Chapter 110 - Two Bastards

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Jon Snow rode his weary horse, knowing he was close to Castle Black. He would warn them. Tell them what happened to his company, the fate of the Lord Commander, and the approaching army of Wildlings. "You won't get far in your state," called a voice and Jon Snow fell from his horse. "Ouch." He raised his head and saw Loki Frostborn approaching him. He tried to roll over, but caused himself too much pain from his arrow wound. Jon Snow could only wince and wait for Loki to reach him.

"You going to make yourself useful?" he challenged when Loki knelt beside him. The god tilted his head and smirked at Jon Snow.

"Don't I always?" he queried in return as he gripped the arrow and pulled it out. Jon Snow jerked violently, but Loki's firm hand on his back kept him under control. "No infection. Well... you must have done something right," Loki assured him as he removed the inhibiting layers of clothing.

"Oh, thanks for the compliment," Jon Snow shot back and Loki snickered. It was rather like arguing with a brother, a younger brother obviously. Loki paused in his studying of the wound as he contemplated this. Another brother? Had he not had his fill of brothers? Loki shook his head and went back to making sure Jon Snow did not die. "How did you find me?" Jon asked.

"I was looking for you," Loki responded smartly as he allowed his magic to flow from his fingers into Jon's body to heal any and all his injuries. Jon's almost black-like eyes glowed green for a moment before they went back to their normal color. "There. My magic has healed you," Loki informed him as he handed him his stained undershirt and fur cover up. Jon was quick to put it back on, eyeing Loki as if he expected him to disappear in an instant. Instead, the god sat before him, perched on the edge of a rock, with his chin resting in his hand. "Don't worry. I'm not leaving. I wanted to talk to you," the god guaranteed him.

"Why?" Jon asked and Loki sighed.

"I find that most Starks ask the most stupid and obvious questions. And I'm including another Stark of my acquaintance in that grouping," Loki said dourly.

"Am I the only one who read the manual?"

Well, duh! Loki thought to himself as he recalled that particular memory of a very annoying, armored mortal. Jon Snow cleared his throat and this made Loki glance over at him again. "Sorry, just thinking."

"Well, did you want to help me get back to Castle Black? My presence is rather required as there is a Wildling army advancing upon it," Jon Snow reminded and Loki waved his hand. "Don't behave like you don't care! Castle Black is a necessity and one you can't afford to live without!"

"Oh, you overestimate its value in my eyes. I understand your need for 'the Wall', but its purpose still makes my stomach turn," Loki interrupted dryly and he eyed Jon Snow with a raised brow.

"Its purpose is to protect the kingdom of Westeros," Jon stated and Loki all but smacked his hand against his forehead.

"That's the official title the Wall has. But if you read the fine print underneath it says, 'Also to keep the innocents on the wrong side of the wall out'," Loki said and Jon paused. "Come on, I know you've become friendly with the Wildlings and they are the innocents on the wrong side of the Wall. What did they ever do to deserve being cut off from Westeros like that?" Loki challenged and Jon did not have an answer. Of course he knew that Loki was right. What right had the Andals and the First Men to put up a wall and keep them out? "Besides, we're going to need the Wildlings in the coming months," Loki finished and Jon raised his eyebrow.

"Months? What do you have planned?" Jon asked as he washed the blood from his back and shoulder from the nearby brook.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know...?" Loki countered and he grinned. "Anyway, my plans do require you to depart from Castle Black and travel south, to Kings Landing." Jon's head snapped up at this and Loki looked at him hard. "That won't be a problem, will it?"

"A problem? Yes, it will be a problem! I'm a sworn brother to the Watch! I leave Castle Black, they'll hunt me down and bring me back to behead me!" Jon shouted, wondering how Loki could have missed that little factor. Loki yawned, clearly not interested in what Jon was trying to say to him.

"Not if I produce a piece of paper that says 'By order of the king, Jon Snow has been released from his oath to the Nights Watch.' You honestly thought I hadn't considered this? I consider every alternative and every means to exploit the system," Loki said, magically conjuring a piece of paper in his hand.

"An oath is still an oath," Jon insisted and Loki snorted indignantly.

"Ah! Your stupid and antiquated sense of honor! I can tell you exactly where it got Ned Stark!" Loki mocked. He was angry at this point. He usually eventually got through the thickest skinned people to make them see how his way was the way to go. These Westerosi seemed to know all the tricks for irritating him. "Honor has a place and time! Now is not it! If you ever want to see your family again, you will follow every instruction I give you to the letter! I swear! Robb doesn't give me any trouble at all!" Loki snapped angrily. Jon Snow seemed thoroughly cowed by Loki's outburst. Up until that instant, Loki had always been calm and controlled as he gave his orders, but this was the first time Jon Snow had actually seen him angry. "I am trying to move realms, Jon Snow! Do you have any idea how difficult that is when the majority is fighting you at every turn?" Jon Snow shook his head and Loki sighed, running his long fingers through his hair. "You will do this because your family needs you to. Once I give the word, you will leave Castle Black with all who are loyal to you. Trust me when I say this, the reward will be worth all the trouble you will face." Jon Snow seemed to understand the need to end the conversation at that juncture and Loki sighed loudly. "I'll even be nice and transport you back to Castle Black. See? I'm such a wonderful person," Loki sneered the last part out and waved his hand. Jon Snow disappeared and Loki rolled his eyes. I never have this much trouble with Robb Stark, he thought to himself. Loki was quick to return to the portis satis tuto after that.

Sansa looked up and smiled when Loki walked into their bedroom, his tread heavy as he slowly removed his minimal armor plates. "How did it go with my brother?" Sansa queried and Loki let out an exasperated sound to give her an idea of how it went.

"He's an honorable asshole. He was lucky he got out of that meeting with everything intact," Loki informed her as he finally took his boots off and climbed on the bed. He traveled up to her, straddled her body, kissed her deeply, before he flopped down beside her on the mattress. Sansa put her book of Shakespeare plays aside and curled up next to him. Her fingers sought his bare skin beneath his shirt and she soon started tracing patterns with her nails.

"Honor is a Stark trait. I'm sorry; but not everybody is as flexible as you," Sansa lovingly told him, lightly pressing a kiss to his jawline.

"You seem to be alright," Loki pointed out and Sansa pouted for an instant.

"Well, you did put all your evil genius into turning me. I think you actually worked overtime," Sansa said with a wicked gleam in her eye. Loki studied her for a second and then he smirked.

"It did take many of my considerable tricks to makeyou the minx you are today. I'm quiteproud of myself," Loki admitted and Sansa punched his shoulder. He captured her chin in his strong fingersand gently brought her mouth to his. Theirkiss was tender and gentle.

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