Chapter 7 - Arrangements Made

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Sansa walked down the hallways of her family's castle, carrying a blue dress she had made herself, that she was going to wear that evening. Obviously, there was going to be a feast to celebrate the king's safe arrival, and to wish him good health. Sansa knew that Prince Joffrey was going to be there, but, she was also wondering if Loki would be present. Whispers from the servants, and even her septa had confirmed that he was a dangerous man. However, King Robert Baratheon seemed to trust him, and Loki had quite a bit of free rein to do what he wanted. Sansa blushed slightly as she thought of him. He was tall, taller than her, which was a good thing. She already had quite a bit of height for her age, and she hated the idea of marrying somebody who was shorter than her, or the same height as her. Sansa folded the dress neatly over her arm, and stepped out into the courtyard. Where she was quickly startled by the sound of swords clashing. "Excellent! That was well done!" said a smooth voice, and Sansa looked up. Loki was battling with: Arya?!

"Arya!" Sansa called out, and Arya turned around. Giving Loki the perfect opportunity to slap her behind with the flat of the sword he was using. He also drew a knife and threw it in Bran's direction.  It landed a few inches from his toes, stopping him right in tracks. Rickon just watched with large eyes from the edge of the well. Sansa hurried over, picking up her skirts, and giving Arya a look. Loki saw the exchange of glances, and guessed that the sisters were not exactly the best of friends. "That is very unladylike, and you shouldn't be fighting with King Baratheon's sells-sword! My apologies, Ser Loki," Sansa immediately added afterward. Loki waved his hand.

"I've been called worse, my lady. And besides, the fencing was my idea. Arya was only too kind to allow me to practice," Loki quickly responded. Sansa frowned and cocked her head to one side.

"You practice on little girls?" she queried, and Loki heard her tone. His brow furrowed.

"Not remotely what I meant," he answered, with a frosty hint in his own voice. He gathered his weapons together, and quickly left the courtyard. He brushed by Sansa as he departed, and she could feel a coolness coming off of him. When Sansa looked back at her siblings, they were all glaring at her.

"You spoiled our fun!" Rickon accused and Sansa made a face.

"He was playing with us, and we were having a good time!" Bran continued, and Sansa could feel heat creeping up her neck.

"And he was teaching me new skills. Skills I can actually use! Unlike needle point!" Arya jabbed, and all three of Sansa's younger siblings left her standing alone in the courtyard. Sansa could not bear to be out in the open at that moment. She ran to her room, and slammed her chamber door closed. Throwing herself onto her bed, Sansa cried. Loki was just being nice to her family, and she had hinted to something awful. Of course, Sansa had heard of men who loved little girls as their playthings, but Loki had never struck her as that type. The words just slipped out. And now, she had hurt his feelings. Sansa decided that that evening, at the banquet, she would search for Loki, and apologize. She felt like she owed him the benefit of the doubt.

Loki walked among the guests at the feast in the Stark castle that night, wondering how these people could get drunk so fast. Their liquor was not even that strong. It was a little heady at best, but not potent. And yet, these people were already falling over each other, or past out on the floor. "Mortals! No wonder Mother wants me to lend a hand," Loki muttered to himself darkly. He squeezed in between two drunk Kingsguard, when he ran into Eddard Stark. The old friend of the king raised his eyebrow at Loki, and looked the young god up and down.

"So, you're the sells-sword who has wiggled your way into my king's trust," Ned said. Loki had to smirk slightly as he bowed.

"I am the sells-sword that has successfully beaten the 'best' warriors this realm has to offer," Loki said, and Ned raised an eyebrow. "Forgive me if my natural skills caught his majesty's eye. However, it has earned me the hatred of..." Loki let his sentence trail off, and Ned turned to see Ser Jaime Lannister standing behind them.

"Ser Sells-Sword! My sister, the queen, was wondering what you were doing in here," Ser Jaime asked. Loki stroked his chin thoughtfully, and made a face.

"Well, his majesty asked me to attend, and technically, I work for him. Not your sister. The queen has no sway over me," Loki said as he pushed in between the two men, and started to walk away. "Besides," Loki said, turning back around to face them, "I'm having way too much fun to go to bed now." Loki grinned and left the two men standing there. As he walked away, Loki spotted the Stark children, all sitting at a table under the dais. Arya, Bran, and Rickon all waved to him. Loki smiled and started to approach, when Sansa cut him off.

"Hello, ser," she said quickly. Loki stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened slightly. He glanced casually over Sansa's shoulder, and her three siblings were all signaling for him to ignore her, and join them. However, Loki was curious as to what Sansa was going to say to him.

"Yes, my lady?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest. Sansa swallowed and licked her lips, before she raised her big, blue eyes to look at him.

"I am sorry, Loki," Sansa told him. Loki felt like he could have been knocked over by a feather! Somebody apologized to him! A small smile appeared at the corner of Loki's mouth as he leaned in towards Sansa.

"Thank you, Sansa. I hope that we can be friends in the future," Loki whispered to her. Sansa felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Joffrey had only given her sly looks from across the table that night. Loki had just gotten closer than any man (outside of her father and brothers), had ever gotten in her life. That was when he brushed on by her, and arrived at the lower table where the rest of the Stark children were sitting.

"Did you tell her off?" Arya asked with pleasure as Loki sat between her and Bran. Glancing between the three children, Loki had to smirk.

"No, I did not tell her off." They all groaned. "She apologized for her behavior to me earlier," Loki explained and they all made a face. "What? Does she not do that often?" Loki queried.

"No, ser," Bran told him and Loki nodded his head.

"That means she probably likes you. More than the prince," Arya whispered in return and that made Loki's brow furrow.

"Well, I think anybody is better than the prince," he confided in them, and they all chuckled. However, their little tete a tete did not go unnoticed by Lady Catelyn and Robb Stark.

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