Chapter 85 - Loki Meets the Vanir

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Preparing to meet the Seven Gods of Westeros was something Loki had to think about before he actually took any steps towards it. His life force had to be completely rejuvenated, and Sansa enjoyed forcing Loki to rest. Loki saw her smirking and rubbing her hands together as she made him stay in his bed and went to make him something to eat. "I've been working on frying fish in butter with herbs. It is quite tasty," Sansa said as she left.

"You're enjoying this too much," Loki pointed out dryly as he put his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling.

"I am, rather. I got a taste of power when you were injured, and I'm not giving it up again," Sansa sang back over her shoulder.

"That's what I was afraid of," Loki commented. A second later, he felt a warm weight on his stomach and glanced up. Alfie licked his paw and began washing his whiskers. "You don't like me, do you?" Loki queried, and the cat showed his teeth. "That's because we both love the same woman," Loki added and the cat slowly nodded his head. Ever since Loki had started using the cat as his familiar to observe Sansa, his personality and intelligence had rubbed off on the feline. Sansa would always love the animal, but Loki and Alfie had developed an interesting relationship. It mostly involved them ignoring each other until Loki needed to see what Sansa was doing.

"Were you talking to Alfie?" a voice asked and Loki glanced up, seeing Sansa returning with his dinner. He shrugged.

"Don't you?" Loki posed in return.

"Well, he is my cat," Sansa added.

"So you have exclusive conversational rights?" Loki asked, raising his eyebrow in his all too adorable questioning expression. Sansa huffed and put the tray down on his nightstand.

"I hate it when you do that," she admitted as she poured two cups of wine. Loki smirked and began to eat. Sure enough, the butter fried fish was yummy, and Loki complimented Sansa on her expanding cooking skills. Sansa smiled and finished working on the jacket for Loki. She held it out to him and he admired it.

"Very well done, my lady," he said and he finished eating his meal. When Sansa cleared it away, Loki lay back down and closed his eyes. Resting his hands on his chest, Loki began to inhale and exhale. He cleared his mind and that was when he heard his mother's voice again.

Remember, you go to seek answers. They are the old gods, so please! Show them some respect, Frigga advised and Loki had to snicker slightly.

When have I ever been disrespectful? he asked her.

Do you really want me to answer that? Loki decided not to grace that with an answer, and went back to focusing on his heartbeat. It slowed down. When a mage such as himself meditated like this and left their bodies behind, their mortal coils went into a coma state, using less oxygen. He would be at his weakest, which is why Loki had to make sure he was in a secure location in order to accomplish this.

By the time Sansa returned and found him like that, Loki was already outside his body. Sansa leaned over and checked his pulse to make sure that it was still beating. She breathed a sigh of relief and sat down beside him. She would wait until he came back. Sansa leaned her elbows on the mattress and eyed Alfie as he sat on the other side of Loki. "He'll be back," Sansa told the cat. Alfie responded by yawning.

When Loki entered the spirit world, he was greeted by bright light. It was a little too bright for his liking, but he brushed that aside. He was lying down in the grass so he sat back up and ran his fingers through his hair. Loki tilted his head to hear anything, but there was not even a breath of wind. Loki stood up and saw that he was looking down into a valley. Again, not a sound could be heard. A circle of stones was near the bottom and Loki decided that was a logical location. With his long legs, Loki covered the distance easily and was soon among the stones. There were seven of them, each with its own unique symbol. They were covered in moss and Loki could tell by the appearance of the stones that they were old, like the gods they stood for. "I stand before you, the mighty Seven Gods of Westeros. I am Loki Laufeyson. You might know my mother... Frigga of the Vanir. A volva of the highest order and a wielder of seidr," Loki announced. He waited in silence for a response. A minute later, nobody had acknowledged his existence. Finally, Loki felt a breath of wind, and it was like a soft caress. Closing his eyes, he smiled and waited.

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