come! A pounding at the door made them spin around.

"Enter!" Tywin shouted and Ser Meryn Trant came crashing through the door. He bobbed his head and tried to catch his breath.

"My lord and queen! There is an army of Wildlings and Northerners approaching from the land side!" he declared and Tywin blinked several times as he tried to comprehend what Trant had just said. Wildlings and the Northerners working together? Was he really that terrible a foe that lifelong enemies like the Men of the North and the Wildlings were joining forces to defeat him?

"Has there been any sign of a flag of truce?" Tywin asked, keeping a mask on his emotions.

"Not yet, my lord. The ships are coming closer, but they were still out of range of our catapults and archers. The same for the army attacking from the land," Ser Meryn said. Tywin nodded before he walked away from Cersei.

"Have my page prepare my armor and have a party assembled. I will be the first to advance under a flag of truce," Tywin said and Cersei gripped his arm. He gave her look, but she was glaring right back at him.

"You mean to treat with these traitors and murders? This is our city-!"

"And I'm trying to make sure that it stays our city!" Tywin roared back. Cersei was actually cowed and stepped back with her mouth hanging open. "You are not a commander! You do not know how to lead armies, and frankly, you do not know how to play the long game!" Cersei looked horrified that her father was saying those things to her. He turned away from her and walked passed Ser Meryn Trant and out of the chamber.

Loki was standing beside Daenerys Targaryen on the deck of the lead ship in Yara's fleet, the Reaper. Tyrion was present, along with Ser Jorah, Ser Barristan, and Daahrio Naharis. Daenerys caught sight of Kings Landing, and she could not stop the tears that pricked her eyes. "My capital," she said and Tyrion slipped his hand into hers.

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