Chapter 13 - The Fathering Side

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Loki was given another reward by Ser Loras Tyrell for saving his life. Loki accepted the money, but decided to add him, and Prince Renly to his 'Watch' list. "People watching is so much more interesting here, than back home," Loki commented to himself. About a week after the joust, Loki found himself settling into a routine with King Robert. Waking up, spying, feasting, summoning the whores, hunting, feasting, and sleeping. Loki wanted to shoot Robert, but decided the stupid king should not bear the brunt of his frustration. If he wanted to give his life meaning again, he would have to find outlets for himself. Luckily, other people were willing to aid Loki in that department.

Loki found himself summoned by the septa that Princess Myrcella and Prince Tommen shared. Wearing a flowing green tunic, his soft, leather boots made no sound as he made his way to their nursery. He looked like he was unarmed, but in reality, Loki had two knives in his boots, and one strapped across his chest. His hair was combed back, and tied up to keep it out of his face. When he arrived at the door, Loki knocked on the door, and it opened. The royal septa, Hario, smiled at him. "Welcome, ser. The prince and princess are waiting for you," the septa said.

"Thank you," Loki told her. As he walked on by, he saw Hario giving him a look like she was going to eat him. "Okay..." he muttered to himself. That was before he saw Myrcella and Tommen sitting on the balcony of their nursery. They had a chair between them, out in the sunshine.

"Ser Loki!" Prince Tommen exclaimed. He jumped up, and hugged Loki around the waist. Myrcella stood up, and curtsied to Loki. Loki stroked Tommen's golden locks, and smiled at Myrcella.

"Is that anyway to greet your sage?" he queried with a smirk on his face. Myrcella also smiled, and she embraced him. Once their greetings had been exchanged, Loki sat down, and they took up cushions on the ground in front of him. "So, what do you want to hear today?"

"Tell us about your wolf son!" Tommen requested jubilantly. Loki chuckled, and looked back at Myrcella. Her hands were neatly in her lap, and her legs were pulled up under her skirts.

"Tell us about how your world is going to end," Myrcella said. Tommen made a face, and Loki leaned down, pinching his cheek lightly.

"You'll get your desire, Prince Tommen. But, I will fulfill Princess Myrcella's wish first," Loki said, as he settled into his chair. "The end of our world is not the end of the world. But the rebirth of the realms, under a ruling of new gods," Loki began to explain. "Ragnarok begins when Fenris breaks free from the chains the Aesir tricked him into wearing. Storming out, his howl will be heard throughout all the Nine Realms. Hela will release her hordes of dead souls, and they will lay waste to all in their path. Jormugandr, the Midgard Serpent, will rise from the sea, and consume the earth. Together, they march on Asgard. Odin will summon the Einherjar, and they will wage a battle across the cosmos. Odin will combat Fenris. The wolf will swallow him whole, but will then be killed by Odin's bastard son, Vioarr." Myrcella gripped Loki's knee in her hands, and Loki gently covered it with his own. "Thor will face the Midgard Serpent. He will defeat him, but die from his venom. Meanwhile, Heimdall will battle with the Trickster, and they will slay each other. In the end, all the warriors will fall, and the Nine Realms will be given to the new, young gods. And they will create a new world, from the ashes of the old," Loki said. Myrcella's lip trembled, while Tommen's eyes just widened.

"That sounds so sad," Myrcella said.

"Aren't you the Trickster?" Tommen queried, and Loki glanced at the blue eyed boy. He had called it 'his world' but he had never referred to himself by name in telling them these stories. Loki had definitely avoided using the word 'god' to describe himself. He was still trying to maintain a low profile, and saying he was the God of Mischief from the Nine Realms, would kind of blow it. Instead, Loki tilted his head and smirked at Tommen.

"What on earth made you think that?" Loki asked, and he ran his fingers through Tommen's golden hair. Loki's hand stopped mid-ruffle, and he cocked his head to one side. Golden hair? Blue eyes? Loki withdrew his hand and his eyes shifted to Myrcella. Again, golden hair, blue eyes, and finely structured cheek bones. Who else in Loki's acquaintance had facial features and physical attributes similar to them? "Well, that's enough stories for one day. Summon me again the next time you're bored," Loki told them. Standing up, he bowed to them, and left the room. As he was departing, Septa Hario took hold of his hand. Loki turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Whenever you're lonely, call for me," she whispered before she closed the door. Loki blinked a few times. He had his choice of women on Asgard, the courtesans, and even a few willing mortals when he visited Midgard. Loki could count on one hand how many women had satisfied him during his long (and colorful life). Angriboda, the Jotun sorceress, and mother of Fenris, Jormugandr, and Hela; Sigyn, the Asgardian lady-in-waiting, and mother of Vali and Nari; and Cora, the Midgardian World War II nurse. She was almost a mother, but died in labor, with his freak child. Loki chewed on his lip. Turning away, he ignored everybody as he made his way to King Robert's suite.

"Where were you?" Jaime Lannister asked, as he was already standing outside the king's door.

"That's none of your business, White Cloak," Loki informed him as he took up a position on the other side of the door.

"Listen," Jaime told him, and Loki did not have to strain his ears to hear. The king was indulging in his favorite past time. Or was it his second favorite past time? Loki honestly did not care. "He calls for them, and makes me stand outside, and forces me to listen," Jaime explained. Loki raised his eyebrow and folded his arms across his chest.

"Maybe it's because his wife has the consistency of a fish, and the cuddliness of a porcupine," Loki commented, and Jaime looked at him.

"Are you saying my sister is inadequate in fulfilling her wifely duties?" he queried. Loki's laugh came out his nose in the form of a snort. Jaime raised his eyebrow, his arms folded across his chest.

"If she was fulfilling her 'wifely duties', I'm sure there would be more bubbly children around the palace. But, if there were any more, that would be a sure giveaway," Loki commented, looking out the nearby window. Jaime Lannister glanced back at him quickly, his eyes narrowed. When Loki flicked his eyes in his direction, he grinned.

"What are you insinuating?" Jaime asked, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. Loki's eyes were drawn to the movement, and his lips quirked upwards slightly.

"Oh, I'm sure your tiny mind will figure it out eventually," Loki said dryly. Before Jaime could say anything else, Eddard Stark came up, carrying a scroll. His eyes slid between the two men, and that was when the door opened. Three women came out of the king's chamber, holding blankets around their bodies. Loki's eyebrow went up as they retreated, and he glanced back at Jaime and Ned. He simply grinned, and walked into the king's chamber.

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