Chapter 116 - The Iron Bank

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Loki stood in a high stone hall overlooking the port of the city of Braavos. The sunlight streamed in and the wind blew Loki's hair, at least the strands that were tied on the back of his head. Loki had chosen a Dornish style costume for his trip to Braavos: a long sleeved coat that opened up partway down his chest, and light, supple boots. Loki knew it had been time for him to put the squeeze on the Lannister regime, and paying the Iron Bank of Braavos a visit was a start.

It was the sound of the great doors opening behind him that made Loki turn around and plaster his famous smirk on his face. Three rather grim looking men entered and quietly sat in their seats. "Greetings to you, Ser Loki Frostborn. I am Tycho Nestoris; and these are my associates: Noho Dimittis, and Bessaro," the chief among them said. Loki bowed slightly before he approached their table.

"Salutations to you as well, great bankers of Braavos! I have come here to present a proposition to you," Loki announced grandly. The three men managed to remain relatively neutral in their expressions as Loki declared this. "You have the debts Tywin Lannister on your books, do you not?" Tycho Nestoris actually frowned slightly and he leaned forward.

"Why do you ask? You are not his representative," Tycho said and Loki smirked.

"No, I am not," Loki responded before he placed his hands flat on the surface of the table and leaned forward. "How long has he been in debt to you?" Their stony faces slackened a little and Loki knew that he had hit a nerve.

"Ten years. Seven years prior to that, he was able to support Robert Baratheon with his own money, but that has long since been dried up," Bessaro admitted and Loki grinned. He began his pacing again, the evil grin spread all across his face.

"His debt is bad," Loki said and the three men studied him. "What are the chances that Tywin will suddenly come up with the money to pay his debt when he's fighting a war (unsuccessfully) against all the other houses in Westeros? And when I say all the other houses, I mean all the other houses."

"So? He has bad debt. His debt is bad; we can't hope for him to ever be able to repay it," Tycho said. Loki waggled his finger and leaned back.

"So that is when you let me buy it from you," Loki said and all three men glanced at each other in surprise.

"But... you just said it was bad. That the chances of him giving you the millions of gold coin are slim to none-" Noho Dimittis said before Loki cut in.

"Who said I wanted payment the same way you do?" The three men became silent and Loki continued. "I buy Tywin's debt from you. His debt is the debt of the crown and I plan on giving the crown to someone I trust. The debt will be transferred to her, and I trust that she will be able to pay it off," Loki said. The three men of the Iron Bank began to whisper amongst themselves, discussing the offer and weighing the pros and cons. Loki waited patiently, contemplating the possibilities of literally having Tywin Lannister by the balls. Finally the three men turned to face him and Tycho Nestoris gave Loki a smile.

"We would consider this offer if you could produce something worth the debt," Tycho told him. Loki grinned before he reached into his shirt and brought out a velvet bag with a golden string.

"Inside this bag, are real specimens of dragons. Dragon scales, and teeth," Loki said. While the three dragons of Daenerys: Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion were getting past their teenage years; Loki had acquired the scales and the teeth, in a painless method. Since they were the only dragons in Westeros, they were a rarity. Anything from a dragon was worth a great deal of money. And since he had three rather large scales: one ebony, tinged with gold; one gold with a hint of green; and the last just green; he was walking around with three fortunes in his hands. Three fangs were also brought forward and Loki placed them on the table. "I got these from the three dragons of Daenerys Targaryen myself. And I can name the little buggers just by looking at their scales," Loki told the bankers. "The black one belongs to Drogon, the alpha male. The gold one belongs to Viserion, the only female of the hatchlings; and the emerald is from Rhaegal, the last male. The teeth are also priceless. All together, they more than cover the cost of Tywin Lannister's debt." Tycho Nestoris picked up Drogon's scale and admired it. The teeth were examined for spoilage but Loki knew they were perfect. He, himself, played with Rhaegal's scale, flipping it between his fingers. Daenerys had offered Loki Rhaegal as a reward when she finally had her throne. She only needed to ride one dragon, and Drogon had been chosen. Loki said he would think about it, knowing already that he would take her up on that offer.

After a moment, Tycho Nestoris, Noho Domittis, and Bessaro turned back to Loki and nodded their heads. "This is satisfactory. We will draw up the papers and we will all sign and seal them," Tycho said. Loki smirked and bowed slightly. A slave appeared a moment later with parchment, hot wax, ink and a quill. Bessaro drew up the document, explaining the details and the agreement between the Iron Bank of Braavos and Ser Loki of House Frostborn. They all signed and finally Loki put his name at the bottom. They melted wax and Loki pressed his signet ring into it: the horned helmet and a serpent. Finally, it was all official. Tycho stood up and extended his hand to Loki. "I hope to do more business with you in the future," he admitted and Loki took his hand.

"Oh, I'm counting on it," Loki responded.

Tywin received the official document from Braavos a few days after it was signed. Loki, disguised as a messenger, brought it in and placed in front of him at the small council. Cersei glanced up from her papers as Tywin opened it and began to read. Lord Varys, Mace Tyrell, and Grand Maester Pycelle were also present at the table, and they watched him closely. Tywin's face went white as a sheet and the paper fell to the table. Cersei was quick to reach over and snatch the paper up to read it herself.

"To Lord Tywin of House Lannister

Lord Protector of the Realm

And Hand of the King,

The Iron Bank of Braavos is kindly informing you that your debt with us has been given over to a person willing to continue waiting for payments. Installments must now go to Ser Loki of House Frostborn. He has purchased the entirety of your debt and is now the man you must answer to.

He has requested that we continue holding the actual currency for the time being, so we can still have dealings with your great house. No ill feelings exist between the Iron Bank of Braavos and the great Kingdom of Westeros. We simply have different goals now, and our patience has worn itself out.

This is not the official paper for the transfer of debt. This is merely a copy for your convenience.

The Iron Bank of Braavos

Tycho Nestoris

Noho Dimittis


Ser Loki of House Frostborn."

Cersei folded the letter and stared at her father. His face was buried in his hands and he was very still. "How much money are we talking about?" Cersei asked.

"You've seen the reports! You know the numbers! The Crown of Westeros is now in debt to Ser Loki of House Frostborn!" Tywin snapped. Everyone stiffened at this chilling thought. "He's got me by the balls," Tywin whispered. He snickered after a second and leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. "Well played, Ser Loki. Well played."

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